5.2.6.A.3 6th grade Physical Science: Physical science principles, including fundamental ideas about matter, energy, and motion, are powerful conceptual tools for making sense of phenomena in physical, living, and Earth systems science. (5.2) Properties of Matter: All objects and substances in the natural world are composed of matter. Matter has two fundamental properties: matter takes up space, and matter has inertia. (A) Unit/ Time Essential Enduring Labs, Investigation, and Student Experiences Chapter Frame Question Understanding How do the The structures of properties of materials materials determine their determine properties. their use? Content Cumulative Instructional Guidance Statements Progress To assist in meeting this CPI, students may: Indicators Pure substances have Determine the Conduct laboratory investigations to investigate and identify properties of pure substances characteristic identity of an including density, solubility, boiling point and melting point. intrinsic properties, unknown such as density, substance using Identify constituents of various pure materials or objects using a number of standard solubility, boiling data about laboratory techniques (heating, cooling, dissolving, etc.). point, and melting intrinsic point, all of which properties. are independent of 5.2.6.A.3 the amount of the sample. Desired Results/Assessments Sample Assessments To show evidence of meeting this CPI, students may answer the following questions: You are a forensic scientist who has just been presented with an unknown material. It is your job to identify the 5.2.6.A.3 6th grade substance to the best of your scientific ability. Begin by examining general properties, the presence or absence of which can eliminate whole classes of substances. 1. A few of the basic starting questions are: How does the substance respond to heat? Does it dissolve in water? Does it dissolve in any other solvent? If it dissolves in water, how does the solution behave? Compare your findings with those known substances that you worked with in your classroom investigations to determine the identity of the substance. The Properties of Unknown Substances, an Interview with Sherlock Holmes offers a vignette for use as a guide related to the sample assessment. http://www.chymist.com/properties.pdf 2. The picture shows a way you could hook up a battery, three wires, and a light bulb. Resources Inquiry in Action: Investigating Matter through Inquiry, 3rd edition. Permission is granted in advance for reproduction for classroom use. Please include “Reprinted with permission from Inquiry in Action, Third Edition, Copyright © 2007, American Chemical Society.” http://www.inquiryinaction.org/ National Science Digital Library, Science Digital Literacy Maps The Physical Setting: Conservation of Matter; note the conceptual strand Changing vs. Constant Properties http://strandmaps.nsdl.org/?id=SMS-MAP-1332 The Physical Setting: Chemical Reactions, note the conceptual strand Changing Properties http://strandmaps.nsdl.org/?id=SMS-MAP-1349 National Science Digital Library, Science Refreshers http://nsdl.org/refreshers/science/ Science Curriculum Topic Study: Properties of Matter, p. 171 5.2.6.A.3 6th grade Explain how you could use these things to test an item to see if it is a conductor of electricity. How could you tell?