Year 3 - Southill School

Southill Primary School
Year 3 theme: Spring Term 2015
ENGLISH: Asking & writing questions
about Roman soldier visitor. Nonchronological report about Roman
Army. Fact-files of a Roman soldier.
Persuasive advert to join Roman
army. Dear diary .. child’s account of
Roman invasion. Postcard home from
soldier on Hadrian’s wall. Recount a
day in the life of a Briton in Roman
MATHS: Roman numerals. Tell time
to nearest minute. Learning 2x 3x
4x 5x 8x 10x tables. Written
methods of + & -. Informal methods
of x & ÷. Fractions .. + fractions with
same denominator. Compare, order.
Find simple equivalent fractions.
Geometry .. properties of, right
angles, vertical, parallel &
perpendicular lines
SCIENCE: Light &
Shadow. Can you see
when there is no light?
Reflected light. Dangers of
sunlight. How are shadows
formed? How, why do
shadows change size?
RE: Hinduism. How do
Hindus worship? How do
Hindus express belief about
God? What does Divali mean
to Hindus? Hindu ideas about
the goddess.
The children have asked
to learn about: Food &
drink. The Army....
weapons, battles. Boudica.
Gods. Toilets. Baths.
Brushing teeth. Clothing.
Roman inventions.
Ways you can help your child this term: 1. Reading: daily if possible. 2. Spellings:
help to practise them. 3. Times tables: help to practise them for speed recall.
4. Romans: visit Dorchester museum, walk around Maiden Castle, visit the
Roman town house in Dorchester, research in books and internet.
HISTORY: The Roman Empire:
What, when was it? Romans as
invaders ... army, soldiers,
weapons, armour, training.
Invasion(s) of Britannia: when?
why? where? Celts background.
What’s it like to be invaded? Celtic
resistance: ... Iceni .. Boudica ...
Hadrian’s wall. Romanisation of
Britain: culture, religion, Roman
ICT: Coding .. design, write &
debug programs. Use search
technologies effectively.
Spiritual/Social/Moral/Cultural aspects.
Goals & Dreams: Talk about people
who have faced difficult challenges &
achieved success. Identify
dream/ambition of mine. Facing new
challenges & ways to achieve them.
Recognising obstacles & steps to
overcome them. Evaluating own
learning, identify how I can be better next
time. Confidently sharing my successes.