M. J. Kaufman Elementary School Plan
Vision: To Become a School of Excellence
Mission: To Grow Leaders and Learners
Core Values: Respect, Responsibility, Teamwork, Honesty, A+ Attitude
To achieve high academic standards:
Every student will read on or above grade level as measured by the DIBELS reading
assessment and STAR Reading Test.
Every student will be proficient in mathematics as measured by common grade level
Every student will be proficient in writing as measured by common grade level rubrics.
Every student will be proficient in science and social studies as measured by common
grade level assessments.
Kaufman students will achieve a 97% attendance rate.
To increase stakeholder satisfaction:
Faculty and staff will create a marketable image to improve community
perception by promoting student and staff accomplishments through a variety of
Faculty and staff will enhance stakeholder involvement by offering a variety of
activities for parents and community members to contribute and work in the
school environment.
To manage all processes efficiently and effectively:
Faculty and staff will identify and align all school processes.
School Information:
School Hours
Teachers & Staff sign in
Teacher & Staff sign out
Instruction Begins
Car Riders & buses 727 & 556
Walkers, bike riders
Day Care & bus students
School wide Processes:
Teacher Duty:
Morning duty begins at 7:10-It is your responsibility to be on time for your
duty. If you can’t e on time call your Duty Buddy.
Recess Duty – grade levels will decide who has duty on what day. There should
be at least two teachers on duty.
Teachers are responsible for monitoring all students. Teachers must be
walking around and monitoring student activity.
Substitutes will not do duty.
Afternoon Dismissal:
2:50 (1st bell, early bus students and car riders) Teachers will escort students
to the cafeteria and car line.
2:55 (2nd bell walkers and bike riders) Teachers will escort students to the
3:00 (3rd bell remaining bus students) Teachers will escort students to the
Cafeteria Procedures:
Enter: All students must enter the cafeteria through the north door (closet
to the playground) Students will pick up their fork and straw. After receiving
their plate, they must check in at the desk with the manager. Then students
proceed to their assigned tables. Teachers will supervise this process.
Emptying Plate: Student will be dismissed one side at a time in a single file line
after having cleaned their area. They are to walk to the trashcans and scrape the
contents of their plates into the trashcans, place fork in dishpan and plates in the
window. After emptying their plate, they should line up in front of the stage in single file
Exit: Students will walk in a single file line, (zipped and flipped) down the hallway to
their class.
Student daily lunch count: Lunch count must be turned into the cafeteria
by 8:30 each morning.
Lunch payments: According to CPSB policy, students must now prepay all lunch
money. Each teacher should send the students with lunch money before 8:30.
Lunches from home: Canned or bottled soft drinks for students are not allowed.
Fast food (McDonald’s, Popeyes, etc.) may not be brought into the cafeteria by anyone
unless wrapped in unidentifiable paper.
Sitting with students: Teachers must sit with their class. The behavior of
your students during lunch time is your responsibility.
Visitors for Lunch: Parents are welcome to eat with their child during lunch
time. Please encourage parents to contact the cafeteria (217-4740 ext 6009) before
9:00 a.m. to make sure they are prepared to accommodate additional meals. Parents
are required to sign in through the office.
Corporal Punishment:
Our school uses Positive Behavior Interventions & Support (PBIS). Discipline expectations, processes,
and procedures are outlined in the “Discipline” section of this handbook. Referral to the office is a last
resort (unless it is a severe disruption) No child will be seen in the office without an office discipline
referral (ODR) form having been completed.
Teachers and staff members should make sure not to touch students in such a way as pinching, pulling,
squeezing or hitting. The only time you should touch a child is when hugging them or praising them.
Should it be necessary for you to be absent from school, please do the following:
Call a substitute from the list provided to you (posted on Blackboard)
Do not rely on the office to find a sub for you.
Choose a certified teacher first.
If you are scheduled for duty on a day that you will be absent, please make arrangements for
your duty buddy to cover your duty. Substitutes don’t know the children, they don’t know the
procedures, and they are not to cover duty.
5. Call the office immediately after 7:15 a.m. @ 217-4740 or text Mrs. Hamilton or Mrs. Dietz.
Each teacher is expected to have a special substitute folder prepared that will be kept on your desk in a
highly visible place. This folder should include a class schedule, a duty schedule, seating arrangements,
lunch procedures, class roll, fire drill procedures, pertinent information, about special needs students and
any other information you feel will insure an orderly, productive day will occur in your absence.
Field Trips:
1. Decide on one or two appropriate trips per year, usually discussed as a grade-level team. Field
trips are an extension of the curriculum.
