Berkshire School English Department Category CONTENT Thesis Detail & development Textual evidence Works Cited Exc (5) Good (4) Sat (3) Weak (2) Failing (1) Provides a clear, arguable and interesting claim Utilizes plentiful detail and logical reasoning to establish claim Integrates, discusses and cites relevant textual evidence Provides a clear and arguable claim Provides a claim that is unclear or difficult to argue Utilizes detail that relates to claim Provides a claim that is unclear and difficult to argue Utilizes detail that does not relate to claim in clear manner Provides no specific claim Includes irrelevant textual evidence Includes no textual evidence Appends a list of Works Cited in correct MLA format Appends a list of Works Cited in incorrect MLA format Includes relevant textual evidence but not integrated or discussed fully Appends a list of Works Cited with no connection to MLA format Appends a list of Work Cited but in no clear order / method Appends no list of Works Cited Offers impressive syntactic variety with few, if any, grammar errors Demonstrates clear, correct and wellchosen, even artful, diction Meets all usage guidelines for spelling and punctuation Offers syntactic variety with few grammar errors Meets most usage guidelines for spelling and punctuation Meets some usage guidelines for spelling and punctuation Offers limited syntactic variety with multiple grammar errors Demonstrates incorrect or inappropriate diction and lacks precision Meets few usage guidelines for spelling and punctuation Offers no syntactic variety; rife with grammar errors Demonstrates clear, correct and effective diction Offers limited syntactic variety with a fair number of grammar errors Demonstrates correct diction but lacks precision Opens on an interesting note & clear intro.; closes with a strong concl & final thought Features clear & complete topic sentences, movement of ideas and ¶ transitions Satisfies all MLA guidelines for heading, header and body Begins with a clear introduction and ends with a solid conclusion Begins with an adequate intro. and ends with an adequate concl. Lacking either an introduction or conclusion Features neither introduction nor conclusion Features topic sentences, movement of ideas and ¶ transitions Lacks topic sentences or movement of ideas or ¶ transitions Little in terms of topic sentences or movement of ideas or ¶ transitions Consists of a single ¶ or no clear organization within indiv. ¶s Satisfies most MLA guidelines for heading, header and body Satisfies some MLA guidelines for heading, header and body Satisfies few MLA guidelines for heading, header and body Satisfies no MLA guidelines for heading, header and body CONTENT Utilizes some detail and logical to support claim Integrates textual evidence but does not discuss fully Utilizes no detail EXPRESSION Grammar & syntax Word choice Spelling & punctuation EXPRESSION Demonstrates serious problems with regard to word choice and usage Meets no usage guidelines for spelling and punctuation STRUCTURE Argument ¶ Org. Layout Comments STRUCTURE