Dean`s Council Meeting

Deans’ Council Meeting
September 19, 2013
Attendees: B. Barnett, L. Chakrin, E. Saiff, S. Rosenberg, S. Rice, L. Siecke, S. Perry, C.
Romano, and E. Daffron. Guests included: R. Mentore, L. Perez Strumolo and J. Mazza.
Delaware Study Results
Faculty Lines to be searched; correct misspelling in title on chart.
Lines to be filled were reviewed.
Originally there were 7 lines, 3 will be filled and 4 lines will be held open.
Faculty attendance at online seminars – discussion on whether or not to use travel money to
reimburse faculty at online webinars.
Rob Mentore –First Year Seminar Review Committee
Having commitment by unit has guaranteed that full time faculty will participate in this
E. Daffron will make certain that Deans receive the written report from the First Year
Seminar Review Committee.
FYS committee report will be put on the next Deans’ Council Agenda for discussion.
Lysandra Perez Strumolo – Faculty Orientation and Development
Faculty Orientation – has been successful, faculty find it helpful.
Orientation program goes on for two days and is always scheduled 2 weeks before
beginning of fall semester.
Challenges include identifying new hires and reaching adjuncts hired after the
Message is not getting to faculty that this event is taking place. Need to find another
way to communicate to faculty that this is an important event.
In the future, she will reach out to J. Faber in ER and Human Resources for the most
complete list of faculty hires.
Suggestion to try and engage faculty in all college events that will be coordinated by a faculty
B. Barnett had agreed to allocate $500 to L. Perez Strumolo to be used for flash drives for
Faculty Development Use and Faculty Orientation. Deans agreed to set up a Faculty
Development Committee within their units to work with L. Perez Strumolo and J. Mazza.
Policy/Procedure 300-MM – Policy on Academic Policies
A new policy was introduced: The Policy on Academic Policies. Purpose for policy: to
communicate to the campus community on what is actually done in Provost’s Council and how
policies are reviewed and approved.
Line item 3 – change to “To whom Does this Policy Apply: All students as well as
faculty and staff at Ramapo College of New Jersey.”
Policy was approved to move to Provost’s Council.
Suggestion to send out announcement to college community on policies in review or
policies that have been approved.
Suggestion to offer rationale for policy, and identify author and approval authority
within the Provost’s Council minutes.
C. Romano suggested posting the charge of the Provost’s Council on the Provost’s
Other Business
Deans Lecture Series – Steve Rice volunteered to chair and was approved.
Deans to send Provost a list of committees on which they currently serve.
Enrollment Management (EM) Update: Files will be frozen on Friday, September 20, 2013.
Monday, September 23, the official enrollment information for the semester will be available.
The Admitted Student Questionnaire, broken down by major, will be added to the next deans’
council agenda.
Overall EM had a successful enrollment year and now have 23% more graduate students than
at this time last year.