2. Call the Transportation Office regarding bus availability and cost.
3. Complete the appropriate forms online and get required signatures – a) Field Trip Request Form
(online), b) Parent permission for field trip, c) Appropriate Medication forms if needed, d) Check
request form for admissions
4. Once confirmed, please make sure to notify the office of the date, place, and time of departure
and return.
5. All money collected must be given to the bookkeeper for safekeeping. Money cannot be kept in
the classroom.
6. Please collect all monies well in advance of the trip so that our secretary will have adequate time
to write out a check for the total cost of the trip. (remember check request form)
7. No child may be denied a field trip as a means of discipline. A field trip is not a reward for good
behavior and it is not limited to those students who follow procedures. If a grade level is approved
to take a field trip, it is expected that all students will participate.
8. Only students in the participating classrooms will be allowed to attend the field trip. (No school
age siblings)
9. New procedures allow administration to withhold a child from a field trip if substantial fees are
owed to the school. Teachers will assist by informing Mrs. Hamilton in advance so that parents
have the opportunity to resolve the fees owed.
Financial Matters:
All monies collected must be turned in to the bookkeeper on a daily basis by 9:30 a.m.. No exceptions!
You cannot hold cash for any reason--including party money. The official CPSB receipt book must be
used for logging all money receipts.
Check Requests: Complete check request form (in office) and turn in to bookkeeper. Receipts cannot
be older than 3 months. (Do not hold receipts until the end of the year.)
Purchase Orders: Pick up form from secretary, who will assign a purchase order number to you. Give to
Mrs. Hamilton for approval. After approval she will return it to you so you can place the order yourself and
turn in completed P.O. to the bookkeeper.
Lunch Counts:
Absentee forms will be sent to the cafeteria in order to determine the proper number of lunches to
prepare. Remember: Should your class be on a field trip and not eating at school, please notify the
cafeteria personnel in advance.
School Safety:
There are five basic drills with which you should be familiar:
Hurricane Drill: Upon the issuance of a hurricane warning, students should be dismissed and school
closed. If time does not permit dismissal of students, they should be kept in the areas of the building
least exposed to the dangers of broken glass, flying debris, and possible flooding. The principal will
dismiss students only when notified to do so by the CPSB or when parents arrive at the school.
Tornado Drill: If a tornado is spotted, the warning will be made on the intercom. Be prepared in the
following manner:
1. Open all windows and doors.
2. If a classroom is next to a restroom or vacant room, the student in the second seat from the
door shall check that room. If anyone is in the room, instruct them to proceed with the group to
the assembly point. Teachers should account for children who might be in the classroom.
3. The student in the seat nearest the classroom door will open it and lead the others to the
tornado shelter area along the interior hallways. The teacher will accompany the group and
take the classroom grade book with them.
4. Move quickly, without running; quietly, without talking. Keep calm, regardless of the situation.
Listen for instructions.
5. Assume positions of best protection along the wall of the hallway – sitting down with knees up,
head down, and hands over head.
6. Teachers should check the roll as soon as possible.
7. The group shall stay together until authorized to move back to the classroom or elsewhere.
Fire Drill: When the fire alarm rings, immediately proceed to leave the building. Follow the evacuation
route diagram which should be posted near your door. Follow this procedure:
1. One student should lead the class in an orderly, single file line out. Doors should be closed as
the teacher is the last one to exit the room. Silence is necessary.
2. Teachers must take grade books with them when they exit the building. Attendance should be
checked once everyone has exited to be sure that no one is missing.
3. Teachers next to a restroom should insure that everyone in there has received the warning and is
evacuating. Upon reaching the assembly point, the student should be sent to joint his/her own
4. Remember: Expect the unexpected—for example, a doorway may be blocked, or a drill may take
place during lunch. Remember that you need to think quickly and reroute your children should
this occur. Once outside, immediately check that each child is accounted for.
5. Enrichment teachers should escort their classes to the evacuation area.
Shelter in Place: Follow these instructions:
When the alarm is sounded, go inside the nearest building.
Close all doors and windows.
Turn off ventilation.
Seal cracks on all outside doors with duct tape or wet paper.
Turn on the television or radio for more information.
Wait for an all-clear signal before going outside.
Open shelter and turn ventilation system back on to remove any contaminated air that may be in
Intruder- addresses armed individuals, hostage situation, intruder/hostile persons, and shots fired.
Remain in your classroom until all clear is announced.
If you spot an intruder do not confront them. Notify the office using the intercom and give their
location. Clear all students from the hall. If possible, quietly alert teachers next to you. Wait for
instructions from the office.
