Collaboration and Web2.0 Tools Using
Handout: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10103343/Edmodo_Share/HANDOUT.docx
Facilitated by: Dr Joy Rousseau (joy@arpisd.org)
Instructional Blog: http://podcast.arpisd.org/users/joy
Workshop Recommended for Blended Learning & Hybrid Courses
Agenda & Talking Points:
Opening Discussion on: (1) the importance of blended learning (2) Flipped Classroom (3) Teachers
team teaching with themselves (Video: Best way to Engage College Students)
Training Agenda - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10103343/Edmodo_Share/SampleTrainingAgenda.doc
Dr Rousseau’s Edmodo PD Group & Resources: q4mmth
Look at Edmodo Resources and Research on last page 5
Experiencing Edmodo Features:
Login as a Teacher to http://www.edmodo.com and Create an Account
Create a Profile (Avatar or Picture, Contact Strategy, Browse & Join Communities)
Adjust Settings (Texts, Email, Notifications)
Find Connections (Account, Find New Connections)
Join a Group & Explore Features of a Group
Chat, Calendar, Assignments, Quizzes, Badges
Managing Subgroups (Manage, Create Small Group) Helps you organize not only groups, but content
Explore HELP (Account, Help)
Create a Group (Select Audience: Grade-level students, Parents, Teachers, PTA, Band Boosters, Athletics,
Theatre, Dept Chairs, Mentors, Administrators)
Explore YOUR Group Features (Chat & Assignment Features - Calendar, Upload, View, Comment)
Tweet your URL
Share Folders & Files using the Library
Organize Course Using Small Groups (Manage) & Library Folders
Create a Quiz, Grade A Quiz, Adjust the Grade on a Quiz
Plan Your Syllabus and Course for a Semester
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Creating an Account
(1) EDMODO: Link: http://www.edmodo.com
Click on I’m a Teacher Button.
(2)FOR SUBDOMAIN FOLKS: If you have never logged in before to your campus subdomain you will need to
create your account depending on your roll at Arp ISD (Teacher or Student). Teachers’ school codes are located at:
(3): Go to Account / Settings
Select your Avatar OR upload a picture
Fill out all the information (you may change your password here), Uncheck all the Privacy boxes
Decide how you want to be notified (text or mail) and for what items you want to be notified. I recommend
being notified only for Direct Messages. My settings are below. Make sure you save each section as you
decide to change the information.
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Student-side Practice:
Send a Message to group introducing yourself
Participate in Poll
Take the Quiz
Check your Grade
Access the Library and Shared Folders for this group
Create Your Own Group
(4): Click on Home at top of Menu
Click on Create Groups,
Fill out the Group information. (Advanced Settings) Decide if you want all students to be able to post
information OR if you want to approve it first. If you want to approve postings....Check the MODERATE
box. When completed, Click Create
A group CODE box will appear. Give students this code so they can join your group.
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Add all the groups you will need and give students group code so they can join.
As students join your group, make sure they go to their Account Settings and complete Step 1.
(5): Now you are ready to:
Add Notes, Alerts, Assignments, Quizzes, run Polls for your group and Upload Items to your Library to
share with your Group
Practice sending a Note to a specific Group
Practice adding a Calendar Event
Practice Uploading and Sharing Items in your Library.
Practice Creating a Quiz: NEED HELP? http://tinyurl.com/7mw962j
Changing student’s password in Edmodo
Logon to Edmodo as a teacher
Hover you cursor over the period where you need to change student’s password
This menu will appear. Click on “Members”
Click on the Password Icon
Type in a password and Click Reset.
Free Webinar Training, Integration Ideas, How-to, Features: Edmodo Blog from Edmodo Home
o ADVANCED FEATURES WEBINAR RECORDING: http://preview.tinyurl.com/cewfox5
Mobile Apps Available! http://m.edmodo.com (Droid & iPhone)
SubDomain Invitation: http://tinyurl.com/75pesc6
QuickStart: http://tinyurl.com/7rr4gc4 And http://tinyurl.com/7yrqk4c
Teacher Training Invitation: http://preview.tinyurl.com/7fw735s
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Edmodo Matrix: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10103343/Edmodo_Share/EdmodoMatrix.pdf
Using Edmodo with Web2.0 Tools: http://preview.tinyurl.com/7dqcc6l
o Quizletdemo.wmv: http://preview.tinyurl.com/8yho933
o Screenrdemo.wmv http://preview.tinyurl.com/86lka3t
How to Use Edmodo: http://preview.tinyurl.com/7cgyl35
Example of Policy & Permission (Optional): http://preview.tinyurl.com/7zb82lu
Join Edmodo PD Group: Chat with the experts! Group – quagrj
Don’t Forget to Explore Content & Subject Communities AND Check Out Youtube Edmodo
Tutorial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KJmI1ZcBv8&feature=related
Below you will find the Digital content Pages that are used by Arp High School and Arp Junior High School
Writing Form for Blog
---All Teachers: http://www.arpisd.org/inserv/Online_Learning.htm (Freeware/Shareware)
---All Students: Free Online Tutor for Math English & Science: (Free Tutor Online!)
Arp High School
--Math: http://podcast.arpisd.org/users/eamondm/weblog/c0fd0/Digital_Content.html
--Science: http://podcast.arpisd.org/users/jenniferan/weblog/f3066/Digital_Resources.html
Arp Jr High School
--Math: http://podcast.arpisd.org/users/hillaryb/weblog/20d0b/Digital_Resourcse.html
--ELA: http://podcast.arpisd.org/users/ellis/weblog/9de35/Digital_Resources.html
http://podcast.arpisd.org/users/joy/weblog/6e3b9/attachments/a82b4/Day1.docx This document is an example of
how to use the Writing Form
Here is a BLANK writing form that you can add to your Blog with your Questions.
Report on Blended Learning:
Education Week on Blended Learning:
What are the 21st Century Skills?
Flipped Classroom: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10103343/Edmodo_Share/Theflip.docx
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