October 26, 2012 ORF 467 Table of Contents Land Use Characteristics 3 Land use distribution Map/Summary Tables Demographics and Quality of Life Demand for Transportation Trip Generation 7 7 Trip Productions and Attractions Trips Type Purposes Home-based Work Home-based Education Home-based Shop/Dine/Recreation/Other Non-Home-based Summary Trip Production and Attraction Tables Trip Distribution 11 Trip Arrays Generation Trip Arrays for Trip types Summary of Trip demand PersonTripLengthDistribution Analysis Homebased Work Transportation Demand Implications 1/D Gravity Model 1/sqrt(D) Gravity Model Person Trip Length Trip Length Distribution 2 Land Use Distribution and other Fundamental Characteristics DD’s City of Delights is a square area of land totaling 102.4 square miles. It supports approximately 70% developed space and 30% undeveloped space (i.e. water and open space). The developed space is then further divided into areas of residential, commercial, recreational, educational and other types of land use. DD’s is characterized by mass urban development: it supports many land zones used for manufacturing, transportation, and commericial purposes. At its center is a large rectangular sized theme park, modeled after Disney’s theme park (thus the city’s name). The table below summarizes the city’s total land use. Land type Commercial Light Manufacturing Heavy manufacturing Agriculture Public office Recreational Restaurants Water Open space Theme park Educational Hotels Transportational Center Light residential Medium residential Large residential Very large residential Map Color # Sq. Miles % of total land 4.6 4.49% 6.7 6.54% 7 6.84% 2.4 2.34% 2.3 2.25% 3.2 3.13% 2 1.95% 16.6 16.21% 15.2 14.84% 4.9 4.79% 2.2 2.15% 2.4 2.34% 2.5 2.44% 5 4.88% 7.6 7.42% 8.4 8.20% 9.4 9.18% Total land 102.4 Undeveloped Space Developed Space Population/Sq. Miles 1,500 6,000 9,000 300 500 500 500 0 0 2,500 800 600 1,000 5,000 7,750 8,750 10,000 Land Use Capacity 6,900 40,200 63,000 720 1,150 1,600 1,000 0 0 12,250 1,760 1,440 2,500 25,000 58,900 73,500 94,000 100.00% 31.8 70.6 31.05% 68.95% Below is the map of DD’s. The numbers on the zones correspond to their index in later production and attraction arrays. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 14 42 15 43 16 17 13 2 3 18 19 40 41 44 20 46 4 61 39 5 45 21 6 46 22 47 48 38 7 23 24 25 50 37 62 49 36 26 51 52 53 54 35 8 27 55 34 29 9 10 11 57 56 28 31 30 30 30 58 33 59 60 32 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 59 59 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 KEY 168 152 49 50 76 84 94 46 67 70 24 21 32 22 25 24 20 Water Open space Donald Duck Theme Park Light Residential Medium Residential Large Residential Very Large Residential Commercial Light Manufacturing/Industrial Heavy Manufacturing/Industrial Agriculture Public Buildings Other Recreational Educational Transportation Center Hotels Restaurants 1024 3 Demographics Residential Light residential Medium residential Large residential Very large residential Total Employment Commerc ial Light Manufac turing Heavy manufac turing Agric ulture Public offic e Rec reational Restaurants Theme park Educ ational Hotels Transportational c enter Total Residential Capac ity 25000 58900 73500 94000 251400 6900 40200 63000 720 1150 1600 1000 12250 1760 1440 2500 Light Residential: typically 1-2 people per household; can hold a total 25000 people Medium Residential: typically 2-3 people per household; can hold a total of 58900 people Large Residential: typically 4-5 people per household; can hold a total of 73500 people Very Large Residential: typically >5 people per household; can hold a total of 94000 people 132520 In the above chart, each type of zone that employs workers is listed. Commercial zones, in total, employ 6900 of the worker population, for example. Manufacturing employs the most workers (with light manufacturing at 40200 and heavy manufacturing at 63000), while agriculture employs the least (720). In total, there are 132520 employed workers in DD’s, and the unemployment rate is at 9.72%. This implies that approximately 60% of the total population is part of the labor force for the city. Though actual data for real cities vary, 60% seems like