If Intruder is announced, teachers should follow these instructions:
1. Clear any students from hall into classroom.
Lock your door.
Turn off the lights.
Close blinds, curtains, etc.
Move students away from windows and doors. If possible, they should be out of the line of
vision from all windows/doors.
6. Have students take cover – seated on floor, under desks, with knees drawn close. Attempt to
have your classroom appear unoccupied.
7. If you have safe access to a phone, without leaving your room, call “911” for help.
8. Assist any injured and maintain silence and stillness until help arrives.
Risk Management requires that all gates be kept locked during the school day. There is only one
entrance open to visitors and that is through the front doors.
Please report any and all accidents to the office immediately after attending to the child, then complete
the necessary accident form. If a student is injured under your supervision, please contact the parent
even if the student appears to be OK. This covers you and allows the parent to make the decision as to
the seriousness of the injury. If you are injured, you must notify Mrs. Hamilton immediately. You will need
to fill out an employee accident report.
Whenever a visitor comes to our school, he or she is required to sign-in in the office. They will receive a
visitor’s badge which signifies that the person has been approved to be in the building. Please STOP any
adult who does not have a visitor badge and ask that person to please go to the office and sign in.
Security is vital. If you are met with an unpleasant or confrontational attitude, you should use your
intercom and notify the office.
The administration will do everything possible to protect instructional time! Parents and/or visitors will not
be allowed in your classroom during the school day without permission.
Faculty and Staff Focus:
Remember that every word you speak, every action you take, every greeting you give or
fail to give is noticed by students, parents, and members of the community. Kaufman
Elementary is a happy place with warm, caring staff and we want to convey that
message in all that we do.
Cell Phone Policy:
There is a telephone in the main lobby for student to use when they are ill, etc. Cell phones are not
allowed to be in the possession of students. Teachers may use any of the phones available around
school. Teachers may also use cell phones but they are not allowed to be used at any time when
students are being supervised (during instruction, while on duty, recess etc.) according to CPSB
policy. If you are waiting on an important call or have an emergency, please direct the call to the office.
You will be notified immediately of the call if so requested by the caller.
CPSB is committed to the teaching of the most current skills to access information. However, there are
concerns about the user’s access to inappropriate material. Calcasieu maintains updated filters in order
to protect students and block inappropriate sites. All students and parents/guardians must sign an
Acceptable Use Policy and these will be placed in the student’s cumulative folders. Go to www.cpsb.org,
and see Policies for a copy of the AUP.
Faculty/Staff Attendance:
Teachers’ hours are Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. – 3:15 p.m. Duty begins at 7:10 a.m.
Because attendance information is sent to the payroll department, you are required to give a reason for
your absence. See “Absences” above. Classroom teachers are required to be in their classrooms in time
to begin promptly at 7:45 a.m. All teachers must sign in by 7:30 in order for us to verify whether or not
you are present.
Teacher Dress Code:
The CPSB has adopted a dress code for teachers. Your mode and manner of dress at school is a direct
reflection of your professionalism and impacts the entire school image. Friday is “Jean Day”. If you are
attending an in-service off campus, professional attire is required. Please refer to the district policy if you
have questions.
Permission to Leave Early:
Leave early or leave campus during the day – Please fill out a pink form and put in Mrs. Dietz’s box.
Keep discussions positive
Clean up after yourself
If you remove items from the workroom, PLEASE BRING THEM BACK
A Copy Person will be working in the workroom Monday & Wednesday, 8:00 – 10:00
Notify Lauren or Chris Labit ASAP if a copier needs attention.
The refrigerator will be cleaned out every Friday afternoon.
Monday Munchies:
Monday Munchies is a day of treats in the lounge provided by a designated group on the first Monday of
each month. Groups will sign up and provide snacks to “grab and go” for all staff members to enjoy.
Lesson Plans:
According to district policy, lesson plans must be completed daily and available at all times. Your lesson
plans are to be turned into Mrs. Dietz or me Monday morning by 8:00. RtI plans and a list of your RtI
students should be turned in every Monday morning with your lesson plans. Substitute plans should be
prepared if you plan to be out.
Corporal Punishment:
Our school uses Positive Behavior Interventions & Support (PBIS). Discipline expectations, processes,
and procedures are outlined in the “Discipline” section of this handbook. Referral to the office is a last
resort (unless it is a severe disruption) No child will be seen in the office without an office discipline
referral (ODR) form having been completed.
Teachers and staff members should make sure not to touch students in such a way as pinching, pulling,
squeezing or hitting. The only time you should touch a child is when hugging them or praising them.
Bulletin Boards:
We recognize that classroom bulletin boards are an integral adjunct to classroom instruction and learning.
