TOPIC SENTENCE PARAGRAPH STRUCTURE EVIDENCE SELECTION ANALYSIS OF EVIDENCE 6 5 clear and insightful clear and analysis demonstrates analytical an understanding of introduces text connects to entire entire paragraph paragraph clearly follows basic clearly follows structure basic structure smooth connections & clear, logical transitions between connections each sentence between each sentence clear thoughtful position position 4 3 introduces with plot rather mostly clear and analytical than analysis less clearly connected to rest unfocused and/or unclear of paragraph may not connect to the rest of paragraph clearly follows basic structure: topic sentence, lead in/context, evidence, increasingly complex analysis, takes a position 2 1 attempted but unclear and not analytical does not connect to the rest of paragraph lacking topic sentence follows basic structure, but missing a fundamental awkward element of structure connections/transitions difficult to follow missing lead in or position confusing structure hinders understanding missing more than one element of basic structure no textual evidence or lists evidence without analysis strong evidence choices that clearly support topic sentence all language in the quotation is analyzed (no superfluous sections) mostly strong some good, some weak evidence choices evidence choices that support some evidence may be topic most unnecessary or unrelated language in superfluous language in quotation is quotation (quotes more analyzed words than are analyzed) insufficient evidence to support topic sentence evidence included but OR evidence chosen to provides little insight or retell plot rather than to support of topic sentence analyze text unclear or too much (or not enough) misleading connection text included in quotations between evidence and topic sentence careful reading and perception of text's nuances sensitivity to language, diction, literary devices strongly argues for assertion in topic sentence independent synthesis of ideas as well as original analysis clearly tied to topic sentence some careful close reading examines some close reading language, recognizes literary devices diction, imagery, more paraphrase than & other literary analysis may contain one devices misreading clear understanding and argumentation but less some thoughtful/original than 5 or paraphrasing 6 forced connection to topic analysis sentence or tacked on illustrates connection to topic sentence summarizes or engages (superficially) summarizes plot paraphrases rather than with text without analysis/ analyzes/interprets lets evidence speak for interpretation evidence undeveloped itself rather than illustrating personal opinion ideas analysis may mix how it supports argument rather than analysis with evaluation recognizes aspects of basic questionable literary techniques comprehension of superficial the text comprehension of the text unconnected to more than one misreading analysis is weakly linked topic sentence strays from topic sentence to topic sentence (maybe too explicitly) sophisticated, original language shows LANGUAGE AND understanding of connotation varied SENTENCE CONSTRUCTION and elegant sentence structure add meaning to language MECHANICS AND precise, varied, unpretentious vocabulary varied and correct sentence structure FORMATTING/ IN-TEXT CITATION may use overblown, verbose, unnecessary or inflated phrasings nearly free of no errors in spelling or errors in spelling a few errors in spelling or usage at grade level or usage at grade usage at grade level level FORMATTING MLA adequate vocabulary that lacks precision sustained control of sentence structure format guidelines and MLA style followed format guidelines and perfectly MLA style followed basic vocabulary that lacks basic vocabulary that precision and variety (flat) lacks precision and limited vocabulary correct but little variety in variety (flat) little control limited control of sentence structure of sentence structure sentence structure colloquialisms diction is uneven (shifts (slang) diction is too low between formal and (informal) informal) numerous errors obscure meaning some spelling or usage several significant errors errors distract the reader interfere with clarity uses 1st or 2nd person shifts out of present tense follows format guidelines more than one kind of and MLA style but contains format or MLA style one kind of mistake mistake several different format or MLA style errors incorrect formatting and MLA style