a good rule of thumb for the labor force percentage. There is a total population of 250000 people, whose population breakdown is given in the following chart. Approximately 8% of the population is children under 5, 24% are students aging from 5 to 20 years old, 53% are employed workers aging from 21 to 66 years old, 6% are unemployed workers aging from 21 to 66 years old, and 9% are the elderly (age 66 and over). These figures were modelled after the population statistics for Los Angeles in the 1990’s. Of the employed workers, 6626 are home workers, meaning that they work or telecommute in their homes rather than travel to a workplace any given day. Children under 5 do not qualify as “trip-makers”, while the rest of the population makes about 4 trips a day per person on average. In total, an average of 920000 trips are made on any given day in DD’s. Population Breakdown Children under 5 Students (5 - 20 year olds) Workers (21-66 year olds) Elderly (66+ year olds) & unemployed 20,000 60,000 132,520 37,480 Total 250,000 4 There are 5 zones used for education purposes, whose types (including elementary school, middle school, high school, and university) are given in the following chart. 40% of the enrolled students attend middle or elementary school, 30% attend high school, and 30% attend university. A total of 2.16% of the total land area in the city is devoted towards educational purposes. Education Zoning: Zone 3 16 22 28 53 Type Area (sq. mi.) % of Land elementary + middle 0.6 high school (vocational) 0.2 elementary + middle 0.3 university 0.6 high school 0.5 Total Enrollment 0.59% 0.20% 0.29% 0.59% 0.49% 15000 6000 9000 18000 12000 60000 The city has a total of 62 zones, one of which is a major river that runs directly across the entire city while various others are also open spaces that will not contribute toward the production or attraction of any trips for the city. This river separates a narrow strip of the city from the rest, more bulkier part. Of note, most of the commercial, recreational zones are located on the more bulkier part, to the right of the river. Also, residential areas tend to be located on the sides of the city, while other zones that tend to be visited by more varied groups tend to be located in the center of the city. The zones are all rectangular shaped. Recreational areas and commercial areas have certain floor space amounts that can be converted into the number of patrons such areas can support at a point in time. These were based off of estimates for the percentage of land in a given commercial or recreational zone that may be used as support areas for the activities that go on there and are not intend to be visited by any customers/patrons Centroids are chosen as the point within the zone that has the most concentrated activity at an point in time; this is obviously a generalized model of actual zone activities, but is the easiest representation that is still reliably conceivable. 5 Zone Summary Chart Zone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 Type river open space recreational (movie theater) educational (elementary & middle) light residential commercial (strip malls) heavy manufacturing agriculture light manufacturing medium residential commercial (individual stores) restaurant open space open space heavy manufacturing public educational (vocational high school) restaurant commercial (individual stores) medium residential medium residential recreational (sports std.,golf course,etc.) educational (elementary & middle) open space commercial (mall) heavy manufacturing water heavy manufacturing educational (university) public large residential commercial (strip malls) very large residential medium residential light manufacturing recreational (movie theater,stage plays,etc.) hotel restaurant commercial (upscale stores) theme park commercial (theme park related / mall) restaurant light residential open space water very large residential large residential open space light manufacturing commercial (outlets and big box stores) public transportation commercial (mall) educational (high school) very large residential water open space public restaurant large residential open space hotel open space No. of pixels Area (sq miles) % of