Quality and Leader In Me Displays in the classroom are to include:
Mission Statements
School Plan on a Page
Math & Reading grades for lower grades
All subjects in upper grade
Student work needs to be displayed on hallway bulletin boards. Student work should be changed
frequently. All bulletin boards should have border on them at all times.
Student Focus:
Student Binders:
All student Leader Binders should include the following:
School Plan on a Page
Goal Setting for every nine weeks in Math, ELA, Attendance & AR
Track attendance, grades and AR
DIBELS scores, iSTEEP, Read 180, & Scantron
Only trained personnel may administer medication from a properly labeled bottle. Should students or
parents advise you of the need to take medication of any kind, please refer them to the office
immediately. No medicine may be given without a physician’s orders properly submitted to the school.
This is also the case with simple aspirin or cough medicine. Please be very observant about this, as it
can present far-reaching negative ramification.
Student Conduct:
Since orderly conduct is expected of each student, please use all positive measures to ensure that
students understand what is meant by the term orderly conduct and follow PBIS Rules. Consistency in
this regard will produce the most effective results. For example, children walking in the halls are strongly
encouraged to speak very softly. Teachers must emphasize respect for those people in classrooms.
Therefore, only talking in low tones is permitted. Running in the halls is never permitted and must be
monitored by each adult in the building. Safety must be our focus. When children use the bathrooms or
other facilities, it is imperative that they be continually instructed in respecting school property.
Student Attendance:
Attendance slips must be sent to the cafeteria by 8:30 a.m. Teachers should be finished marking
attendance in TAC by 10:00 a.m. each day. A note from a parent or guardian stating the reason for the
student’s absence is required and must accompany the child upon his or her return to school. File all
excuses in your classroom for documentation. “Excessive Absence” forms for intervals of 5, 10,
15…days will be sent through the office. Letters will be mailed to parents concerning poor attendance
and/or tardies.
Child Abuse or Neglect Suspicions:
Any suspicious circumstances (bruises, unusual marks, extraordinary tardiness over an extended period
of time, apparent hunger, etc.) must be reported to the school counselor for immediate follow-up. State
law binds us to report any suspicious case. Of course, you are protected by anonymity in this regard.
The rule is always “better safe than sorry”.
Particular situations might require the intervention of our school counselor. Please confer with either our
counselor or principal regarding a concern you might have. Counseling sessions will be arranged in
cases that require intervention.
Please fill out the form before you send a child to the counselor.
Should anyone need a custodian, please notify the main office, where custodial contact will be made for
you. Please do not send children to deliver messages for this purpose. In an emergency, use your
classroom intercom.
Dress Code:
The CPSB has adopted a dress code for teachers. Your mode and manner of dress at school is a direct
reflection of your professionalism and impacts the entire school image. Friday is “Jean Day”. If you are
attending an in-service off campus, professional attire is required. Please refer to the district policy if you
have questions.
Early Arrival of Students:
Students who arrive early in fair weather will be seated on outside benches. Students who arrive early in
inclement weather will be permitted to assemble in the cafeteria, providing the principal has arrived.
Students’ families should be discouraged from sending children to school before 7:10 a.m., because
supervision is not provided prior to that time.
Homework Policy:
As educators, it is important that we become cognizant of the ever changing society in which our students
will be active participants. Many of the methods, techniques, and procedures that were used in the past are
not appropriate to meet the needs and face the challenges of students living and competing in the
educational environment of the 21st century.
It is critical that we clearly define the true meaning of the concept homework and employ logical and
practical procedures in our local elementary classrooms that will reflect both the national and state
Homework should be reasonable and meaningful to students. It should never be used to teach objectives
and concepts but rather provide an opportunity to reinforce and apply the objectives and concepts that
students have already learned during the instructional day.
In order to develop and maintain structured and consistent homework procedures and expectations within
the parish and at the school level, the following guidelines should be used. The roles and responsibilities
listed below will set the stage for an effective school plan which should be shared with all stakeholders.
1. The assignment provides the student with the opportunity to reinforce, practice, apply and/or
enrich the content that has already been learned during classroom instruction.
2. The assignments given are extensions of the learning activities taught and should provide students
with the opportunity to be creative as well as provide the opportunity to utilize and implement
higher order thinking skills.
3. Careful consideration must be given to assure that the assignment is based on student interest,
needs and abilities, and not repetitive activities of what the students have already done in the
4. It is not recommended nor is it required that an elementary student be given homework in each
content area every day.
5. Always remember that the classroom is the central station for teaching and learning. Never use
homework to achieve this goal.
