ANNEX 3 PROTOCOL OF CANCELS AND REFUNDS Yandex.Money Merchant Web Services Version 3.2.1 from 27 March 2015 CONTENTS 1. Overview ........................................................................................................ 2 1.1. Purpose of This Document ............................................................................. 2 1.2. Onboarding of the Counterparty ..................................................................... 2 2. Format for Interaction ...................................................................................... 2 2.1. Request Format ........................................................................................... 2 2.2. Response Format ......................................................................................... 3 2.3. Rules for Processing Requests ....................................................................... 3 3. Information Requests ....................................................................................... 3 3.1. Request for Orders List ................................................................................. 3 3.1.1. Request of the Counterparty ................................................................. 4 3.1.2. Response Format ................................................................................ 6 3.2. Request for List of Refunds (listReturns) ........................................................ 10 4. Financial Operations ........................................................................................ 12 4.1. Request for Refund (returnPayemt) .............................................................. 12 4.2. Request for Confirmation of a Deferred Payment (confirmPayment) .................. 14 4.3. Request for Cancelation of a Deferred Payment (cancelPayment) ...................... 15 4.4. Request for Repeating Payment by Bank Card (repeatCardPayment) ................. 16 5. Appendices..................................................................................................... 17 5.1. HTTP Response Codes ................................................................................. 17 5.2. Common Response Parameters .................................................................... 17 5.3. Request Status Codes ................................................................................. 18 5.4. Data Types ................................................................................................ 18 5.5 Error Codes ................................................................................................. 21 5.6. Status Codes for Notification of Transfer ..............Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. Overview 1.1. Purpose of This Document This document describes the operating principals of Merchant Web Services (“MWS”). MWS is an interface used for secure interaction between the Counterparty’s information system (“IS”) and NBCO Yandex.Money LLC (“Operator”, “Yandex.Money”) via the internet, in real time mode. MWS allows the Counterparty to receive information on customers’ successful orders and refunds, to refund successful payments, to confirm or to cancel deferred payments, and to repeat payments by card (with the payer’s prior authorization). Formats for the corresponding requests are specified in Sections 3 “Information Requests” and 4 “Financial Operations”. 1.2. Onboarding of the Counterparty Before using MWS, the Counterparty needs to implement the information exchange protocol for performing transfers with the Operator (“Protocol 3.0”, see the document “Yandex.Money to Merchant Integration Protocol: HTTP and Email Notifications”), which involves a number of restrictions/particularities depending on the scheme by which the Counterparty chooses to integrate with the Operator. These restrictions/particularities are described in the corresponding sections, which detail MWS requests. The implementation scheme the Counterparty chooses and the terms and conditions of its agreement with the Operator determine which MWS requests are available to the Counterparty. The Operator’s settings also affect which MWS requests are available to the Counterparty. Repeat payments by card (repeatCardPayment) are only available if the parties have entered into the agreement on debiting funds from a card as initiated by the Counterparty. Please note: to work with deferred payments (requests confirmPayment and cancelPayment), a separate store should be registered in the Operator’s system. The Counterparty can contact its account manager for more detailed information about integration process. 2. Format for Interaction The Counterparty and the Operator interact via the HTTPS protocol. To work with the MWS, the Counterparty should obtain an X.509 certificate issued by the Operator’s certification authority, by which the Counterparty shall form requests to the Operator. The procedure of issuing the certificate is described in the document “Client Certificate Request Procedure”. 2.1. Request Format Information from the Counterparty's IS is transmitted to the Operator via HTTP/1.1 protocol using POST-request method. The message’s parameters are packed as a set of POST-request parameters in the form of the pairs “name=value”. Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded, character set – UTF-8. Please note: requests for refunds (returnPayment) should be sent as encoded cryptographic messages. Section 4.1 “Request for Refund (returnPayment)” contains an explicit description of this request’s format. 2.2. Response Format Results of processing the Counterparty’s request returns as an XML document under the standard XML 1.0 (Fifth Edition) published at Content-Type: application/xml. Character set – UTF-8. Possible HTTP response codes are listed in Section 5.1 “HTTP Response Codes”. 2.3. Rules for Processing Requests 1. The Operator processes the incoming request immediately. If the request is not processed within a few seconds, the response “in progress” (status=1) is returned. In this case the Counterparty’s IS should repeat the request with the same parameters to get a definitive response. It is recommended that the Counterparty use the following schedule for repeating requests: first repeat attempt after 1 minute, the next three attempts at 5-minute intervals, and any successive attempts no less than 30 minutes apart. 