Evidence Analysis for principal evaluation

EVIDENCE of Principal Actions
Lead Evaluator Training for Principals, Part 1, Session 2
A. The principal initiated an extensive after school club program to keep students engaged in schooling, including
such clubs as mixed martial arts, forensics, and entrepreneurship. He created ceremonies that celebrated
academic and non-academic success, such as: monthly formal dining and pizza lunch with the principal.
B. Agenda from the June Faculty Meeting:
June 2, 2012
Parking challenges
Senior trip. .. senior pranks
Reminder: student dress code – warm weather issues
Regents proctoring schedule
Reminder: signatures required for proctoring
Reminder: end of year reporting requirements/due dates
SLO assessment schedule with BOCES
OTHER issues from the floor
2:30 – 3:15
(5 minutes)
(5 minutes)
(5 minutes)
(5 minutes)
(5 minutes)
(10 minutes)
(5 minutes)
The principal was in the cafeteria at 11:10. Lunch period had begun at 11:10 and ended at 11:40. In her
notepad, she recorded the following information about the lunch monitors:
Ms Jones stood at the back of the cafeteria for 5 minutes (11:10-11:15). Ms. Jones was in conversation
with the Mrs. White the cafeteria clerk.
11:10 – 11:15: Ms. Smith moved between 3 tables. She assisted 6 different kindergarten students with
opening their fruit cups and milk. She congratulated 3 students with “high fives”. She directed 4
students to the game table when they had completed their lunches.
At 11:15 Principal Phillips spoke with Ms. Jones and Mrs. White. After the conversation, Ms. Jones
moved between three tables. Principal Phillips continued to observe for 5 minutes. Additionally, she
spoke with 3 children who were reading books. She asked them to describe their favorite part of the
book so far.
Principal Phillips explained:
“Student behavior in the cafeteria has become a big concern for the teachers and staff. We created a
plan for monitoring student behavior and for providing a “game table” where students can play board
games when they are finished with their lunches.
Additionally, I am meeting individually with hall monitors this afternoon. I have been walking through
the cafeteria and have documented their activities during lunch periods”.
EVIDENCE of Principal Actions
Lead Evaluator Training for Principals, Part 1, Session 2
D. The 7th grade ELA DDI team meeting began @ 9:52. All four members of the 7th grade ELA team were present.
Principal : “I’m excited to hear how your third “close read” went. Your instructional focus was teaching the
students to state a clear position statement before they went to the text”. Let’s start with sharing the
strategies that you used. Who wants to start? Janet?” . .. . (teachers explained strategies)
Principal: “What did you expect the data from the close read to show?
(all four teachers shared)
Principal: “Let’s look at the data.. .did it match your expectations?”
(all four teaches shared)
Principal: “What does the data show that is working? In what areas are students still struggling?
E. Principal Adams did a fabulous job in the first meeting of the SLO assessment. Her enthusiasm is absolutely
contagious! She clearly presented the regulations and the upcoming schedule for SLO assessment development.
Because of this was able to alleviate staff concerns at the onset.
She is an excellent listener and responded to the concerns of the group with tact and caring.
When one teacher began to complain about the state, she carefully redirected him to the task at hand. At the
end, the teachers seemed to understand the expectations.
Principal Adams is a great asset to this school!