NAME: ____________________________ LESSON/UNIT TITLE: _______________________________ STEM-Centric Unit Plan: Rubric STEM STANDARD 1 LEARN AND APPLY RIGOROUS SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, AND MATHEMATICS CONTENT STEM proficient students will learn and apply rigorous content within science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines to answer complex questions, to investigate global issues, and to develop solutions for challenges and real world problems. Not evident: The academic content for the learning experience (disciplinary core ideas, crosscutting concepts, and science & engineering practices) is inaccurate or is not anchored to the relevant academic content standards. Connections between the content and solutions for complex questions or real world challenges are limited or absent. Emerging: The academic content for the learning experience (disciplinary core ideas, crosscutting concepts, and science & engineering practices) is accurately presented and appropriately anchored to at least one academic content standard for each content area represented. Connections to a complex question, global issue, and/or real world challenge are clear, however the teacher primarily makes those connections. Accomplished: The academic content for the learning experience (disciplinary core ideas, crosscutting concepts, and science & engineering practices) is accurately portrayed and appropriately anchored to a conceptual framework. The learning experience provides opportunity for students to make connections to a complex question, global issue, and/or real world challenge. Advanced: The academic content for the learning experience (disciplinary core ideas, crosscutting concepts, and science & engineering practices) is accurately portrayed, anchored to a conceptual framework, tied to multiple content standards, and focused on helping students acquire deep understanding of a “big idea” or “foundational skill” critical to their future learning in the targeted discipline(s). The learning experience allows students to meaningfully apply science, technology, engineering, or mathematics content to answer relevant complex questions, to investigate global issues, and to develop solutions for challenges and real world problems. Comments: You did a great job making this lesson tied to multiple content standards (science, technology, math, reading, engineering, social studies). I think this unit will help students to really understand earthquakes and their impact on the people that live where they occur. EDCI 614 Developing a Professional Portfolio Developed using the MSDE STEM Standards of Practice by Amy Green NAME: ____________________________ LESSON/UNIT TITLE: _______________________________ STEM STANDARD 2 INTEGRATE SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, AND MATHEMATICS CONTENT STEM proficient students will integrate content from science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines as appropriate to answer complex questions, to investigate global issues, and to develop solutions for challenges and real world problems. Not evident: The learning experience does not provide opportunities for students to consider the relationships between and among Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics. The learning experience does not provide an opportunity for students to apply integrated disciplinary knowledge toward solutions for complex questions, challenges, or real world problems. Emerging: The learning experience requires students to complete task(s) that integrate knowledge and/or skills from two of the STEM disciplines. Or, the teacher describes or prompts discussion of the relationships between and among two or more of the STEM Disciplines. The learning experience provides limited opportunity for students to apply integrated disciplinary knowledge toward solutions for complex questions, challenges, or real world problems. Or, the teacher describes or directs the connections. Accomplished: The learning experience requires students to complete task(s) that integrate knowledge and/or skills from three of the STEM disciplines. The teacher describes the interdisciplinary connections that exist within science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines and other disciplines and directs students to complete tasks that indicate how those connections may be applied to answer complex questions, to investigate global issues, to develop solutions for challenges and real world problems. Advanced: The learning experience is carefully designed to help students integrate knowledge and skills from Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. The learning experience provides meaningful opportunities for students to analyze interdisciplinary connections that exist within science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines and other disciplines and how those connections may be applied to answer complex questions, to investigate global issues, and to develop solutions for challenges and real world problems. Comments: In your lesson, I see definite evidence of Science, Technology and Engineering. For science, the understanding of earth’s changing surfaces, how scientists measure and monitor the earth’s movements. For technology, the tools scientist use to measure Earth’s seismic activities. For engineering, allowing the students to use the engineering design model to design a structure that can with stand the movements of the Earth’s crust. I think it is very important that you are allowing them the chance to work and discuss their designs with groups and allowing them the chance to evaluate and redesign if necessary. EDCI 614 Developing a Professional Portfolio Developed using the MSDE STEM Standards of Practice by Amy Green NAME: ____________________________ LESSON/UNIT TITLE: _______________________________ STEM STANDARD 3 INTERPRET AND