2. If there is no response or an unclear response (e.g. HTTP status 500 or status=1), the request should be repeated with the same parameters to get a definitive response. The recommended schedule for repeating requests is specified in point 1. 3. If the status of an operation is “in progress” (status=1), then its status can be changed to “success” as well as to “refused”. 4. If the request is refused by the Operator, the response will contain status=3 and error= with the reason for refusal. In some cases, the response may contain an additional text field techMessage with a detailed description in free format. This text is meant for analysis by technical specialists and should not be displayed on any user interface. 5. Every request for refund (returnPayment) and for repeat of payment by a card (repeatCardPayment) must be sent with a unique operation identifier (clientOrderId). If the request is sent with an operation identifier (clientOrderId) that has already been processed, and if the values of all other request parameters except requestDT (the request date and time by the hour of the Counterparty’s IS) are the same as the request parameters of the previous attempt, the Operator returns the processed results of the request that was already sent. If the request is sent with an operation identifier (clientOrderId) that has been processed previously, and if the values of the other request parameters differ from that of the first attempt, the Operator declines such a request and returns in response status=3, error=405. 6. If the Counterparty integrates deferred payments and repeated payments by banks cards, then the repeated payments will be executed like deferred payments. I.e. after the request to repeat a payment by bank card (repeatCardPayment), the Counterparty must execute either a request for confirmation (confirmPayment) or a request for cancelation of the deferred payment (cancelPayment). 7. If the Counterparty has implemented the Protocol 3.0 by the HTTP-scheme, then when it sends a request for payment repeat (repeatCardPayment), it receives requests “Check order” (checkOrder), and then “Notification of Payment” (paymentAviso). If the Counterparty implements the protocol via the email scheme, it receives no additional requests. Section 5 “Appendices” contains a full list of HTTP response codes, request statuses, operation errors. 3. Information Requests 3.1. Request for Orders List (listOrder) The request for orders list allows the Counterparty to receive a list of orders and their properties. Operation address: https://server:port/webservice/mws/api/listOrders The request and response parameters are listed in Tables “Request Parameters for listOrders” and “Response Parameters for listOrder”. The description of protocol data types are in the Section 5.4 “Data Types”. Some parameters may be omitted in the request, in which case the parameter’s default value is used. If a parameter is present in the request but has a null value, the default value is not applied to the parameter. The errors that may occur while executing a request are listed in Section 5.5 “Error Codes”. Please note: a response may be in CSV or XML format. The response format is defined by the request input parameters outputFormat and csvDelimiter (value delimiter for CSV format). 3.1.1. Request of the Counterparty Table Error! No text of specified style in document..1.1. Request Parameters for listOrders Parameter Type Description requestDT xs:dateTime outputFormat xs:normalize dString Date and time of the request according to the time of the Counterparty’s IS. Mandatory parameter. Format for displaying request result. Possible values – “XML” or “CSV”. Optional parameter: default value is “XML”. csvDelimiter xs:string, 1 symbol Value delimiter for CSV format. Cannot be “”” (quotation mark). Optional parameter: default value “;”. shopId xs:long orderCreatedDatetime GreaterOrEqual xs:dateTime orderCreatedDatetime LessOrEqual xs:dateTime paid xs:boolean paymentDatetimeGre aterOrEqual xs:dateTime paymentDatetimeLess OrEqual xs:dateTime invoiceId xs:long The identifier of the Counterparty whose orders list is requested. If the parameter is not specified, orders are returned by all the shopId’s for which the current MWS user has rights to receive orders lists. The lower boundary of the order creation time. Orders created at the time indicated by this parameter or later are returned. The upper boundary of the order creation time. Orders created at the time indicated by this parameter or earlier are returned. If the parameter value is “true”, only paid orders are returned. If the parameter value is “false”, only unpaid orders are returned. If the parameter is not specified, both paid and unpaid orders are returned. The lower boundary of the order payment time. Selection of orders that were paid for at the time indicated by this parameter or later. The upper boundary of time order payment time. Selection of orders that were paid for at the time indicated by this parameter or earlier. Unique transaction number in the Operator’s IS. orderNumber xs:string, up to 64 symbols Unique order number in the Counterparty’s IS. The parameter can only be used if the Operator receives and stores order numbers from the Counterparty. Parameter Type Description outputFields xs:string, up to 4,000 symbols A list of the order properties to be displayed in the response. Delimiter for items in the list is the symbol “;” (without quotation marks). Default value: “shopId;shopName;articleId;articleName;invoiceId;orderNu mber;paymentSystemOrderNumber;customerNumber;creat edDatetime;paid;orderSumAmount; orderSumCurrencyPaycash;orderSumBankPaycash;paidSum Amount; paidSumCurrencyPaycash;paidSumBankPaycash;receivedSu mAmount; receivedSumCurrencyPaycash;receivedSumBankPaycash; shopSumAmount;shopSumCurrencyPaycash;shopSumBankP aycash; paymentDatetime;paymentAuthorizationTime;payerCode; payerAddress;payeeCode;paymentSystemDatetime; avisoReceivedDatetime;avisoStatus” (without quotation marks). Table Error! No text of specified style in