total land centroid (x-coor) centroid (y-coor) School Enrollment Floor Space (sq miles) 118 11.8 11.52% ---30 3.0 2.93% 3 3 0 0 4 0.4 0.39% 1 7 0 0 6 0.6 0.59% 4 12 15000 0 20 2.0 1.95% 3 10 0 0 4 0.4 0.39% 1 13 0 0.16 4 0.4 0.39% 3 13 0 0.28 24 2.4 2.34% 3 17 0 0 25 2.5 2.44% 3 23 0 2.3 28 2.8 2.73% 3 29 0 0 4 0.4 0.39% 5 31 0 0.2 6 0.6 0.59% 5 29 0 0.45 8 0.8 0.78% 6 31 0 0 10 1.0 0.98% 22 6 0 0 30 3.0 2.93% 15 3 0 2.8 6 0.6 0.59% 11 3 0 0 2 0.2 0.20% 10 5 6000 0 2 0.2 0.20% 11 5 0 0.1 4 0.4 0.39% 9 7 0 0.2 8 0.8 0.78% 12 6 0 0 15 1.5 1.46% 9 11 0 0 20 2.0 1.95% 12 10 0 0 3 0.3 0.29% 12 13 9000 0 9 0.9 0.88% 10 15 0 0 6 0.6 0.59% 12 15 0 0.36 8 0.8 0.78% 14 14 0 0.6 16 1.6 1.56% 15 18 0 0 28 2.8 2.73% 13 22 0 2.4 6 0.6 0.59% 13 25 18000 0 4 0.4 0.39% 10 25 0 0 24 2.4 2.34% 13 28 0 0 6 0.6 0.59% 16 25 0 0.24 39 3.9 3.81% 18 31 0 0 25 2.5 2.44% 20 27 0 0 12 1.2 1.17% 18 22 0 0.8 8 0.8 0.78% 18 18 0 0 10 1.0 0.98% 20 15 0 0 4 0.4 0.39% 16 15 0 0.24 2 0.2 0.20% 16 13 0 0.1 49 4.9 4.79% 20 11 0 0 4 0.4 0.39% 17 6 0 0.28 2 0.2 0.20% 19 7 0 0.1 30 3.0 2.93% 21 3 0 0 32 3.2 3.13% 28 2 0 0 7 0.7 0.68% 24 11 0 0 30 3.0 2.93% 30 8 0 0 24 2.4 2.34% 26 8 0 0 6 0.6 0.59% 26 13 0 0 30 3.0 2.93% 30 13 0 2.6 6 0.6 0.59% 26 15 0 0.39 4 0.4 0.39% 23 15 0 0 25 2.5 2.44% 24 19 0 0 10 1.0 0.98% 20 19 0 0.8 5 0.5 0.49% 27 19 12000 0 25 2.5 2.44% 30 19 0 0 25 2.5 2.44% 30 24 0 0 25 2.5 2.44% 25 24 0 0 9 0.9 0.88% 21 23 0 0 6 0.6 0.59% 23 28 0 0.4 36 3.6 3.52% 27 29 0 0 12 1.2 1.17% 31 29 0 0 14 1.4 1.37% 15 9 0 0 20 2.0 1.95% 11 18 0 0 1024 102.4 100% 60000 15.8 Note: The river running through the city is not indexed as a zone, and thus will not count towards any trip productions or attractions since it is assumed that no activity goes on there. 6 Trip Generation Process for Trip Production Generation: Each of the 9 production arrays for the different types of trips uses a slightly different method for trip production generation. However, the main idea behind them is the same. We first determine the number of trips that will be made for a certain type, and then proceed to break down the percentages for the zones producing the trip. One zone might, for example, produce 5% of the trips for a certain type, while another zone may produce 20% of the trips. More generally, for a certain trip type, a trip rate (trips per square mile) is generated for each type of production zone (commercial type, recreational type, etc.). This trip rate is based off of a trip generator number, which in essence is simply the number of people in a given type of zone that is likely to generate production for the given trip type. For example, for home-based school trips, it is given that the total trips in the trip production across all the zones must equal 60000, since this is the number of enrolled students that attend some education zone on any given day. For the production array, all zones except the residential zones will have a value of zero, and the values for the residential zones must add up to 60000. Given this information, it is then just a matter of determining what percentage of the total population in a given residential zone are aged 5 to 20. In general, the assumption was that light residential zones would have a smaller student-aged population than very large (heavily populated) residential zones, while medium residential zones and large residential zones would be somewhere in the middle. Process for Trip Attraction Generation: Each of the 9 attraction arrays for the different types of trips uses a slightly different method for trip attraction generation. However, the main idea behind them is the same. It is given that the sum of the attraction numbers in the attraction array must necessarily equal the sum of the production array. Given this, we can then proceed to break down this sum for the production array and determine what percentage of this sum will correspond to an attraction zone type. For example, for non-home-based school trip types, the attractions are all the zones excluding the residential zones (and of course, the undeveloped open space/water zones). Commercial zones and recreational zones are assumed to produce larger attraction values than manufacturing or public office zones. As