BASQUES & GLOBALIZATION Student Name, Freshman, Degree program Spring Term 2014 | Boise State University, Basque Studies Workshop Basques In a real sense, Basques are “Europe’s oldest family:” the oldest indigenous inhabitants of this corner of western Europe; they were there long before the IndoEuropean ancestors of the Spanish and French arrived. This people—always small in number and against the odds— found ways of keeping their traditions alive. But modern times have presented a new set of challenges and opportunities. Good or bad, globalization is the reality and Basques— if Basques are to endure as a distinct entity—will have to develop effective strategies to navigate the complex times. “McGuggenization” The opening of Bilbao’s Guggenheim art gallery in 1997 drew much critical commentary. It has served as the center-piece of Bilbao’s re-invention from a former industrial city to modern cosmopolitan center. Guggenheim Bilbao __‘McGuggenisation’ is a complex negotiation of identity which includes the possibility of local actors ‘indigenizing’ dominant cultures __challenging the established European nationstate model that ‘revalues’ cities peripheral to the metropolitan core of the nation-state __can Basques still be Basques in a modern, globalized world? How to retain Basque cultural identity? BASQUE STUDIES @ BOISE STATE A multi-disciplinary program of advanced study of the Basque people specifically—while exploring the human condition generally—that involves varied aspects of language, history, politics, economics, etc., all the while seeking to forge learning links to empower students (Basque & non-Basque alike) to generate a satisfying, self-directed pursuit of life-long learning. RESEARCH POSTER PRESENTATION DESIGN © 2012 Globalization: pros & cons < < < You can leave this two sections if you wish, or replace some or all of them >>> Student Poster Presentation Guidelines [Delete all of this to make room for your presentation] 1. Remember PAD—Purpose, Audience, and Design. The purpose of the poster is to display graphically the highlights and main points of your essay, report, and research. Don’t try to include everything, and don’t copy and paste paragraphs onto the template. You have to treat everything you put on the poster—images and text—in a way that is visually clear, accessible, and appealing. The audience is multidisciplinary, so you might have to define key terms and / or rephrase sentences to include definition phrases. ACTION ITEM: Consider only including thesis statements, topic sentences, and major examples and illustrations. 2. Treat Text Visually. Borrow ideas from magazine layouts. For example, use pull quotes, sidebars, framed or boxed text, and other print layout tricks. Maybe use bulleted lists, tables and other data to organize text. For example, if your essay compares and contrasts quotes or personalities of characters in a novel, then you can organize those quotes and verbatims into a table. 3. Remember Design Basics. a) Use contrasting colors—for text /background combos. b) Rather than use full paragraphs, use phrases or short sentences in lists. c) Font sizes for headings should be between 36-48 points; 30-36 points for body text. d) Use source lines if you borrow images: EX: (Source: US Department of Energy) GLOBALIZATION PLUSES -- Productivity grows more quickly when countries produce goods and services in which they have a comparative advantage. Living standards can go up faster. -- Global competition and cheap imports keep a lid on prices, so inflation is less likely to derail economic growth. -- An open economy spurs innovation with fresh ideas from abroad. -- Export jobs often pay more than other jobs. -- Unfettered capital flows give the U.S. access to foreign investment and keep interest rates low.. GLOBALIZATION MINUSES (American examples) -- Millions of Americans have lost jobs due to imports or production shifts abroad. Most find new jobs--that pay less. -- Millions of others fear losing their jobs, especially at those companies operating under competitive pressure. -- Workers face pay-cut demands from employers, which often threaten to export jobs. -- Service and white-collar jobs are increasingly vulnerable to operations moving offshore. -- U.S. employees can lose their comparative advantage when companies build advanced factories in low-wage countries, making them as productive as those at home. In this section, use (or create more) these text boxes to develop the highlights—in an appealing visual fashion—of the case statement you prepared by cutting and pasting your text directly into the text boxes below to preserve formatting size. Photos, at above and at right , sh. Althou. Wins: Team folders Student Comments: “I found it extremely helpful “T TITLE Photos, above and below, show teams working on a team-based activity during the lecture. These photos were taken in the larger, more crowded lecture. Students demonstrated more skill at solving openended problems involving estimation when compared to past semesters; evidence of some improvement in critical thinking skills. Globalization definition: the process by which different parts of the world interact economically, politically, and culturally.