document..2.1. “Response Parameters for listOrder” contains the full list of order properties. Please note: At least one of the following conditions must be given in the parameters of a request for an orders list: Transaction number (invoiceId) and the Counterparty’s identifier (shopId); Order number (orderNumber) and the Counterparty’s identifier (shopId); Time interval for order creation (orderCreatedDatetimeGreaterOrEqual and/or orderCreatedDatetimeLessOrEqual); Time interval for order payment (paymentDatetimeGreaterOrEqual and/or paymentDatetimeLessOrEqual). When requests are made by the transaction number (invoiceId) or by the order number (orderNumber), such requests must contain the Counterparty’s identifier (shopId). Please note: The following rules are applied to requests for selection of orders limited by the time of creation or by the time of payment: if only one bound is given for the time of order creation or order payment, then the second bound is taken by default. The default value for the upper bound is the current time of the Operator. The default value for the lower bound is the time of the upper bound in the request minus 24-hours; if the time interval for order payment is set, then the “paid” parameter must be given in the request and must have the value “true” (without quotation marks); the requested time interval must not exceed 31 days; the number of entries in the resulting response cannot exceed 10,000. 3.1.2. Response Format Table Error! No text of specified style in document..2.1. Response Parameters for listOrder Parameter Type Description orderCount xs:int shopId xs:long articleId shopName xs:long xs:string, up to 64 symbols xs:string, up to 128 symbols xs:long xs:string, up to 64 symbols Number of orders in result. Response heading field. Present when the orders list selection is successful. Counterparty’s identifier, assigned by the Operator. Article identifier, assigned by the Operator. Name of the Counterparty articleName invoiceId orderNumber paymentSystemOrderNumber customerNumber xs:string, up to 40 symbols xs:string, up to 64 symbols createdDatetime xs:dateTime paid xs:boolean paymentDatetime xs:dateTime paymentAuthorizationTime xs:long payerCode YMAccount payerAddress payeeCode xs:string, up to 33 symbols YMAccount paymentSystemDatetime xs:dateTime Name of the article Operator’s unique transaction number. Order number in the Counterparty’s IS. If the Operator receives and stores order numbers from the Counterparty’s IS, then this parameter contains the order number in the Counterparty’s IS. Otherwise, the parameter contains the transaction number in the Operator’s IS. Transfer identifier in the Operator’s system. Only present for paid orders. Payer’s identifier in the Counterparty’s IS (sent in the payment form). The identifier can be the payer’s mobile phone number, contract number, username, etc. It is a unique identifier in the Counterparty’s IS. Time when order was registered in the Operator’s IS. The value is “true” if the order is paid. Otherwise, the value is “false”. Time when the order was paid for according to the time of the Operator’s IS. The value is only present for paid orders. Order number in the Operator’s processing center. The value is only present for paid orders. Payer’s account number. The value is only present for paid orders. The payer’s IP, if known. The value is only present for paid orders. Transfer recipient’s account number when paying for the order. The value is only present for paid orders. Time of the registration of order payment in the Operator’s processing center. Parameter Type avisoReceivedDatetime xs:dateTime avisoStatus xs:int avisoRegistryId xs:long orderSumAmount orderSumCurrencyPaycash orderSumBankPaycash contractAmount CurrencyAmount CurrencyCode CurrencyBank CurrencyAmount contractCurrency paidSumAmount CurrencyCode CurrencyAmount paidSumCurrencyPaycash CurrencyCode paidSumBankPaycash CurrencyBank shopSumAmount CurrencyAmount shopSumCurrencyPaycash shopSumBankPaycash receivedSumAmount CurrencyCode CurrencyBank CurrencyAmount receivedSumCurrencyPaycash CurrencyCode receivedSumBankPaycash CurrencyBank paymentFormParams xs:string paymentType PaymentType Description The value is only present for paid orders. Time of the order payment registration in the Counterparty’s IS. The value is only present, if the Counterparty has received a notification of payment (paymentAviso) by the time of request. Status code for notification of payment. The notification statuses are described in Section Error! Reference source not found. “Status Codes for Notification of Payment”. Number of the payment report that contains this order. Order amount. Currency code for orderSumAmount. Processing center code for orderSumAmount . Amount to be paid in the currency of the payer’s account. Currency code of the payer’s account. The amount paid by the payer. The value is only present for paid orders. The currency code for paidSumAmount. The value is only present for paid orders. Processing center code for paidSumAmount. The value is only present for paid orders. Amount to be received on the Counterparty's bank account: the order amount less the Operator's commission. Currency code for shopSumAmount Processing center code for shopSumAmount. The amount received by the Operator from the payer. The value is only present for paid orders. Currency code for receivedSumAmount. The value is only present for paid orders. Processing center code for receivedSumAmount. The value is only present for paid orders. Parameters of the payment form. The value is only present for the Counterparty that have the setting “save payment form parameters” enabled. Payment method used. Response in CSV Format If CSV response format is specified in the request, the heading and the body of the answer will be a set of strings delimited by string breaks. The first string of the response contains the values of the heading fields of the request result. The second string contains a list of the names of order properties in the same order in which the values of those order properties will appear in subsequent strings. Each string of the response, starting with the third one, contains the properties of only one order. The