COMMUNICATE INFORMATION FROM SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, AND MATHEMATICS STEM proficient students will interpret and communicate information from science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to answer complex questions, to investigate global issues, and to develop solutions for challenges and real world problems. Not evident: The learning experience does not provide opportunities for students to identify, analyze, and synthesize appropriate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics information through a variety of media(text, visual, audio, etc.). There is no evidence that students are given the opportunity to communicate evidence-based arguments effectively and precisely with others using appropriate domain-specific vocabulary, to engage in critical reading and writing of technical information, to evaluate and integrate multiple sources of information (e.g.: quantitative data, video and multimedia) presented in diverse formats. Emerging: The learning experience provides opportunities for students to identify appropriate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics information through one type of medium (e.g.: text). There are limited opportunities for students to construct and communicate evidencebased arguments. Emphasis is placed on the memorization and use of domain-specific vocabulary rather than on precise and effective communication of ideas. Students read and write technical information but the teacher prompts or directs the analysis and synthesis of that information. Accomplished: The learning experience provides meaningful opportunities for students to identify and analyze science, technology, engineering, and mathematics information through multiple media (text, visual, audio, etc.). There is evidence that students are given the opportunity to communicate ideas effectively and precisely with others using appropriate domain-specific vocabulary. Students are able to engage in critical reading and writing of technical information, to evaluate and integrate multiple sources of information (e.g.: quantitative data, video and multimedia). Advanced: The learning experience provides meaningful opportunities for students to identify, analyze, and synthesize appropriate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics information through a variety of media (text, visual, audio, etc.). There is ample evidence that students are given the opportunity to communicate evidence-based arguments effectively and precisely with others using appropriate domain-specific vocabulary, to engage in critical reading and writing of technical information, to evaluate and integrate multiple sources of information (e.g.: quantitative data, video and multimedia) presented in diverse formats. Comments: In your lesson, the students are given the opportunity to use a variety of books (I like how you mentioned that you would have differentiated books on their different levels), stations (where they will be making posters, reading books, creating their own seismograph, and computer exploration of earthquakes), videos, and other websites for the students to explore. I also like how you are giving students ownership of their own learning by creating a criteria for success. EDCI 614 Developing a Professional Portfolio Developed using the MSDE STEM Standards of Practice by Amy Green NAME: ____________________________ LESSON/UNIT TITLE: _______________________________ STEM STANDARD 4 ENGAGE IN INQUIRY STEM proficient students will engage in inquiry to investigate global issues, challenges, and real world problems. Not evident: The learning experience does not provide opportunities for students to engage in the practices of inquiry in the STEM disciplines. The learning experience reflects a narrow concentration on content alone and allows for students to be consumers but not producers of knowledge and information in the STEM disciplines. Emerging: The learning experience provides opportunities for the teacher to direct students in some of the practices of professional science, engineering, technology, and mathematics. The ‘discovery’ of knowledge is emphasized over the construction of knowledge in the STEM disciplines. Accomplished: The learning experience provides opportunities for students to strengthen their competence in many of the practices through which professional science, engineering, technology, and mathematics achieve their ends. Advanced: The learning experience provides meaningful opportunities for students to develop a better understanding of how scientific and mathematical knowledge is produced and how engineering and technological solutions are developed. Students are given meaningful opportunities to ask questions, define problems, develop and use models, plan and carry out investigations, analyze and interpret data, construct explanations and/ or design solutions, and engage in argumentation from evidence. Students engage in these practices for the purpose of constructing and critiquing knowledge as well as to identify and define global issues, challenges, and real world problems. Comments: This lesson gives students the opportunity to have a better understanding of how important the jobs of scientist and engineers really is to our world, by having the students learn about the tools scientist use and the ways engineers build structures to withstand natural disasters. Something to think about asking: After their final project or as part of their final project, asking them why it is important to engineers to know about the movements of the Earth and how it effects the way they build structures? EDCI 614 Developing a Professional Portfolio Developed using the MSDE STEM Standards of Practice by Amy Green NAME: ____________________________ LESSON/UNIT TITLE: _______________________________ STEM STANDARD 5 ENGAGE IN LOGICAL REASONING STEM proficient students