A CAPELLA - We rehearse and appreciate A Capella music, as well as perform Advisor: Mr. Sanchez President: Andy Cormier Meetings: Monday and Wednesday at study hall & lunch Location: Room 57 BREAKDANCE - We dance to express, not impress Advisor: Mrs. Wyles President: Esther Fernandez Meetings: Fridays at lunch Location: Room 20 CANCER AWARENESS - We aim to spread awareness about diseases that affect the world’s population Advisor: Mrs. Johnsgard Presidents: Lynn Tu & Iman Yousuf Meetings: Friday A Days @ lunch Location: Room 33 CHESS - WIth no knowledge prior to joining required, Chess Club meets to compete, play and improve. Advisor: Ms. Verma President: Rohin Bhushan Meetings: Fridays @ lunch Location: Room 62 COMPUTER SCIENCE - We promote, learn, practice, and compete in computer science Advisor: Mr. Coonce President: Corey Mason Meetings: Wednesdays @ lunch Location: Room 16 CONGRESSIONAL AWARD CLUB - The Congressional Award club promotes and encourages students to find their passions and achieve the prestigious award Advisor: Mrs. Sanchez President: Christopher Wong Meetings: First Thursday of each month at lunch Location: Room 32 CROSS FIT - We will learn about nutrition, exercise, and the human body. Advisor: Jones President: Gina Rowley A-Day Tuesdays @ study hall Gym CSF - This is the Westmont chapter of a state-wide organization to honor academic achievement Advisors: Mrs. Sanchez & Mrs. Johnsgard President: General Session meetings are called as needed Cafeteria Note: You must qualify and apply to be part of this club DECA - DECA is for emerging leaders and entrepreneurs who hope to expand their knowledge of the business world by competing against other high schoolers. Advisor: Mrs. Eilers Presidents: Sanjana Giduthuri & Megan Robalewski Fridays @ lunch Room 36 DRAMA - Westmont’s Drama Club exists to encourage students to share their love of theater. Advisor: Mr. Bengford President: Thursdays at lunch Theater ECOLOGY - Our mission is to promote awareness for the environment Advisors: Ms. Davis and Mrs. Wyles President: Aarush Gopalakrishnan Wednesdays from 2:40-3:30 Rooms 64 FFA - Develop leadership and active citizenship through the agricultural program Advisor: Mr. Duarte President: Echo Woods First Thursday of each month @ 7pm Ag. Farm FOOD FIGHTERS - To raise awareness about world hunger Advisor: Mr. Schembri Presidents: Victoria Severin & KC Morris A-Day Thursdays @ lunch Room 14 FRISBEE - An entertaining frisbee club for those who need something to do at lunch Advisor: Poppinga President: Tristan Bellawala Everyday at lunch Tree by the softball field GAMING - The gaming club aims to create a friendly environment to all and challenge experienced players Advisor: Mr. DiGrazia President: Benjamin Noel Wednesdays at lunch Room 77 GAY STRAIGHT ALLIANCE - GSA is a safe space where all students can be themselves Advisor: Ms. LaBouff President: Hannah Martinez Tuesdays at lunch Room 29 GUITAR - Learn how to play, jam out, and have fun! Advisor: Mr. Sanchez President: Johannes deQuant Tuesdays @ lunch Room 57 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY - Everyone deserves a home and a safe living environment Advisor: Miss Picard President: Aarush Gopalakrishnan Thursday at lunch Room 30 INDOOR ROCK CLIMBING CLUB - A way for students to experience a rare and unique sport with experienced climbers Advisor: Ms. Davis President: Madison Cline Friday B Days @ lunch Room 64 INTERACT - Interact is a global based community service club that emphasizes global issues as well as community based service Advisor: Mrs. Tighe President: Nguyen Dang Tuesdays at lunch Room 24 KEY CLUB - We serve our home, school, and community. Advisor: Mr. Yang President: Cammy Luong A-Day Fridays Room 60 LIFE CREW - Leaders Inspiring Freshmen Excellence will act as a liaison for freshmen. Advisor: Mr. Evans & Mr. Haskett Commissioners: Meetings: Lunch as needed Cafeteria Note: Sophomores - Seniors must apply to be in this club the year before MATH CLUB - Competing in math competitions to improve mathematical solving skills Advisor: Ms. Farley President: Dylan Hwang Thursdays @ lunch and after school Room 37 MELTING POT - Learning about different cultures and their lifestyles Advisor: Mr. Rose President: Nehemiah Tekleab Every other Thursday at 3pm Room 28 MODEL UN - Model UN strives to simulate the UN to encourage awareness of global politics. Advisor: Ms. Perez President: Mahshad Badii Thursdays at lunch Room 38 MOVIE CLUB - We make movies. Advisor: Mr. Tavernakis Presidents: Jason Panelli & Rebecca Uddin Wednesdays @ lunch Room 74 NOT OF THIS WORLD - We are the Christian Club for our campus Advisor: Mr. Santos Presidents: Cassie Hager & Allison Mavrakis Wednesdays at lunch Gym RED CROSS CLUB - Westmont’s Red Cross Club aims to relieve victims of natural disaster and save lives Advisor: Mr. Haskett Presidents: Lynn Tu & Mariah Manzano B-Day Fridays @ lunch Room 26 ROBOTICS - An engineering organization that inspires students to actively participate in robotics competitions Advisor: Mr. Riccardi President: William Song Thursdays at lunch Room 47 SPANISH - You don’t have to speak the language to join. Come and learn more about it. Advisor: Mr. Narva Presidents: Jazive Aceves & Jennifer Portillo Thursdays @ lunch Room 40 SPEECH & DEBATE - Speech & Debate team members prepare for either speeches or debates in a variety of events to compete at tournaments Advisor: Mr. Becker President: Sanjana Giduthuri Wednesdays at lunch & Mondays after school from 3-5pm Room 17B SQUASH - WHS Squash Club aims to introduce the up and coming sport for a healthy and active lifestyle Advisor: Mr. Coonce President: Khalil Sawari Saturdays from 6-6:45pm Bay Club Santa Clara STRING ORCHESTRA - The string orchestra club will rehearse and perform a variety of strings music. Advisor: Mr. Sanchez Presidents: Tiffany Su & Steven Yang Thursday during study hall Room 57 SURF - Surfers getting together to teach others the waves Advisor: Mr. Narva Presidents: Max Stearns & Allen Graves Mondays and Fridays at lunch Room 40