value of the request parameter csvDelimeter is used as a delimiter for order properties. If the order property contains the value delimiter symbol (csvDelimiter request parameter) or the symbol “”” (without surrounding quotation marks), then in the MWS response the value of the property is put in quotation marks “”” (without surrounding quotation marks). At the same time, the quotation marks contained in the property’s value are doubled. If the value of any property cannot be defined (e.g. the time of payment for an unpaid order), the value of the given property will be null in a CSV-formatted response. Example of response to listOrders when processing is successful (CSV format, default set of order properties. Long strings are wrapped; the table rows show where strings start and end): status=0;error=0;processedDT=2011-08-02T18:28:08.541+04:00;orderCount=2 shopId;articleId;invoiceId;orderNumber;paymentSystemOrderNumber;customerNumb er;createdDatetime;paid;orderSumAmount;orderSumCurrencyPaycash;orderSumBankP aycash;paidSumAmount;paidSumCurrencyPaycash;paidSumBankPaycash;receivedSumAm ount;receivedSumCurrencyPaycash;receivedSumBankPaycash;shopSumAmount;shopSum CurrencyPaycash;shopSumBankPaycash;paymentDatetime;paymentAuthorizationTime; payerCode;payerAddress;payeeCode;paymentSystemDatetime;avisoReceivedDatetime ;avisoStatus;avisoRegistryId 1;2;2000000294394;12345670;;;2011-0802T18:28:08.269+04:00;false;2.08;10643;1003;;;;;;; 2.00;10643;1003;;;;;;;;;; 2;3;2000000294386;12345671;334074060091013004;;2011-0802T18:20:58.562+04:00;true;350.00;10643;1002;350.00;10643;1003;350.00;10643; 1003;300.00;10643;1002; 2011-0802T18:21:00.091+04:00;334074060091013004;41003321020;;410031234 567; 2011-08-02T18:21:00.091+04:00;2011-08-02T18:27:59.448+04:00;81; Example of response to listOrders when an error occurs, CSV format: status=3;error=111;processedDT=2011-07-21T13:20:14.869+04:00; techMessage=”Invalid requestDT parameter value” Response in XML Format If the value of any property cannot be defined (e.g. the time of payment for an unpaid order), the corresponding attribute will be omitted in the XML-formatted response. Example of response to listOrders when processing is successful, XML format: <?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”utf-8”?> <listOrdersResponse status=”0” error=”0” processedDT=”2011-08-02T20:38:01.000+04:00” orderCount=”2”> <order shopId=”1” articleId=”2” invoiceId=”2000000294393” shopName=”&quot;Mobile&quot; LLC” articleName=”Payment for mobile phone” orderNumber=”12345678” paymentSystemOrderNumber=”334074426144011004” createdDatetime=”2011-08-02T18:27:05.568+04:00” paid=”true” paymentDatetime=”2011-08-02T18:27:06.144+04:00” paymentAuthorizationTime=”334074426144011004” payerCode=”41003122233” payerAddress=”” payeeCode=”41003987654” paymentSystemDatetime=”2011-08-02T18:27:06.144+04:00” avisoReceivedDatetime=”2011-08-02T18:27:06.144+04:00” avisoStatus=”1000” orderSumAmount=”2.08” orderSumCurrencyPaycash=”643” orderSumBankPaycash=”1001” paidSumAmount=”2.08” paidSumCurrencyPaycash=”643” paidSumBankPaycash=”1001” shopSumAmount=”2.07” shopSumCurrencyPaycash=”643” shopSumBankPaycash=”1001” receivedSumAmount=”2.07” receivedSumCurrencyPaycash=”643” receivedSumBankPaycash=”1001” /> <order shopId=”2” articleId=”3” invoiceId=”2000000294394” shopName=”&quot;Virtual reality&quot; LLC” articleName=”Football forever” orderNumber=”12345679” createdDatetime=”2011-08-02T18:28:08.269+04:00” paid=”false” orderSumAmount=”2.08” orderSumCurrencyPaycash=”643” orderSumBankPaycash=”1001” shopSumAmount=”2.07” shopSumCurrencyPaycash=”643” shopSumBankPaycash=”1001” /> </listOrdersResponse> Example of response to listOrders when an error occurs, XML format: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <listOrdersResponse status="3" error="111" processedDT="2011-07-02T20:38:01.000+04:00" techMessage="Invalid requestDT parameter value" /> 3.2. Request for List of Refunds (listReturns) This request allows the Counterparty to review a select history of refunds. Operation address: https://server:port/webservice/mws/api/listReturns Request and response parameters are listed in the Tables 3.2.1. “Request Parameters for listReturns” and 3.2.2. “Response Parameters for listReturns Operation”. The protocol data types are listed in Section 5.4 “Data Types”. Some parameters may be omitted in the request. The default value is used for such parameters. If a parameter with a null value is included in the request, the default value is not used for such parameters. The errors that may occur while processing a request are listed in Section 5.5 “Error Codes”. Please note: a response may be in CSV or XML format. The response format is defined by the request input parameters outputFormat and csvDelimiter (value delimiter for CSV format). The request parameters “from” and “till” are applied to the response field createdDT (time the request for refund was registered). Table Error! No text of specified style in document..2. Request Parameters for listReturns Parameter Type Description requestDT xs:dateTime shopId xs:long from till status partial xs:dateTime xs:dateTime xs:int xs:boolean outputFormat xs:normalizedString csvDelimiter xs:string, 1 symbol Date and time of request according to the time of the Counterparty’s IS. Mandatory parameter. The Counterparty’s identifier, assigned by the Operator. Lower time bound. Upper time bound. Operation status (optional parameter). Optional parameter. Possible values: true–the operations for which only a part of the transfer amount was refunded are returned false–the operations for which the whole transfer amount was refunded are returned parameter absent–all operations are returned Default value: parameter is absent. Format for displaying results, possible values–“XML” or “CSV”. Default value: XML. Value delimiter for CSV format. Cannot be “”” (quotation mark). Optional parameter: default value “;” (without quotation marks). Table Error! No text of specified style in document..3. Response Parameters for listReturns Parameter Type Description returnId xs:long Unique identifier of the return operation in the Yandex.Money service. invoiceId xs:long Operator’s unique transaction number. shopId xs:long The Counterparty’s