such, 25% of the produced trips correspond to commercial attractions, 25.6% correspond to recreational attractions, 19% correspond to the theme park attraction (this is due to the fact that school aged children are likely to be attracted to such places), and only 0.1% correspond to zone types such as heavy or light manufacturing. A trip rate (trips per square mile) is deduced based on these percentages, and the attraction value for a certain zone is simply the zone’s area (actual area or floor space if it is a commercial/recreational zone) multiplied by the trip rate number. Home-based Work: Home-based work includes inbound and outbound home-based work trip types. For this trip type, the production arrays have non-zero elements for only the residential (home) zones and the attraction arrays have non-zero values for only the zones that employ workers. In other words, these trips are “produced” at the home zones, and attracted to the zones with employment capacity (which gives rise to the trip’s purpose). Since production and attraction do not depend on direction, both inbound and outbound home-based work trips follow this logic. Chart of attraction zone types for inbound and outbound home-based work trips: Employment type Total area (sq. miles) Population / Sq. mile Employment Capacity commercial 4.6 1500 6900 light Manufacturing 6.7 6000 40200 heavy manufacturing 7 9000 63000 agriculture 2.4 300 720 public 2.3 500 1150 recreational 3.2 500 1600 restaurants 2 500 1000 theme park 4.9 2500 12250 educational 2.2 800 1760 hotels 2.4 600 1440 transportation 2.5 1000 2500 Total 132520 7 Home-based Education: Home-based education (school) includes inbound and outbound home-based education trip types. For this trip type, the production arrays have non-zero elements for only the residential (home) zones and the attraction arrays have non-zero values for only the zones that serve educational purposes. In other words, these trips are “produced” at the home zones, and attracted to the zones that provide schooling for enrolled students (which gives rise to the trip’s purpose). Since production and attraction do not depend on direction, both inbound and outbound home-based work trips follow this logic. The chart below summarizes the relationship between the residential zone types and the educational zones. For example, light residential zones have a total of 1500 students enrolled in educational zone 3, which is a elementary and middle school education zone. Residential Type light residential medium residential large residential very large residential Education Zoning: Zone 3 16 22 28 53 Total Students Enrolled at each Educational Zone According to Residential Type Residential Capacity Ed. Zone 3 Ed. Zone 16 Ed Zone. 22 Ed Zone. 28 Ed Zone. 53 25000 1500 1200 900 3600 1200 58900 3000 1800 1800 5400 2400 73500 4500 1800 2700 5400 3600 94000 6000 1200 3600 3600 4800 Type Area (sq. mi.)% of total land Enrollment elementary + middle 0.6 0.59% 15000 high school (vocational) 0.2 0.20% 6000 elementary + middle 0.3 0.29% 9000 university 0.6 0.59% 18000 high school 0.5 0.49% 12000 Total Enrollment 60000 Home-based Shop/Dine/Recreation/Other: Home-based shop/dine/recreation(SDR) includes inbound and outbound home-based SDR trip types. For this trip type, the production arrays have non-zero elements for only the residential (home) zones and the attraction arrays have non-zero values for only the zones that serve recreational, shopping, dining, or similar purposes. In other words, these trips are “produced” at the home zones, and attracted to the zones that provide services related to recreational, commercial, etc. (these services, or attractions, give rise to the trip’s purpose). Since production and attraction do not depend on direction, both inbound and outbound home-based work trips follow this logic. The chart below summarizes which zone types are counted as shopping, dining, recreational, or similar attractions. Commerical zones, recreational zones, dining/restaurant zones, as well as the theme park zone compose a high percentage of the total attractions (25%, 25.6%, 20%, and 19% respectively). There is also a small percentage of trips made with the transportation center or public