will engage in logical reasoning to answer complex questions, to investigate global issues, and to develop solutions for challenges and real world problems Not evident: The learning experience does not provide opportunities for students to engage in logical reasoning or critical thinking. Information is presented to students rather than constructed by them. Emerging: The learning experience provides opportunities for the teacher to direct students in some critical thinking activities. The teacher leads approaches to inquiry and describes how habits of mind and habits of practice are applied toward the construction of knowledge. Accomplished: The learning experience provides opportunities for students to engage in critical thinking. Students engage in the construction of explanations or designs using reasoning, creative thinking, and models. Advanced: The learning experience provides meaningful opportunities for students to engage in critical thinking and causal reasoning about tangible causes and effects (mechanisms) in STEM disciplinary learning. Students evaluate, select, and apply appropriate systematic approaches (scientific and engineering practices, engineering design process, and/or mathematical practices), apply science, technology, engineering, and mathematics content to construct creative and innovative ideas, and analyze the impact of global issues and real world problems at the local, state, national, and international levels. Comments: The students are given the opportunity to apply scientific and engineering practices in this lesson. They are creating models of representing the movement of the earth’s crust and sharing their models with the class. They are also using the engineering design process to design a structure that could withstand an earthquake. Something to think about: I know we aren’t able to test this, but maybe ask the students how they could some way test their structure and see if it withstand an earthquake? They probably would come up with some very creative ways and it may give them an idea of what could happen. EDCI 614 Developing a Professional Portfolio Developed using the MSDE STEM Standards of Practice by Amy Green NAME: ____________________________ LESSON/UNIT TITLE: _______________________________ STEM STANDARD 6 COLLABORATE AS A STEM TEAM STEM proficient students will collaborate as a STEM team to answer complex questions, to investigate global issues, and to develop solutions for challenges and real world problems. Not evident: Students are not required to work or learn in collaboration with other students. Emerging: Students are encouraged or required to work in teams, but the collaborative work is informal in nature with little or no attention given to individual accountability. Accomplished: Students are required to work in formally structured teams with specific methods for measuring team and individual accountability for the targeted learning outcomes. Advanced: Students are required to work in formally structured teams that have clearly defined expectations for individual and team accountability, including an intentional instructional focus on helping students develop the interpersonal skills valued in real-world work environments such as respect for diverse perspectives, active listening, checking for shared understanding, etc. Students are required to share ideas and work effectively with a STEM focused multidisciplinary team to achieve a common goal, listen and be receptive to ideas of others, and analyze career opportunities that exist in a variety of STEM fields relevant to the STEM focused multidisciplinary team’s goal. Comments: Students are given the opportunity to collaborate with others, many times throughout this unit. They are collaborating while making their structures, in stations, during research, coming up with criteria for success, etc. EDCI 614 Developing a Professional Portfolio Developed using the MSDE STEM Standards of Practice by Amy Green NAME: ____________________________ LESSON/UNIT TITLE: _______________________________ STEM STANDARD 7 APPLY TECHNOLOGY STRATEGICALLY STEM proficient students will apply technology appropriately and responsibly to answer complex questions, to investigate global issues, and to develop solutions for challenges and real world problems. Not evident: The learning experience includes no opportunities for technology integration and makes no references to the many roles technology plays in the STEM fields. Emerging: The learning experience includes one or more technology tool or resources that are employed or demonstrated only by the teacher. Accomplished: The learning experience engages students in effectively employing at least one technology tool or resource selected by the teacher. Attention is given to analyzing the limits, risks, and impacts of technology and the ways in which technologies extend human capabilities. Advanced: The learning experience requires students to select and effectively employ multiple technology tools and resources to enhance their capacity to complete tasks, solve problems, or manage projects. Students analyze the limits, risks, and impacts of technology as well as how engineering, mathematics, technology, science, and society are interconnected. Meaningful attention is given to the limits, risks, and impacts of technology, how we engage in responsible/ethical uses of technology, and how technologies extend human capabilities. Comments: Students are given the opportunity to engage in more than one technology tool during this learning experience. Something to think about: maybe after they have learned about the tools scientist use to monitor changes in the earth’s crust, ask them what they think of the tools, is there anything that they think could be done to make them better? EDCI 614 Developing a Professional Portfolio Developed using the MSDE STEM Standards of Practice by Amy Green