Kenton County Schools Board Report Presented October 2010 Kenton County School District Scott High School Performance Data 2007-2010 Non-Academic Data Enrollment % of Students Receiving Free or Reduced Lunch % of Students with Disability Attendance Percentage Drop Out Rate Retention Rate Graduation Rate Successful Transition to Adult Life Academic Data Interim Performance Report Overall Transition Index Reading Index Math Index Science Index Social Studies Index On-Demand Writing 2007 2008 2009 2010 1093 1042 1053 1045 22.0 24.3 27.15 29.76 9.90 10.52 9.66 10.55 94.3 93.1 93.50 93.65 1.5 7.9 90.6 95.3 2.2 7.0 92.4 95.2 2.14 11.90 85.76 93.26 2.64 15.83 86.64 98.68 2007 2008 2009 2010 73.47 90.15 67.91 68.10 74.98 59.66 74.46 85.28 68.69 72.72 75.18 67.03 74.64 86.67 67.46 70.05 74.67 74.74 76.02 83.88 75.43 71.77 76.63 69.44 Page 2 of 13 Kenton County School District Index PLAN Composite (10th Grade) ACT Composite (11th Grade) Advanced Placement (AP) tests Number of Students Taking AP tests Number of AP tests Administered Percent qualifying Scores of 3 or higher 17.6 16.6 16.1 17.3 N/A 19.9 18.9 19.7 16 12 15 12 113 84 129 125 190 151 226 209 39.0 49.0 53.5 43 Page 3 of 13 Kenton County School District Strategies for Reaching NCLB Goals and Gap Targeted Areas High School: Scott High School Goal 1: All students will perform at or above grade level in numeracy and literacy at each transition point. Objective Strategies and Action Steps Improve reading scores in students considerably below benchmarks on PLAN, EXPLORE, & ACT. Improve math, science and English scores in students below benchmarks on PLAN, EXPLORE, & ACT. Implement Read 180 and System 44 computerbased programs. RTI Team will target students with whom to work on building basic skills. Check if this strategy will reduce the achievement gap Responsibility Teachers trained in Read 180 and System 44. X X RTI Team Timeline Evidence of Effectiveness One school year. Pre-test/post-test provided in the software program. EPAS/KCCT scores on Reading. One school year Pre-test/post-test using EPAS-like items and practice tests. Continual graphing of student improvement. EPAS/KCCT scores in math, science and English. Response to Instruction Please describe your RTI plan, including: Procedures for identification of at-risk students – We use the EPAS assessments to identify students below benchmarks in English, math, reading, and science. Procedures for implementation of Tier 1 Instructional Interventions including intervention providers, scheduling of interventions, and progress monitoring – In addition to our RTI program described below, core content departments are developing Tier 1 interventions to implement in the all of their core Page 4 of 13 Kenton County School District content classes. The science department is conducting Tier 1 intervention every Friday. The math department is adopting a similar approach. Procedures for implementation of Tier 2 and Tier 3 instructional interventions including intervention providers, scheduling of interventions, and progress monitoring- See Appendix A for schedule and progress monitoring. Current data is shown in Figures 1–3. Our RTI team is responsible for data collection and interpretation, developing intervention strategies, monitoring data, and data reporting. We developed a year-long plan of implementation to determine how to most efficiently provide students with appropriate interventions. We empowered the RTI team to design Tier 1 interventions and to delegate to classroom teachers the implementation of those interventions. Concurrently, the RTI Team provides Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions to identified students on their “caseloads” through individual, small group and large group pull out instruction in the areas of English, Math, Reading and Science. The goals of this approach to RTI are: To organize the delivery of instruction for RTI; commensurate with EPAS testing To allow for rapid response to students identified for RTI To standardize the process of data monitoring and collection To enable the classroom teacher maximum time to deliver quality instruction in content while allowing for specific, targeted Tier 1 interventions when necessary We will evaluate our approach by: 95% of students identified as needing RTI receiving Tier 1, 2, or 3 interventions Comparing benchmarks of targeted students before and after interventions Page 5 of 13 Kenton County School District High School : Scott High School Goal 2: All ‘Professional Practices’ will be based on a common understanding of quality instruction and best practice for every student, in every classroom, every day. Current Number of Coaching visits per month___90_____ Goal Number of Coaching Visits per month__120____ Objective Strategies and Action Steps Improve Open Response (OR) scores of all students Improve PLAN and ACT Scores of all students Continue “live” scoring in content area classes Teachers use PLAN and ACT type questions weekly as “Bell Ringers” Examine student work during weekly teacher plan period meetings Improve academic performance of all students in all classes. Check if this strategy will reduce the achievement gap X X X Responsibility Classroom teachers Classroom teachers Principal/Classroom teachers Timeline June 2011 June 2011 June 2011 Evidence of Effectiveness Student grades on classroom OR items. OR scores on KCCT. Improvement on PLAN and ACT Student work continues to improve Learning Walks Focus of learning walks: 2.2 The teacher consistently communicates the expectation that all students will achieve the goals and standards of the lesson and uses a variety of strategies to create effort and ability from most students. Teacher consistently establishes and maintains high expectations for all students. 