identifier, assigned by the Operator. amount CurrencyAmount Refund amount. currency CurrencyCode Currency code. cause xs:string, up to 255 symbols Description of the reason for return. status xs:int Code of the request status. error xs:int Error code. createdDT xs:dateTime Time the request for refund was registered. processedDT xs:dateTime Actual time when funds were returned to the payer. The field is only present for successful refunds. sender xs:string Sender of the request for refund. The parameter contains the CN field of the X509 certificate used for signing the request for refund (returnPayment). articleAmount CurrencyAmount Amount of refund in the article’s currency. articleCurrency CurrencyCode Code of the article's currency. orderNumber xs:string, up to 64 symbols Unique order number for the given shopId in the Counterparty’s IS. Response in CSV Format Example of the response to listReturns, when processing is successful, CSV format: status=0;error=0;processedDT=2011-07-02T20:38:01.000Z 123;0;0;2000000123;6689;10.00;643;2011-07-02T20:38:01.000Z;2011-0702T20:38:01.000Z;"buyer declined to receive the article";shopName;10.00;643;12345 124;3;506; 2000000125;6689;12.00;643;2011-07-02T20:38:01.000Z;;"buyer declined to receive the article";shopName;12.00;643;12346 Example of the response to listReturns, when an error occurs, CSV format: status=3;error=113;processedDT=2011-07-02T20:38:01.000Z Please note: if a parameter is missing, a null field is given. Response in XML Format Example of response to listReturns, when processing is successful, XML format: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <listReturnsResponse status="0" error="0" processedDT="2011-07-02T20:38:01.000Z"> <returnPayment returnId="123" status="0" error="0" invoiceId="2000000123" shopId="6689" amount="10.00" currency="643" createdDT="2011-07-02T20:38:01.000Z" processedDT="2011-07-02T20:38:01.000Z" cause="buyer declined to receive the article" sender="shopName" articleAmount="10.00" articleCurrency="643" orderNumber="12345" /> <returnPayment returnId="124" status="3" error="506" invoiceId="2000000125" shopId="6689" amount="12.00" currency="643" createdDT="2011-07-02T20:38:01.000Z" cause="buyer declined to receive the article" sender="shopName" articleAmount="12.00" articleCurrency="643" orderNumber="12346" /> </listReturnsResponse> Example of the response to listReturns, when an error occurs, XML format: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <listReturnsResponse status="3" error="113" processedDT="2011-07-02T20:38:01.000Z"/> 4. Financial Operations 4.1. Request for Refund (returnPayemt) This request allows the Counterparty to return a successful payment to the payer’s account. Successful payments can be refunded fully or partially. Operation address: https://server:port/webservice/mws/api/returnPayment The request parameters are listed in Table 4.1.1. “Request Parameters for returnPayment”. All parameters are mandatory. The protocol’s data types are described in Section 5.4 “Data Types”. The response includes common parameters listed in Section 5.2 “Common Response Parameters”. Section 5.5 “Error codes” contains the errors that may occur while processing a request. Please note: To make a request to the Operator’s server, the following steps should be taken: 1. Create operation request document in accordance with XML 1.0 standard (Fifth Edition), published here: Character set is UTF-8 in accordance with standard: 2. Put XML document into cryptographic message in PKCS#7 format in accordance with standard: PKCS#7 message must contain digital signature of request document (equivalent of handwritten signature). PKCS#7 message should not contain any certification authority chains. Data compression is not used. Data encryption is not used. PKCS#7 message must be encoded in PEM format (used by OpenSSL). X.509 certificate used to make digital signature must comply with the X.509 Version 3 standard ( 3. Create and transfer of request to the Operator. The Counterparty’s IS creates POST request using HTTP/1.1 protocol (, PKCS#7 message can be transferred by one of these methods: a. PKCS#7 message put into POST-body, Content-Type: application/pkcs7-mime b. PKCS#7 message put into multipart-data attach. Content-Type: application/pkcs7-mime. POST request must have only one 'part', PKCS#7 message must be attached as a file. Such a request may be sent by the standard HTML File Upload Form. See The Operator authorizes requests by verifying the digital signature of the PKCS#7 message. Protection from erroneous repeat operations is guaranteed by unique operation numbers (clientOrderId). HTTP request example POST /webservice/mws/api/returnPayment HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/pkcs7-mime Content-Length: 906 -----BEGIN PKCS7----MIAGCSqGSIb3DQEHAqCAMIACAQExCzAJBgUrDgMCGgUAMIAGCSqGSIb3DQEHAaCA JIAEgbE8P3htbCB2ZXJzaW9uPSIxLjAiIGVuY29kaW5nPSJVVEYtOCI/Pg0KPG1h a2VEZXBvc2l0aW9uUmVzcG9uc2UgY2xpZW50T3JkZXJJZD0iMTI5MTExNjIzNDUy OCIgc3RhdHVzPSIwIiBlcnJvcj0iMCIgcHJvY2Vzc2VkRFQ9IjIwMTAtMTEtMzBU MTE6MjM6NTQuNjI0WiIgYmFsYW5jZT0iNTQxNDYuNzMiIC8+DQoAAAAAAAAxggF8 MIIBeAIBATB3MGoxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlJVMQ8wDQYDVQQIEwZSdXNzaWExFjAUBgNV BAcTDVN0LlBldGVyc2J1cmcxITAfBgNVBAoTGEludGVybmV0IFdpZGdpdHMgUHR5 IEx0ZDEPMA0GA1UEAxMGc2VydmVyAgkAy2xbdQckXjIwCQYFKw4DAhoFAKBdMBgG CSqGSIb3DQEJAzELBgkqhkiG9w0BBwEwHAYJKoZIhvcNAQkFMQ8XDTEwMTEzMDEx MjM1NVowIwYJKoZIhvcNAQkEMRYEFEYNh8glwqIXGR/n6oYrApa8DaO5MA0GCSqG SIb3DQEBAQUABIGAHlgGsYK30RXWBvuQao0V73KIPQEx2hH/9GY6Iag/xlmZ3rBB kFpszF/O2fB+t84pCHfV15ErZQEkAqIotkEYEgA3hAddEW5+RWUzp+3npHpW5OY7 h3niP5Pj+r0P8EDgHe2j0Zb3dzj2mbwOshZD+FP1IcR8AmiTV3u35C6KAEsAAAAA AAA= -----END PKCS7----- Table Error! No text of specified style in document..4. Request Parameters for returnPayment Parameter Type Description clientOrderId ClientTransactionNu mber Unique identifier of the refund operation. Recommended values: positive decimal integers of incrementally increasing value. requestDT xs:dateTime Date and time the request for executing the operation was created according to the time of the Counterparty’s IS. invoiceId xs:long Transaction number of the source order. shopId xs:long Counterparty’s identifier, assigned