office zones as the attraction. Finally, light manufacturing, heavy manufacturing, agricultural, and educational zones are also included but given an extremely small percentage (almost negligible) to account for any trips that may have these zone types as attractions. It would also have been conceivable to simply not have any trips that use these zone types as attractions. Land type commercial light Manufacturing heavy manufacturing agriculture public offices recreational restaurants theme park educational hotels transportation center Area 4.6 6.7 7 2.4 2.3 3.2 2 4.9 2.2 2.4 2.5 Population / SQ Mile Capacity % of total attractions 1,500.00 6,900.00 25.0 6,000.00 40,200.00 0.1 9,000.00 63,000.00 0.1 300.00 720.00 0.1 500.00 1,150.00 3.0 500.00 1,600.00 25.6 500.00 1000 20.0 2500 12250 19.0 800 1760 1.0 600 1440 0.1 1000 2500 6.0 8 Non-home-based: Non-home-based trips include non-home-based work trips (NHBW), non-home-based school trips (NHBS), non-home-based other trips (NHBSR). For NHBW trips, the production array includes non-zero elements only for the zones with employment capacity (work zones), and the attraction array are the “other” options not including residential zones (the biggest players would be commerical, recreational, etc. zones). The trips are “produced” at work zones (hence, non-home-based), and “attracted” to the zones that provide “other” services such as commercial or recreational services (these services, or attractions, give rise to the trip purpose). For NHBS trips, the production array includes non-zero elements for the zones with student enrollment (educational zones), and the attraction array are the “other” options not including residential zones (again, the biggest players would be recreational, commercial, etc.). The trips are “produced” at school zones (hence, non-home-based), and “attracted” to the zones that provide “other” services such as commercial or recreational services (these services, or attractions, give rise to the trip purpose). For NHBSR trips, the production and attraction arrays are exactly equal (with non-zero elements for the “other” zones not including residential zones) as we assume that the total number of trips produced at and attracted to a particular zone is the same. The trips are “produced” at zones that provide “other” services (hence, non-homebased), and “attracted” to the zones that provide “other” services (these services, or attractions, give rise to the trip purpose). The chart directly above gives a summary of the “other” zones for the non-home-based trip types. Namely, these “other” zones are mainly used for commercial, recreational, or similar purposes. Summary Trip Production and Attraction Tables: Trip Type Productions per Zone Attractions per Zone Comments Links Outbound Homebased Work (OHBW) Outbound Homebased School (OHBS) Outbound Homebased Shop/Recreate/Other (OHBSDR) 132520 132520 Total # of jobs (or total # of workers) hw3_2.xls#OHBW_P_A_arrays 60000 60000 Total # of enrolled students hw3_2.xls#OHBS_P_A_arrays 154260 154260 hw3_2.xls#OHBSDR_P_A_arrays Inbound Home-based Work (IHBW) 66260 66260 Assumed that the 37480 elderly and umemployed population would make approximately 4 trips on average per person 50% of Outbound home-based work Inbound Home-based School (IHBS) 42000 42000 70% of Outbound home-based school hw3_2.xls#IHBS_P_A_arrays Inbound Home-based Shop/Recreate/Other (IHBSDR) Work-based Nonhome (WBNH) 238520 238520 hw3_2.xls#IHBSDR_P_A_arrays 66260 66260 IHBSDR = OHBSDR + OHBW – IHBW + OHBS – IHBS 50% of Outbound home-based school School-based Nonhome (SBNH) 18000 18000 30% of Outbound home-based school hw3_2.xls#SBNH_P_A_arrays hw3_2.xls#IHBW_P_A_arrays hw3_2.xls#WBNH_P_A_arrays 9 Shop/Recreate/Other based Non-home (NHBSR) 142180 142180 Assuming that each of the 230000 trips makers (excluding children under 5) make 4 trips on average, there would be a total of 920000 trips on any average day. The NHBSR production and attraction numbers came from this assumption. hw3_2.xls#NHBSR_P_A_arrays 10 Trip Distribution: Trip Arrays Generation Process: After determining production and attraction vectors, we generated trip arrays according to the gravity model, using a friction coefficient of