6. Homework should never be used as a threat or punishment.
1. The principal and his staff should develop a school wide homework policy by grade level using
the Elementary Department’s philosophy and guidelines.
2. It is the responsibility of the principal to make sure that parents receive a copy of the
school’s policy and that they understand the rationale and purpose described in the
3. Monitoring of the policy’s implementation should be consistent and should be evaluated
to determine its effectiveness.
1. The classroom teacher must implement homework procedures that include, but not be
limited to, activities that provide students the opportunity to reinforce, practice and apply
the skills addressed in the classroom. Consideration must be given to provide the student
with the opportunities necessary to become creative and the ability to apply the consistent
to everyday experiences.
2. Careful and serious consideration must be given to the amount of time an elementary
student is required to complete the assignment/s given. Recommendations from “Helping
Your Students With Homework: A Guide for Teachers,” published by the U.S.
Department of Education , lists the following:
a. Grades 1-3: up to 20 minutes a night
b. Grades 4-5: 20 – 40 minutes a night
Total time is per night, not subject.
[Modifications and accommodations as listed in a student’s Individual Education Plan
(IEP) or Individual Accommodation Plan (IAP) should be followed when assigning
3. Appropriate instruction should precede all assignments. Appropriate study habits and
strategies should be discussed with students.
4. It is extremely critical that homework assignments are carefully and clearly explained to
students and that all material students will need to accomplish these assignments is
accessible to them at home.
5. Teachers should give constructive feedback to students on all homework assignments.
This can be done through individual or whole class interactions on the work under
investigation. Daily homework review should not detract from the core instructional
lesson; therefore it should take no more than 10 minutes per day.
6. In planning homework assignments, communication and coordination between/among all
teachers is vital.
Inclement Weather:
In inclement weather, children will remain in their classrooms during regularly scheduled recess time.
They may play board games and teachers might want to provide activities for the students during this
time. Teachers normally on duty at that time will supervise students by monitoring the hall, moving from
room to room.
Parent/Teacher Conferences:
A Conference Form, which can be found in the teacher workroom, must be completed for each
conference that you hold with a parent or guardian. Remember to schedule the (2) required conferences
with parents per year. Conference Logs are to be turned in to Lauren at the end of every 9 weeks.
Professional Development:
All requests for Professional Development Must be turned into Dr. Portie 2 weeks in advance. If a
request isn’t turned in 2 weeks in advance a letter should be attached explaining why.
Report Cards:
Report Cards are issued a few days following the last day of the nine-weeks. They will be printed for you
and placed in your box. Notice will be given concerning the timeline for entering grades in JPAM’s at the
end of each marking period.
An SBLC (School Building Level Committee) meeting will be held in May to discuss any student who may
need to be retained. Midway through the year, Academic Warning Letters must go home to the parents
for any student who is at risk of retention. Pay particular attention to children who may have learning
difficulties and need to be tested by Pupil Appraisal and/or the school psychologist.
You will be provided with a copy of your schedule. Please do not leave the building during your planning
time without informing the office/principal. You will need to fill out a pink form. This is a precaution should
an incident occur that would prevent you from returning to school in time for you class. If there is a
special program being held during your prep time, then the enrichment teacher is responsible for
accompanying and supervising your class at that time.
Sexual Harassment:
The Calcasieu Parish School Board recognizes that harassment on the basis of sex is a violation of
state and federal law. The Board, therefore, will not tolerate any sexual harassment on the part of any
employee towards another employee or a student within the workplace. Conduct in violation of this
prohibition shall result in severe disciplinary measures, up to and including dismissal.
Harassment on the basis of sex is defined as any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual
favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:
Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an
individual's employment/education.
Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for
employment/education decisions affecting the individual.
Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's
work/education or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working/educational environment.
Incidents of sexual harassment may include verbal harassment such as derogatory comments, jokes, or
slurs, or remarks or questions of a sexual nature; physical harassment such as unnecessary or
offensive touching; and visual harassment such as derogatory or offensive posters, cards, cartoons,
graffiti, drawings, looks, or gestures. Harassment does not only depend upon the perpetrator's
intention, but also upon how the person who is the target perceives the behavior or is affected by it.
Individuals who experience sexual harassment from co-workers or others should make it clear that such
behavior is offensive to them.
It is recognized that instances occur within the school system involving individuals and personalities and
these matters are best handled informally. In the event that an individual believes such instances
require a remedy or that there is a basis for a complaint, the individual shall first discuss the issue with
the individual's principal or immediate supervisor. Should no resolution occur to the satisfaction of the
individual after five (5) days, a formal complaint may be filed.