Yr 9 Assessment Task

Assessment Task 1 | Stage 5 | Australian History
Movement of Peoples
Area of Assessment, Course Components and Weightings:
Area of Assessment:
Research and written response
Movement of Peoples
Due Date:
Hand in Last Lesson of Week 1, Term 2 (From 28th April)
Outcomes to be assessed:
HT5-6 uses relevant evidence from sources to support historical narratives, explanations and analyses of the modern world and
HT5-9 Applies a range of relevant historical terms and concepts when communicating an understanding of the past
HT5-10 Selects and uses appropriate oral, written, visual and digital forms to communicate effectively about the past for
different audiences.
The Assessment Task:
Part A – 10 marks
Analyse the usefulness of Source A for a historian studying the opportunities for free settlers in early colonial Australia
Source A: Historic Houses Trust, Elizabeth Farm, 2011
The household was at its grandest during the last years of John Macarthur’s life. After the founding of his fortune in the first two
decades of the colony…Macarthur determined to display his success and wealth in a material way; in his houses, in his plate and
The 1828 census listed thirteen servants at Elizabeth Farm: a gardener, a coachman, a butler, two grooms, a cook, four labourers,
two maidservants and a footman. All but two of these are listed as convicts, as having pardons or tickets of leave. Many of the
Macarthur’s servants lived in their own cottages on the estate and farm workers travelled frequently between Camden and
Parramatta during harvesting and shearing…
In its furnishings, at least from the early years of the nineteenth century, Elizabeth Farm appears to have been comfortably and
elegantly fitted out, with fine china and glass and silver, brought by Macarthur in England and Europe…
Answer this question in 1-2 paragraphs using the OCMAP strategy (origin, context, motive, audience and perspective). You will
also need to refer to reliability and link back to usefulness.
This assessment task was written by Linda Kovacs, Pymble Ladies’ College. © Copyright of the unit of work is owned by AISNSW.
NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW for and on behalf of the
State of New South Wales is protected by Crown copyright.
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Part B – 20 marks
It has been described by many historians that Australia was a ‘Fatal Shore’ a dumping ground for convicts: a country of suffering
and brutality. Using your own research on free settlers and Source A answer the following question:
“Was Australia really a Fatal Shore for everyone or was it a land of opportunity?” Discuss
Discuss means to identify the key arguments and provide evidence for and against this statement.
Word limit: 850-900 words
You must write in a formal essay style. This means an introduction, structured paragraphs and a conclusion.
You must include a bibliography of all sources used. This must be set out in accordance with the bibliography layout in your
diary and on the Conde Library Homepage.
In your response you should consider :
the hardships experienced by the convicts and free settlers in the period 1788-1850
the opportunities that existed in the period 1788-1850
evidence that exists to support and refute this question
Assessment criteria:
You will be assessed on how well you:
Use relevant evidence when analysing Source A for its usefulness
Effectively research the topic and integrate evidence from the source
Communicate your findings in a well-structured written account of approximately 850-900 words
This assessment task was written by Linda Kovacs, Pymble Ladies’ College. © Copyright of the unit of work is owned by AISNSW.
NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW for and on behalf of the
State of New South Wales is protected by Crown copyright.
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Marking Guidelines
Part A: Analyse the usefulness of Source A for a historian studying the opportunities of free settlers in
early colonial Australia 1788-1850
Makes a clear judgement about the usefulness of Source A when studying the opportunity of free settlers
Addresses all aspects of OCMAP and relates it back to usefulness
Provides a well-structured and detailed paragraph which uses evidence from the source
Makes a judgement about the usefulness of Source A when studying the opportunity of free settlers
Addresses aspects of OCMAP but responses may be uneven
Provides a well-structured paragraph
Provides a limited discussion on the usefulness of Source A for studying the opportunity of free settlers
Generalises about the usefulness of Source A/ and or reliability/ and or perspective
May paraphrase Source A
Some simple description or paraphrase from Source A
Part B:
‘Was Australia really a Fatal Shore for everyone or was it a land of opportunity? Discuss
Presents a sustained, logical and well-structured discussion in answer to the statement
Clearly identifies the arguments for and against the statement within the time period 1788-1850
Supports the discussion with detailed, relevant and accurate historical information from research knowledge
and references the source.
Includes a correctly formatted bibliography
Writes within the word limit
Presents a well-structured discussion in answer to the statement
Identifies arguments for and/or against
Supports the discussion with relevant and accurate historical information
Includes a bibliography
Presents a largely narrative or descriptive response of the colonial period in Australia
Presents a structured answer with some understanding of historical features and issues
May or may not include a bibliography
Limited description of the colonial period in Australia
Presents some basic use of historical information
Lists some historical events from colonial Australia
Presents a limited narrative of people or events from the past with little relevant historical information.
This assessment task was written by Linda Kovacs, Pymble Ladies’ College. © Copyright of the unit of work is owned by AISNSW.
NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW for and on behalf of the
State of New South Wales is protected by Crown copyright.
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This assessment task was written by Linda Kovacs, Pymble Ladies’ College. © Copyright of the unit of work is owned by AISNSW.
NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW for and on behalf of the
State of New South Wales is protected by Crown copyright.
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