one divided by the distance squared: 𝑇𝑖𝑗 = 𝑃𝑖 ∗ 𝐴𝑗 𝐹𝑖𝑗 1 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝐹𝑖𝑗 = 2 ∑𝑧𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑠 𝐴𝑗 𝐹𝑖𝑗 𝐷𝑖𝑗 This gives us trip matrices in which the row sums produce the elements of the production vector, and the column sums (ideally) produce the elements of the attraction vector, while trips are weighted by the inverse square of their distance. We follow an iteratively convergent process to generate a “false” attraction vector input for the trip matrix, such that it produces an output which has the column sums of the “true” attractions we are hoping to get. This allows us to keep the trip distribution given by the gravity model while remaining consistent with the zonespecific attraction amounts. Trip Array Links: Trip Array Type Links Outbound Home-based Work (OHBW) hw3_2.xls#OHBW_TA Outbound Home-based School (OHBS) hw3_2.xls#OHBS_TA Outbound Home-based Shop/Recreate/Other (OHBSDR) hw3_2.xls#OHBSDR_TA Inbound Home-based Work (IHBW) hw3_2.xls#IHBW_TA Inbound Home-based School (IHBS) hw3_2.xls#IHBS_TA Inbound Home-based Shop/Recreate/Other (IHBSDR) hw3_2.xls#IHBSDR_TA Work-based Non-home (WBNH) hw3_2.xls#WBNH_TA School-based Non-home (SBNH) hw3_2.xls#SBNH_TA Shop/Recreate/Other based Non-home (NHBSR) hw3_2.xls#NHBSR_TA 11 Summary of Trip demand: Cumulative Trip-Distance Charts: Home Work Cumulative Trip Density 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 Trip Distance (Miles) Home School OBHSt Trip Density 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 Trips 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Distance (miles) Home Other 12 Cumulative Trip Density 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 Trip Distance (Miles) Work Home Cumulative Trip Density 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 Trip Distance (Miles) Work Other 13 Cumulative Trip Density 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 Trip Distance (Miles) School Home Cumulative Trip Density 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 Trip Distance (Miles) School Other 14 Cumulative Trip Density 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 Trip Distance (Miles) Other Home Cumulative Trip Density 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 Trip Distance (Miles) Other Other 15 Cumulative Trip Density 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 0 5 10 15 Trip Distance (Miles) Cumulative Trip Density 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 Trip Distance (Miles) Non-home-based Other Non-home-based work Non-home-based school Inbound Home-based other Outbound Home-based other Outbound home-based work Inbound home-based work Inbound home-based school Outbound home-based school The trip density graphs varied from concave to S-curve shapes. The School Home and Home School plots were concave and had the most linear appearance. Home Other, Other Home, and Other Other were clearly concave as well, with the sharpest increases on the left side f the graphs. Finally, Home Work, Work Home, Work Other, and School Other were S-curve shaped, meaning the plot was first convex 16 and then concave. School Other had the least consistent growth, as it appeared to have convex ridges. Most of the plot appeared quite shaky before the 5-mile trip distance mark. PTM = PersonTripMiles PT = PersonTrips Outbound Homebased Work PT PT M 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 0 704 15287 36088 20734 12206 9379 9484 8750 4487 2516 7013 302 1558 464 2 14 Outbound Homebased School PT PT M 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0 1162 5556 9242 2659 7002 5944 4792 3334 4395 2885 1491 2441 1301 Outbound Home-based Shop/recreat e/other PTM PT 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 0 8211 25069 15963 15881 32973 15596 11776 10247 6495 5538 1311 1551 638 1019 45 320 Inbound Home-based Work Inbound Home-based School PTM PTM 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 PT 0 352 7643 17599 9350 7469 4731 4509 4419 2311 1257 2779 871 792 232 1 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 PT 0 813 3889 3055 5275 4901 4160 3354 2325 3085 2019 1044 1709 911 Inbound Home-based Shop/recreate/ other PTM