The Formal Paper Grading Form - Phoenix Union High School District

In Progress
Not Present
Content and Organization -- 60 Percent
To introduce The paper develops a persuasive
The paper has a clear thesis
The paper does not address the
and support a
and accurate thesis, which
The paper stays on topic and
which address the prompt, and
assignment, or the paper is so
addresses the key elements of the
addresses a few of the elements
each part of the thesis is
disorganized that the topic being
assignment and is supported
of the assignment.
addressed in the paper.
addressed is not clear.
comprehensively within the paper.
18-20 Points
13-17 Points
1-12 Points
0 Points
Each paragraph has a topic
sentence, with at least three
researched examples to
support it.
Each paragraph has a topic
sentence with some research to
support it, although that
research may be vague,
disorganized, or unclear.
The paper includes no guiding
ideas or research.
13-17 Points
1-12 Points
0 Points
The introduction is attentiongrabbing, provides sufficient
background on the topic, and
previews major points.
The introduction includes a
clear hook, background
information on the topic, and
a thesis.
An introduction in included,
but it is disorganized or
The paper includes not
9-10 Points
7-8 Points
1-6 Points
0 Points
The conclusion is logical, flows
from the body of the paper, and
reviews the major points.
The conclusion restates the
thesis and ends in a strong
The conclusion restates the
thesis, but in way that is
repetitive or incomplete.
There is no conclusion present.
9-10 Points
7-8 Points
1-6 Points
0 Points
To draw
Major points are stated clearly;
are supported by specific details,
examples, or analysis; and are
organized logically.
texts to
18-20 Points
To introduce
the topic
To provide a
that follows
from and
supports the
Mechanics -- 5 Percent
To use
spelling, and
in writing
Rules of grammar, usage,
spelling, and punctuation are
There are a few grammar,
usage, spelling, and/or
punctuation mistakes
throughout the paper.
5 Points
4 Points
There are many grammar,
usage, spelling, and/or
There are so many grammar,
punctuation mistakes
usage, spelling, and punctuation
throughout the paper, but they errors that the paper is difficult to
do not interfere with
1-3 Points
0 Points
Readability and Style – 15 Percent
To use words
and phrases
to connect
All transitions (paragraph and
sentences) are present and
logical and maintain the flow
throughout the paper.
At least one transition is used An attempt is made to use
in each paragraph, but it may transitions, but they are illogical
be formulaic, simple, or
or used incorrectly.
No transitions are used.
To create
clear writing
in which the
voice and
style are
5 Points
4 Points
1-3 Points
0 Points
The paper uses a formal,
academic tone.
An attempt is made to use an
appropriate tone, but it is not
present throughout the entire
The tone is casual and informal.
The tone is completely
unprofessional and inappropriate
for a school assignment and/or
the tone used is so poor that the
paper is difficult to read.
5 Points
4 Points
1-3 Points
0 Points
Sentences are well-constructed, More than one sentence type
with consistently strong, varied is used in each paragraph.
Sentence are complete and
effective, but simple and
repetitive. Only one type of
sentence is used.
There are so many incomplete or
garbled sentences that the paper
is difficult to read.
5 Points
1-3 Points
0 Points
4 Points
MLA Format – 20 Percent
To edit work
so that it
MLA style
The paper, including the
heading, header, and works
cited page follow MLA
guidelines for format.
The paper is in MLA format,
with only a few minor errors.
An attempt was made to put the
paper in MLA format, but it was
done incorrectly.
The paper is not written in MLA
5 Points
4 Points
1-3 Points
0 Points
All information from outside
sources is properly cited within
the paper and the works cited
page, according to MLA
All information from outside Only some of the information is
sources is cited, but some may cited, or they are all cited in the
be in an incorrect format.
incorrect format.
There are no parenthetical
citations present.
14-15 Points
10-13 Points
0 Points
1-9 Points
Total: _______/100 Points