The Basque Club of North Queensland, Australia Inc. P.O. Box 1135, Castletown, Hyde Park QLD 4812 Email: ABN: 71 559 793 626 Australia Dear Friend, Thank you for your expression of interest in joining the Basque Club of Nth Qld, Australia. Please find enclosed two forms for you to complete and return at your convenience. The Basque Club is a cultural organisation which is proud to promote all things Basque. Throughout the year, we hold several functions in which our members gather and celebrate together. Members receive regular emails and newsletters informing them of events. Our clubhouse is situated at the corner of Sabadine and Petunia streets in Aitkenvale (adjacent to the P.C.Y.C). This is where the majority of our functions are held. Club membership varies according to age. Each member is required to pay a $10 joining fee and one year’s membership. Membership is renewed yearly. Membership fees: Adults - $20 Adults 60 yrs and over - $15 Adults 80 yrs and over – free Children (up to 18 yrs) - free Please return the attached forms to the above address. Once again, thank you for your interest; we look forward to hearing from you. Yours Sincerely, Begoña Bengoa (Secretary) QUESTIONNAIRE …………………………………. FAMILY NAME: WIFE’S MAIDEN NAME: …………………………………. CHRISTIAN NAMES: ……………………… WIFE: HUSBAND: ………………….. POSTAL ADDRESS: …………………………………………… …………………………………………... ……………………………………….. PHONE NO: ……………………………………….. Email address: ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… Please complete the following details of all family members (including family members who are married with new surnames) Christian name Surname (if different from above) Sex M/F Date of birth Address Phone BASQUE CLUB OF NORTH QUEENSLAND – AUSTRALIA INC APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP I ………………………………………………………………….. of ………………………………………………………………… Hereby apply for ordinary membership of the BASQUE CLUB OF NORTH QUEENSLAND – AUSTRALIA INC I hereby tender my administration fee of $10.00 and my one year membership fee Adult - $20 Adult 60 yrs and over - $15 Adult 80 yrs and over – free I confirm that my association with the Basque culture, local, social and sporting activities is as follows: Person of Basque origin Associate of Person of Basque Origin Person not of Basque origin but who supports the Basque culture. Person who is married to a person of Basque origin Person who is married to a descendant of a person of Basque origin. Proposer: ……………………………….. Seconder: …………………… Please forward in return address envelope to: BASQUE CLUB OF NTH QLD – AUSTRALIA P.O. BOX 1135 CASTLETOWN, HYDE PARK, QLD 4812