COOLUM BEACH CHRISTIAN COLLEGE MIDDLE SCHOOL ENGLISH FRACTURED FAIRYTALES... Student Name _______________________ Teacher: Mrs. Briggs Subject: Year 9 English NARRATIVE WRITING TASK: CHECK DATE: Wednesday 8th June DUE DATE: Tuesday 14th June Parent Signature: _________ Issued: 1st June, Term 2 2011 Teacher Signature: ______________ Teacher Signature: _______________ TASK: We know that there are always two sides to every story and that perspective plays an enormous role in our perception of events. We decide who the villain and the hero are, depending on which side of the story we have heard and whose version of events we listen to and accept as truth. Therefore, stories always position us to accept a particular point of view. For example: is the Wolf in the Three Little Pigs really a bad guy, or a guy having a bad day? Is the Wicked Witch od the West in the Wizard of Oz truly wicked, or have events been told to us in such a way that we characterise her as evil and wicked? TASK: You are to create a Narrative of a fractured tale (tell a story from a new perspective). This can be done in any form you choose (a children’s storybook, a multimedia presentation a script for a play). You will be marked on both your written task and your oral presentation of your story. CONTEXT OF TASK: Format: Length: Time: Group: Written and Oral Task combined - Storybook format with images - Typed Script (including stage directions) 350 – 450 words (per person) You will be given most lessons in week 7 to work on this task This task can be completed individually or as a group. CHECKLIST Tick the box when you have completed each task: I have handed in a draft copy to Mrs Briggs by the Check Date I have handed in a copy of my task sheet, story mapping table and a printed copy of my assignment I have completed this task to the best of my ability This task is my own work (I have contributed effectively to my group) Student Signature: _____________________ Date: ______________ COOLUM BEACH CHRISTIAN COLLEGE Middle School English 2011 Student’s Name: _________________________________________________________ Understanding and controlling textual features Knowledge and Understanding CRITERIA A B Uses the genre with superb skill to connect and position audience Incorporates highly skilled patterns and conventions of a short story Clearly demonstrates story structure (Plot, Setting, Characters, Climax, Resolution) and an excellent understanding of the task Uses the genre with skill to connect and position audience Incorporates skilled patterns and conventions of a short story Clearly demonstrates story structure (Plot, Setting, Characters, Climax, Resolution) and a good understanding of task discerning use of apt use of: VERBAL - spoken / signed (pronunciation, phrasing & pausing, audibility & clarity, volume, pace); and NON-VERBAL - (facial expression, gesture, proximity, stance, movement) features that enhance meaning C Uses the genre correctly to connect and position audience Incorporates appropriate patterns and conventions of a short story Demonstrates awareness of story structure (Plot, Setting, Characters, Climax, Resolution) and a solid understanding of task suitable use of a range of: D Uses the genre to connect and position audience Incorporates some patterns and conventions of a short story Demonstrates some awareness story structure (Plot, Setting, Characters, Climax, Resolution) and some understanding of task use of basic E Uses some aspects of the genre to connect and position audience Shows some conventions of a short story Demonstrates limited understanding of story structure (Plot, Setting, Characters, Climax, Resolution) and of task use of basic VERBAL - spoken / signed (pronunciation, phrasing & pausing, audibility & clarity, volume, pace); and VERBAL - spoken / signed (pronunciation, phrasing & pausing, audibility & clarity, volume, pace); and VERBAL - spoken / signed (volume, pronunciation, pace, phrasing & pausing, audibility & clarity); and VERBAL - spoken / signed (pronunciation, phrasing & pausing, audibility & clarity, volume, pace); and NON-VERBAL - (facial expression, gesture, proximity, stance, movement) features that support meaning NON-VERBAL (facial expression, gesture, proximity, stance, movement) features that convey meaning NON-VERBAL - (facial expression, gesture, proximity, stance, movement) features that convey meaning NON - VERBAL (facial expression, gesture, proximity, stance, movement) features Constructing Texts Demonstrates Demonst extensive rates a good understanding of the understanding of the task, task, purpose and purpose and structure. structure Demonst Demonstrates rates adequate use of excellent use of spelling, punctuation, and spelling, punctuation, and sentence sentence structure structure. Shows a Shows an in depth good understanding and awareness of audience awareness of audience and text positioning and text positioning Demonstrates a sound awareness off the task, purpose and structure Demonstrates a sound use of spelling, punctuation and sentence structure Shows a sound awareness of audience and text positioning Demonstrates some awareness off the task, purpose and structure Demonstrates some use of spelling, punctuation and sentence structure Shows some awareness of audience and text positioning Demonstrates a limited awareness off the task, purpose and structure Demonstrates limited use of spelling, punctuation and sentence structure Shows limited awareness of audience and text positioning OVERALL GRADE Teacher Comments: __________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Teacher Signature: _______________________ Mapping My Fractured Tale Original Story What is the title of the story? Where does the story take place? Who are the main characters? What are they key events of the story? What is the Climax of the story? Who’s perspective or point-of-view does the story favour? Why? (How is your version different?) Is the conflict resolved? How does the tale end? My Story