2.3 Teacher consistently develops and builds strong relationships with students. 3.7 Teacher activities and assignments are consistently rigorous for all students and aligned to instructional goals. Teacher consistently adjusts the instructional plan to meet the needs of students. 4.3 The teacher consistently analyzes formative/summative student assessment data and uses it to guide instruction . Page 6 of 13 Kenton County School District High School : Scott High School Goal 3: Beginning in fourth grade, all students will participate in at least one activity providing a meaningful connection to school beyond the regular classroom. Current participation rate: __88___% Objective Strategies and Action Steps Increase student participation in extra-curricular activities Selected upper high school students (grades 10-12) present extra-curricular opportunities to FRAC students 2011-12 School participation rate goal:100% Check if this strategy will reduce the achievement gap Responsibility Timeline Evidence of Effectiveness Deb Ison One week (late October) Increase in student participation rate. Positive Behavior Instructional Support Summarize your school focus and target areas for positive behavior instructional support. Include an analysis of data which supports this focus. Scott High School is currently involved with the KYCID program. We have one principal, one coach and five teachers that are attending the training to introduce strategies to the rest of the staff. Teachers and staff have been trained on positive behavior supports that are to be used in the classroom as well as the hallways when working with students. Our focus this school year is the reduction of cell phone referrals, tardies to class, and following the school wide “10-10” rule. After 404 cell phone violations, numerous tardies, and excessive hall traffic right after and right before the bell rings. We felt these areas were definite areas of concern. Page 7 of 13 Kenton County School District KCCT Transition Index Goals for 2011 and NCLB goals Index Goals NCLB Goal in % Reading 87.91 69.72 Math 81.58 69.91 Science 78.83 Social Studies 82.47 On Demand Writing 77.08 Overall Transition Index 80.50 Composite Goal PLAN 18.3 ACT 20.5 % Goal Dropout Rate 1.5 Graduation Rate 90.00 RTI strategies described in Goal 1 will be used to narrow the gaps. Eagles Soar to the Proficient Score 100 Page 8 of 13 Kenton County School District Page 9 of 13 Kenton County School District Appendix A RTI Plan 2010-2011 Dates Target Students Current Status Current Sophomores Revised October 2010 Criteria for Selecting From what Students Assessment EXPLORE Below Benchmarks Eng Math Read Sci 2008 August-Mid September 2010 September-April 2010-2011 Current Freshman Academy All Students End SeptemberDecember 2010 Current Freshman Academy 1-2-3 Stanines October-November 2010 (Infrequent) December-March 2010-2011 Current Freshman Academy OctoberMid March 2010-2011 (Pre-test ACT) DecemberMid March 2010-2011 (Pre-test ACT) Mid March – May 2011 Current Juniors Current Freshman Academy 1-2-3 Stanines? (MAP Measures) On-Going Grades 9-12 SAT Referrals after 30 school days of Modifications and Accommodations by classroom teachers Current Sophomores Current Juniors 10-12 <7 14-16 <9 12-14 <8 17-19 <10 Below Benchmarks Eng <7 Math <9 Read <8 Sci <10 Below Benchmarks Eng 12-14 <8 Math 16-18 <10 Read 14-16 <9 Math <10 Read <9 Math 16-18 Read 14-16 PLAN Sept 16, 2010 GMADE? (MAP) GRADE? (MAP) May 2011 GMADE (MAP?) GRADE (MAP?) December 2010 PLAN 2011 Tier 1 <Tier 2 and 3 Pull-Out PLAN 2009 Tier 2 and 3 Pull Out Reading KCCT 2011 ACT 2012 ACT 2011 PLAN 2009 Tier 1 designed by RTI Team ACT 2011 GMADE ? (MAP) GRADE? (MAP) Dec. Assessment Data Monitoring every 10 school days by SAT Tier 2 and 3 Pullout GMADE ? (MAP) GRADE ? (MAP) May 2011 Tier 2 and 3 Pullout for 30 school days Data Points every 10 school days and special education evaluation if warranted Sci <11 Below Benchmarks Eng 12-14 Next Assessment PLAN 2010 Sci 18-20 <11 Below Benchmarks Eng <8 GMADE GRADE From 8th grade GMADE GRADE From 8th grade EXPLORE 2009 Intervention RTI Team Tier 1 <Tier 2 and 3 Pull-Out Tier 1 Designed by RTI Team Tier 1 <Tier 2 and 3 Pullout Tier 2 and 3 Pull-Out Sci 18-20 Page 10 of 13 Kenton County School District Figure 1 RTI Date - Juniors RTI to Date - Juniors Data from 2009 PLAN Scores 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 English ≤ 13 Math ≤ 17 Reading ≤ 15 Students Below Benchmark* Science Content ≤ 20 Recv'd Tier 2 Science Strategy ≤ 20 WD or Trans RTI To Date - Juniors English ≤ 13 Math ≤ 17 Reading ≤ 15 Science Content ≤ 20 Science Strategy ≤ 20 Students Below Benchmark* 87 168 73 126 72 Recv'd Tier 2 10 42 13 50 17 WD or Trans 34 34 *Scores from 2009 PLAN Page 11 of 13 Kenton County School District Figure 2 RTI Data – Sophomores RTI to Date - Sophomores Number of Students Data from 2008 Explore Scores 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 English ≤ 13 Math ≤ 17 Students Below Benchmark* Reading ≤ 15 Recv'd Tier 1 Science ≤ 19 Recv'd Tier 2 Wd/Trans RTI to Date - Sophomores Students Below Benchmark* English ≤ 13 Math ≤ 17 Reading ≤ 15 Science ≤ 19 76 134 130 183 Recv'd Tier 1 0 78 0 0 Recv'd Tier 2 24 64 45 50 Wd/Trans 10 18 15 18 *Scores from 2008 Explore Page 12 of 13 Kenton County School District Figure 2 RTI Data - Freshmen RTI to Date - Freshmen Data from Spring 2010 GRADE/GMADE 70 Number of Studnets 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Math Reading Students in 1-3 Stanines* Recv'd Tier 1 Recv'd Tier 2 RTI to Date - Freshmen Students in 1-3 Stanines* Recv'd Tier 1 Recv'd Tier 2 Math 62 58 0 Reading 25 24 13 *Data from 2010 Spring GRADE/GMADE Page 13 of 13