COOLUM BEACH CHRISTIAN COLLEGE MIDDLE SCHOOL ENGLISH Student Name _______________________ “Hey Mr. Editor...” Feature Article Teacher: Mrs. Briggs Parent Signature: _________ Subject: Year 9 English Issued: 8th August, Term 3 2011 FEATURE ARTICLE: CHECK DATE: Thursday 25th August Teacher Signature: ______________ DUE DATE: Wednesday 31 August Teacher Signature: _______________ st TASK: As a newly appointed journalist for the Coolum Beach Christian College Times you have been asked to write a Feature Article to demonstrate your skills to your new boss and Editor, Mrs Briggs. The article can be on a topic of your choice, however, the Editor hates celebrity gossip and believes that only matters that are ‘newsworthy’ should be publishable. You are one of 19 employees she is considering promoting to a higher position. This is your opportunity to shine! CONTEXT OF TASK: Format: Feature Article (Written Task) - Article must be typed and printed for submission - Consider layout and format (e.g. justified text, images, headline) Length: 400 words Time: You will be given 2 weeks of in class time to prepare your article CHECKLIST Tick the box when you have completed each task: My article follows the feature article format (introduction, body, conclusion/challenge) I have included my notes from an interview I completed for this article I have handed in a draft copy to Mrs Briggs by the Check Date I have typed and printed my article and created a neat single page layout for my article including a headline, by-line, picture and creative layout of text. I have completed this task to the best of my ability This task is my own work Student Signature: _____________________ Date: ______________ COOLUM BEACH CHRISTIAN COLLEGE Middle School English 2011 Student’s Name: _________________________________________________________ A B C D E The Student: Uses the genre with superb skill to connect and position audience Clearly demonstrates feature article format with a clear introduction, body, conclusion/end challenge – showing an excellent grasp of the task Has created a visually aesthetic design for their article following newspaper conventions The Student: sequenced the subject matter very effectively; substantiated opinions with detailed evidence and explanations. used a mature and relevant vocabulary; The Student Uses the genre with skill to connect and position audience Clearly demonstrates feature article format with a clear introduction, body, conclusion/end challenge – showing a good grasp of the task Has created an appealing design layout for their article that follows newspaper conventions The Student: sequenced the subject matter effectively; supported opinions with relevant evidence and explanation. used mostly appropriate vocabulary; The Student: Uses the genre correctly to connect and position audience Demonstrates awareness of feature article format with a clear introduction, body, conclusion/end challenge – showing sound grasp of the task Has created a simple design layout for their article that follows newspaper conventions The Student: sequenced the subject matter logically; supported opinions with some evidence; some explanation. used appropriate vocabulary; The Student: Uses the genre to connect and position audience Demonstrates some awareness of feature article format with a clear introduction, body, conclusion/end challenge – showing some understanding of the task Has created a basic design layout for their article that follows some newspaper conventions The Student: Uses some aspects of the genre to connect and position audience Demonstrates limited awareness of feature article format with a clear introduction, body, conclusion/end challenge – showing limited understanding of the task Has not shown creativity in their layout and followed limited newspaper conventions. The Student: occasionally sequenced the subject matter; some lack of logic; supported opinions with little evidence and explanation. used vocabulary with is not consistently appropriate; The Student: did not sequence subject matter logically; states opinion; little to no explanation or evidence. used vocabulary which is unsuitable; The Student: Demonstrates extensive understanding of the task, purpose and structure Demonstrates excellent use of spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. Shows an in depth awareness of audience and text positioning The Student: Demonstrates a good understanding of the task, purpose and structure. Demonstrates adequate use of spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure Shows a good understanding and awareness of audience and text positioning The Student: Demonstrates a sound awareness off the task, purpose and structure Demonstrates a sound use of spelling, punctuation and sentence structure Shows a sound awareness of audience and text positioning The Student: Demonstrates some awareness off the task, purpose and structure Demonstrates some use of spelling, punctuation and sentence structure Shows some awareness of audience and text positioning The Student: Demonstrates a limited awareness off the task, purpose and structure Demonstrates limited use of spelling, punctuation and sentence structure Shows limited awareness of audience and text positioning Constructing Texts Understanding and controlling textual features Knowledge and Understanding CRITERIA Overall Result ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________