PT 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 0 12705 39383 24522 24804 51081 23981 18050 15697 9917 8515 2018 2374 948 1484 65 472 Non-homebased School Non-homebased Work PTM PTM 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 PT 0 1100 1873 1774 5513 1680 1572 990 1498 58 106 84 135 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Non-homebased Shop/recreate/ other PTM PT PT 0 3879 12746 17841 11551 8366 2255 3567 2051 716 1275 399 67 94 121 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Person Trip Length Distribution Analysis: Note: There are two plots for each trip type; the top graphs (number of trips at each trip distance) are simply reference, while the bottom graphs (scatter plots for which each point is a value for one TAZ) are the actual graphs that we are comparing and contrasting in turn. H->W: 17 0 48188 35606 26584 16489 3601 3046 17675 926 1178 324 389 239 7 15 Number of Trips Person Trip Length Distribution 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 -5000 0 5 10 15 20 Trip Distance (Miles) For home-based work trips, we see a possible s curve effect. For the lower trip lengths, there are no places of work near the home, while for the higher distances we see the effects of the gravity model. We see an almost linear growth in number of trips in the middle of the graph (trip length 3-5 miles), which is likely due to the way our city was zoned; areas with many jobs tend to be 3-5 miles from residential areas. H->S 18 Number of Trips Person Trip Length Distribution 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Trip Distance (Miles) For the home-based school trips, we see a relatively flat relationship between the trip length and the number of trips. This is likely due to our city’s layout, where trip distances are increased if the origination and destination are on different sides of the river. Through the gravity model, this keeps children heavily clustered at nearby schools, and so this plot reflects the distance from homes to schools. H->Other 19 Person Trip Length Distribution 35000 Number of Trips 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 0 5 10 15 20 Trip Distance (Miles) Again, for home-based other trips we see an almost linear relationship between trip length and number of trips. Noting the scale of the x axis, we see that there are very few long distance trips in this category, when compared to other home-based categories. The linear effect again likely comes from the positioning of our zones in which the largest attractions tend to be the farthest from residential areas. W->H 20 Number of Trips Person Trip Length Distribution 20000 18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 -2000 0 5 10 15 20 Trip Distance (Miles) See notes on H->W distribution. W->Other 21 Number of Trips Person Trip Length Distribution 20000 18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 0 5 10 15 Trip Distance (Miles) Work-based other trips provides one of the most interesting distributions, with a great deal more data points to observe. We see many points with low numbers of trips, reflecting the many workplaces which employ small numbers of workers. These trip lengths tend to be lower, and we do not see any of the linear relationships of other plots. This seems logical, since post-work trips to shopping and recreation tend to be limited to small distances from the workplace. S->H 22 Person Trip Length Distribution 6000 Number of Trips 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Trip Distance (Miles) See notes on H->S distribution. S->Other 23 Person Trip Length Distribution 6000 Number of Trips 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 -1000 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Trip Distance (Miles) For school-based other trips, we see a reappearance of the concave shape of the plot, which likely comes from the gravity model. We have relatively few nonzero data points, since there are few schools in the city. Like the workbased other trips, we see very low trip lengths, as individuals tend to choose their destination based on distance. Other->H 24 Person Trip Length Distribution 60000 Number of Trips 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 0 