by the Operator. amount CurrencyAmount Amount to be returned to payer’s account. currency xs:string, 3 symbols Alphabetic currency code of returned payment. Specified in accordance with ISO 4217:2008. сause xs:string, up to 255 symbols Description of reason for return. Example of returnPayment request: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <returnPaymentRequest clientOrderId="12345" requestDT="2011-07-02T20:38:00.000Z" invoiceId="2000000123" shopId="6689" amount="10.00" currency="RUB" cause="User declined the order" /> Example of returnPayment response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <returnPaymentResponse clientOrderId="12345" status="0" error="0" processedDT="2011-07-02T20:38:01.000Z" /> 4.2. Request for Confirmation of a Deferred Payment (confirmPayment) If the Counterparty has a store that is set up such that deferred payments can be executed, then all payments to the Counterparty will be deferred. I.e. payments will be executed in two steps: first, funds will be reserved on the payer’s bank card and then the funds will be debited from the card. The amount that is debited may be less than the sum reserved in the first step. The request for confirmation of a deferred payment (confirmPayment) allows the Counterparty to complete deferred payments to the Counterparty’s account. Operation address: https://server:port/webservice/mws/api/confirmPayment The request parameters are listed in Table Error! No text of specified style in document..5. “Request Parameters for confirmPayment”; all parameters are mandatory. The protocol’s data types are described in Section Error! Reference source not found. “Error! Reference source not found.”. Responses contain common parameters listed in the Section Error! Reference source not found. “Error! Reference source not found.”. The errors that may occur when requesting confirmation of a deferred payment (confirmPayment) are listed in Section 0. “5.5 ”. Please note: if confirmation time for deferred payment expires, the response will return an error even if the request parameters are valid. The confirmation time is determined by the bank that processes the operation and is unique to each bank. Table Error! No text of specified style in document..5. Request Parameters for confirmPayment Parameter Data Type Description requestDT xs:dateTime Date and time the request for operation execution was created according to the time of the Counterparty’s IS. orderId xs:long Transaction number of the deferred payment. amount CurrencyAmount Payment sum. currency xs:string, 3 symbols Alphabetic currency code of the payment. Specified in accordance with ISO 4217:2008. Example of confirmPayment request: requestDT="2011-07-02T20:38:00.000Z"&orderId="12345"&amount="10.00"& currency="RUB" Example of confirmPayment response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <confirmPaymentResponse orderId="12345" status="0" error="0" processedDT="2011-07-02T20:38:01.000Z" /> 4.3. Request for Cancelation of a Deferred Payment (cancelPayment) This request allows the Counterparty to cancel a deferred payment to the Counterparty’s account. Operation address: https://server:port/webservice/mws/api/cancelPayment The request contains the parameters requestDT (time and date the request for operation execution was created according to the time of the Counterparty’s IS) and orderId (transaction number of the deferred payment). These parameters are listed in Table Error! No text of specified style in document..5. “Request Parameters for confirmPayment”. The response contains common parameters described in Section Error! Reference source not found. “Error! Reference source not found.”. The errors that may occur when requesting cancelation of a deferred payment (cancelPayment) are listed in Section 0. “5.5 ”. Example of cancelPayment request: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <cancelPaymentRequest requestDT="2011-07-02T20:38:00.000Z" orderId="12345" /> Example of cancelPayment response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <cancelPaymentResponse orderId="12345" status="0" error="0" processedDT="2011-07-02T20:38:01.000Z" /> 4.4. Request for Repeating Payment by Card (repeatCardPayment) This request allows the Counterparty to repeat payment using a payer’s card credentials (with the payer’s consent), for paying for the same good (or service) but for a different amount. Please note: to make a request for repeating a payment by a card (repeatCardPayment), the Counterparty must be using the HTTP implementation scheme (see “Protocol 3.0 “Yandex.Money to Merchant Integration Protocol: HTTP and Email Notifications”). When the Counterparty implements Protocol 3.0, the Operator may add the following parameter to the request “Notification of Payment (paymentAviso)”: Parameter Type Description rebillingOn xs:boolean If the payer authorized payment by their card in the course of payment, the parameter is given the value “true”; otherwise, the parameter is not given. Operation address: https://server:port/webservice/mws/api/repeatCardPayment The request parameters are listed in Table Table Error! No text of specified style in document..6. “Request Parameters for repeatCardPayment”. Protocol data types are described in Section Error! Reference source not found. “Error! Reference source not found.”. The request contains common parameters listed in Section Error! Reference source not found. “Error! Reference source not found.”