Bilbao, Spain - Kansas State University

Bilbao, Spain
43° 15' 0" N
2° 58' 0" W
Located 1
hour away
from France in
the Biscay
Located in the Basque Country
(País Vasco or Euskal Herria)
Oceanic Climate-generally mild
 Average rainfall is 47 inches per year & on average
snows 3 days
Largest city in the Basque
 353,168 people live in
Bilbao while 953,152 live
in the greater Bilbao area
 Located on both banks of
the Nervión River
 It was founded in 1300 on
the site of an ancient
Spanish and Basque are spoken
Many names of places are in Basque
Spanish is mostly spoken in Bilbao, while
Basque is spoken in smaller towns and
 ‘Bilbo’ is Bilbao in Basque
 ‘Agur’ can mean hello and good-bye
The City of Bilbao: The main business and services hub of the
metropolitan area, with roughly 40% of its population
The Left Bank: Traditionally an industrial, port, and
manufacturing zone. It includes Barakaldo, Sestao,
Portugalete and Santurce.
The Right Bank: A residential area, including Erandio, Leio,
and Getxo.
The Mining Zone: The main iron ore resources are located here
and include Muskiz, Gallarta, Ortuella.
Txoriherri: A wide expansion zone where the airport and the
University of the Basque Country are located.
Hego Uribe: Includes the areas of Basauri and Galdakao.
Uribe-Kosta: The coastal area north of Getxo
Bilbao Airport (BIO) is located 9 km north of
Bilbao in the municipality of Loiu
 Buses are available from the TermiBus terminal
located right outside of the San Mamés station
 Regional trains run multiple times a day from
the Abando station
 MetroBilbao and many public buses are
available for commuting in the greater Bilbao
Guggenheim Museum
5 different Guggenheim Museums
of modern art located throughout
the world, with one of them located
in Bilbao
 The museum was designed by
Frank Gehry to look like a ship
Casco Viejo
Means ‘old town’ in Spanish
Has various shops, restaurants,
museums and churches
Plaza Nueva located in Casco Viejo
•Bilbao’s soccer team is in Spain’s first
•The Mascot is a lion
•Their Colors are red & white
• The Athletic Club plays at San Mamés,
a stadium located in the center of Bilbao
Athletic Club
Athletic Club-History
Bilbao was a leading port in the 1800’s attracting
migrant workers, including many from Britain. In the
1890’s these workers formed the Bilbao Football Club.
Many sons of educated Basques attended school in the
United Kingdom, and while there learned to play soccer.
In 1898, students belonging to the Gymnasium
Zamacois founded the Athletic Club and in 1901 the rules
and regulations were created. In 1902, two Bilbao clubs
formed a combined team, known as Club Vizcaya, in the
first Copa del Rey (Cup of the King). They defeated FC
Barcelona to win the cup. The Athletic Club has won the
Copa del Rey 23 times and made it to the championship in
Local Food & Drinks to Try…
A small snack eaten in a bar, usually with a glass of wine
A Basque tradition, cheap red wine with Coca-Cola
A white wine made in the
Basque region
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