5 10 15 20 Trip Distance (Miles) For other-based home trips, we see the linear pattern again. This seems to be possibly related to the work-based other and school-based other trips, which bring people further away from their houses. This has a steeper slope than home-based other trips, which confirms that observation. Still, we see similar effects, likely because our largest other attractions are far away from the residential areas. Other->Other 25 Person Trip Length Distribution 60000 Number of Trips 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 -10000 0 5 10 15 Trip Distance (Miles) Other-based other trips show a great deal of noise, with a possible slight downward slope. These trips tend to be very small (smaller than almost any other trips), with shorter trip distances generally favored over trips. Again, this likely comes from the map layout, in which we cluster many of the shopping and recreation areas near each other. This leads to very few long distance other-other trips being made. 26 Home-Based Work Transportation Demand Implications of Different Trip Distribution Behaviors : Re-running Home-Based Work Gravity Model by replacing the 1/D^2 with 1/D (inverse distance): Person Trip Length Distribution for 1/D 30000 Number of Trips 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 -5000 0 5 10 15 20 Trip Distance (Miles) Cumulative Trip Density for 1/D 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 Trip Distance (Miles) Re-running Home-Based Work Gravity Model by replacing the 1/D^2 with 1/sqrt(D): 27 Cumulative Trip Density for 1/sqrt(D) 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 Trip Distance (Miles) Number of Trips Person Trip Length Distribution for 1/D 18000.0 16000.0 14000.0 12000.0 10000.0 8000.0 6000.0 4000.0 2000.0 0.0 -2000.0 0 5 10 15 20 Trip Distance (Miles) Comparison with 1/D^2 Gravity Model: Legend: 1/D^2 1/D 1/sqrt(D) The overall shape of the Person Trip Length Distribution graphs for the 3 different trip distribution behaviors look very similar. However, the trip distribution using the 1/D^2 relationship has comparatively higher values for the total number of trips at a certain trip distance (in miles) than the trip distribution using the 1/D relationship. 28 Similarly, the trip distribution using the 1/D relationship has comparatively higher values for the total number of trips at a certain trip distance (in miles) than the trip distribution using the 1/sqrt(D) relationship. However, this analysis only remains true until the trip distance reaches approximately 4.5 miles. At this point, the relationships invert. Now, the trip distribution using the 1/sqrt(D) relationship has comparatively higher values for the total number of trips at a certain trip distance (in miles) than the trip distribution using the 1/D relationship. Similarly, the trip distribution using the 1/D relationship has comparatively higher values for the total number of trips at a certain trip distance (in miles) than the trip distribution using the 1/sqrt(D) relationship. Thus, something interesting happens at the point when the trip distance reaches approximately 4.5 miles. Before 4.5 miles, the 1/D^2 trip distribution model has a larger number of trips than the 1/D trip distribution model, and the 1/D trip distribution model has a larger number of trips than the 1/sqrt(D) trip distribution model. After 4.5 miles, the relationships are reversed. This observation may be contributed to the friction factor F, which describes the amount of effort need to travel from one location to another location. As the denominator of F increases(from sqrt(D) to D to D^2), F decreases in magnitude as a result of its inverse relationship with distance. The observations made seem to show that as as the denominator of F increases, people tend to make a less trips of smaller distance and more trips of longer distances. Cumulative Trip Density for H->W Trip 1.0 0.9 0.8 Density 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 Trip Distance (Miles) 29 Person Trip Length Distribution for H->W Trip 40000.0 35000.0 30000.0 Number of Trips 25000.0 20000.0 15000.0 10000.0 5000.0 0.0 0 -5000.0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Trip Distance (Miles) 30