. The errors that may occur when executing the request are listed in Section 0. “5.5 ”. Please note: if the Counterparty uses the orderNumber parameter (order number in the Counterparty’s IS) in requests, then it should take into account that the value of that parameter must be unique. I.e. it should differ from orderNumber of the payment to be repeated. Table Error! No text of specified style in document..6. Request Parameters for repeatCardPayment Parameter Type Description clientOrderId ClientTransactionNu mber Unique operation identifier. Recommended values: positive decimal integer with incrementally increasing value. invoiceId xs:long Transaction number of transfer to be repeated. amount CurrencyAmount Amount to be paid (the currency is the same as the article’s currency). orderNumber xs:string Order number in the Counterparty’s IS (may be omitted). cvv xs:string The card’s CVC/CVV2 authorization code; may be omitted. Example of repeatCardPayment request: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <repeatCardPaymentRequest clientOrderId="123456789" invoiceId="2000000123" amount="10.00" cvv="643" /> Example of repeatCardPayment response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <repeatCardPaymentResponse clientOrderId="123456789" status="0" error="0" processedDT="2011-07-02T20:38:01.000Z" techMessage="" /> 5. Appendices 5.1. HTTP Response Codes Table Error! No text of specified style in document..7. Possible HTTP Response Codes HTTP Code Description 200 OK Request has been accepted for processing. Response sent in accordance with this protocol. Request has been refused. Request body was corrupted, server unable to parse client request. 400 Bad Request Possible reasons: 403 Forbidden 404 Not Found 500 Internal Server Error 501 Not Implemented 5.2. Unable to parse request Wrong MIME type (Content-Type header value) Not enough rights to execute operation. Invalid URI in request or the operation is not available at the moment. Technical issues on Yandex.Money’s end. Request sent with method other than POST Common Response Parameters Table Error! No text of specified style in document..8. Common Response Parameters Parameter Type Description status xs:int Result of operation. By the value of this field, the Counterparty should make a decision on the status of the operation. See the Section Error! Reference source not found.. “Error! Reference source not found.”. error xs:int Error code of the request (see the Section 0. “5.5 ”). Additional description to the status field. Optional field. clientOrderId ClientTransactionNumber processedDT xs:dateTime techMessage xs:string 5.3. Copy of the clientOrderId request parameter. Used for financial operations. Time and date the request was processed according to the time of the Operator’s IS. Optional field. May contain additional descriptive text in addition to the server's response. This text contains technical information and should not be displayed on any user interface. Request Status Codes Table Error! No text of specified style in document..9. Request Status Codes Status Code Description 0 1 Success. Processing complete. Request successfully executed. In Progress. Request processing in progress. Returns if request processing has timed out. Counterparty is required to repeat the request to refine the final status Declined. Processing complete. Request refused. The reason for refusal is shown in the “error” parameter. 3 5.4. Data Types Table Error! No text of specified style in document..10. Protocol Data Types Definition Type Description xs:int 32-bit integer. Int32, as defined in the standard: 64-bit integer. Int64, as defined in the standard: Fixed-point decimal, as defined in the standard: Logical value (true/false), as defined in the standard: Text string as defined in the standard: Text string as defined in the standard: Timestamp of the format according to the recommendations of: xs:long xs:decimal xs:boolean xs:string xs:normalizedString xs:dateTime ISO8601:2004 Format is defined as: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fZZZZZ Format breakdown: YYYY year, precisely 4 digits MM month, precisely 2 digits (01=January, etc.) DD day of the month, precisely 2 digits (from 01 to 31) T Latin letter “T”, uppercase only hh hours, precisely 2 digits (24-hours format, from 00 to 23) mm ss f minutes, precisely 2 digits (from 00 to 59) seconds, precisely 2 digits (from 00 to 59) fraction of a second (1 to 6 digits), ZZZZZ can be omitted, in which case the delimiter “.” should also be omitted Time zone attribute, mandatory parameter, possible values: Z – UTC, “Z”, uppercase only +hh:mm or -hh:mm, deviation from UTC (GMT) (shows that the local time is specified, which is ahead of or behind UTC by the given number of hours and minutes.) All elements listed are mandatory except for fractions of a second (if this element is omitted the delimiter “.” should also be omitted). If only the date is required, the time should be specified as 00:00:00. Examples: 2011-07-24T19:00:00+04:00 – 19 hours 00 minutes 24 July 2011, time zone – UTC +4 hours. 2011-07-24T15:00:00Z – the same moment in time as above in canonical format. ClientTransactionNumber 2011-07-24T15:00:00.666Z – the same moment in time as above, plus 666 milliseconds. Unique transaction identifier. Must be unique for the Counterparty throughout its entire history of operations. The value of this parameter should be a string from 1 to 24 characters in length. Acceptable symbols for this string: 0-9 A-Z a-z . , \ | / - + = # ~ ( ) { } [ ] : ; Recommended values: incrementally increasing positive decimal integers. <xs:simpleType name="ClientTransactionNumber"> <xs:restriction base="xs:normalizedString"> <xs:minLength value="1"/> <xs:maxLength value="24"/> <xs:pattern value="[0-9A-Za-z.,\\|/\+=#~(){}\[\]:;]+"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> YMAccount A virtual account number in the Operator’s IS, a string of decimal integers (from 11 to 33 symbols in length). <xs:simpleType name="YMAccount"> <xs:restriction base="xs:normalizedString"> <xs:minLength value="11"/> <xs:maxLength value="33"/> <xs:pattern value="[0-9]+"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> CurrencyAmount Amount. Positive fixed-point decimal, with precisely 2 place values after the decimal point. <xs:simpleType name="CurrencyAmount"> <xs:restriction base="xs:decimal"> <xs:minExclusive value="0"/> <xs:maxInclusive value="9999999999999"/> <xs:fractionDigits value="2"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> CurrencyCode Currency code. Possible values: 643 – Russian ruble 10643 – test currency (demo-rubles of Yandex.Money demosystem) <xs:simpleType name="CurrencyCode"> <xs:restriction base="xs:int"> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> CurrencyBank Operator’s processing center code. Possible values: 1001 – EcomBank 1003 – DemoBank of the Yandex.Money demo-system <xs:simpleType name="CurrencyBank"> <xs:restriction