Civil Disturbance - Forsyth County Schools

Civil Disturbance
A civil disturbance is an unauthorized assemblage on the school grounds with the potential to:
 disrupt school activities;
 cause injury to staff and students; and/or
 damage property.
Precautionary measures must be taken to keep school personnel and students from undue
exposure to danger. Efforts should be made to remain calm, to avoid provoking aggression,
and to keep students in their classrooms.
Inside School
Report disruptive circumstances to principal/site administrator.
Avoid arguing with participant(s).
Have all students and employees leave the immediate area of disturbance.
Lock doors. Account for all students and remain in classroom unless
instructed otherwise by the principal or law enforcement.
Stay away from windows and exterior doors.
If the students are engaging in civil disobedience, keep the students confined
to one room in the school building.
Set up a communication exchange with the students, staff and principal. Try
to restore order.
Take command of all emergency situations that arise for students, staff or
visitors that fall under the jurisdiction of the school.
Notify the Department of School Safety, who will contact the Superintendent,
Public Information Officer and the Safety Management and Emergency
Response Team, as needed.
Notify your assigned School Resource Officer (SRO).
If unable to calm students and violent or uncontrolled behavior is probable,
notify police of situation and request assistance.
Send home with students for their parents/guardians a brief written
description of the emergency, how it was handled and, if appropriate, what
steps are being taken in its aftermath.
Outside of School
Call your assigned School Resource Officer or 911.
Notify the Department of School Safety, who will contact the Superintendent
and the Safety Management and Emergency Response Team, as needed.
Move any students who are outside into the school building. If unable to do
so, have students lie down and cover their heads.
Once students are in the school building, lock and secure all exterior doors,
including restrooms. Have custodians remove trash containers and other
burnable items from public access.
Cancel outside activities as needed.
Maintain an accurate record of events, conversations and actions.
Assign staff members to assist nurse as necessary.