base="xs:int"> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> PaymentType Payment method used. String, two symbols. PC – payment from a Yandex.Money e-wallet. AC – payment by any bank card. MC – payment from mobile phone balance. GP – payment in cash via retailers and payment kiosks. WM – payment from a WebMoney e-wallet. SB – payment via Sberbank: payment by text messages or Sberbank Online. MP – payment via mobile point of sale (mPOS). AB – payment via Alfa-Click. MA – payment via MasterPass PB – payment via Promsvyazbank List of possible values may be expanded. <xs:simpleType name="PaymentType"> <xs:restriction base="xs: normalizedString"> <xs:minLength value="2"/> <xs:maxLength value="2"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> 5.5 Error Codes Table Error! No text of specified style in document..11. Error Codes Code Description Comments Common Errors 0 No errors 10 Unable to parse XML document. Possible reasons: XML syntax error Mandatory XML elements are missing 50 Unable to read PKCS#7 cryptographic message, data integrity error. 51 Digital signature verification failed. (Digital signature does not match the document in the cryptographic message.) 53 Request signed with certificate unknown to the Operator’s IS 55 The Counterparty’s certificate has expired 110 The Counterparty is not authorized to execute the operation with the parameters requested. For example, the user is not authorized to view orders lists for the shopId specified. Common Errors in Request Parameters 111 Invalid value for the requestDT parameter 112 Invalid value for the invoiceId parameter 113 Invalid value for the shopId parameter 114 Invalid value for the orderNumber parameter 115 Invalid value for the clientOrderId parameter 117 Invalid value for the status parameter 118 Invalid value for the from parameter 119 Invalid value for the till parameter 120 Invalid value for the orderId parameter Errors in Parameters of Information Requests 200 Invalid value for the outputFormat parameter Allowed values: XML, CSV. 201 Invalid value for the csvDelimiter parameter 202 Invalid value for the orderCreatedDatetimeGreaterOrEqual parameter 203 Invalid value for the orderCreatedDatetimeLessOrEqual parameter 204 Invalid value for the paid parameter 205 Invalid value for the paymentDatetimeGreaterOrEqual parameter 206 Invalid value for the paymentDatetimeLessOrEqual parameter 207 Invalid value for the outputFields 208 The time interval for order creation specified in the request is null The upper bound (orderCreatedDatetimeLessOrEqual) is less than or equal to the lower bound (orderCreatedDatetimeGreaterOrEqual). 209 The time interval for order creation specified in the request is too long The time interval specified by parameters orderCreatedDatetimeGreaterOrEqual and orderCreatedDatetimeLessOrEqual is greater than 31 days. 210 The time interval for order payment specified in the request is null The upper bound (paymentDatetimeLessOrEqual) is less than or equal to the lower bound (paymentDatetimeGreaterOrEqual). 211 The time interval for order payment specified in the request is too long The time interval specified by parameters paymentDatetimeGreaterOrEqual and paymentDatetimeLessOrEqual is greater than 31 days. 212 Logical contradiction between the time interval for order payment and the “paid" flag The time interval for order payment is specified in the request, but the “paid” parameter is missing or has a value other than “true”. 213 No conditions for limiting the selection were specified 214 Counterparty’s ID (shopId) was not specified in the request by order number (orderNumber) 215 Counterparty’s ID (shopId) is not specified in the request by transaction number (invoiceId) 216 Result contains too many elements The error arises when the resulting selection contains more than 10,000 records. The request parameters should be changed so that the time interval limiting the selection is shorter. 217 Invalid value for the partial parameter Acceptable values: true, false Errors in Requests for Financial Operations 402 Invalid value for the amount parameter 403 Invalid value for the currency parameter 404 Invalid value for the cause parameter Parameter missing or contains too many symbols. 405 Operation ID is not unique Another operation with the same clientOrderId was already processed by the system. 410 Order not paid. Unable to refund payment. The payer has not completed payment for the order. 411 Delivery of the notification of transfer returned unsuccessful status Notification of transfer was not delivered to the Counterparty’s IS. 412 Transfer currency does not match the currency specified in the request “Currency” request parameter contains currency different from the currency of the performed transfer. 413 Refund amount exceeds order amount. The amount specified in the request for return exceeds the initial transfer amount, when earlier refunds are taken into consideration. 414 Transfer has already been refunded The full amount of transfer has already been returned to the payer’s account. 415 Order with specified transaction number (invoiceId) does not exist 416 Insufficient funds for executing the operation 417 Payer’s account closed. Refund is not possible. 418 Payer’s account blocked. Refund is not possible. 601 Repeating card payments to store is forbidden 602 Repeating the given payment is forbidden 603 orderNumber is mandatory for this operation 604 Invalid CVV value The Counterparty’s account lacks the funds to execute the refund operation. Other Errors 1000 5.6. Technical error Status Codes for Notification of Payment Table Error! No text of specified style in document..12. Status Codes for Notification of Payment Notification Status Description -1 81 100 103 1000 1010 Fund transfer notification has not been created yet. Notification awaiting sending. Notification was delivered, but the Counterparty rejected it. Notification delivery canceled. The Counterparty was successfully notified of the transfer. Notification not delivered to the Counterparty, but deemed successfully processed. Notification delivered successfully. The payment was refunded to the payer. Notification delivered successfully. Part of the payment was refunded to the payer. 1020, 1021 1022