Scholar-Citizen Student Learning Outcome Rubric


Scholar-Citizen Student Learning Outcome Rubric

Learning outcome #1: Critically analyze different viewpoints of or theories about a contemporary issue using reliable sources

4 3 2 1

Critical Analysis

Thoroughly (systematically and methodically) analyzes viewpoints of or theories about a contemporary issue.

Acknowledges the existence of multiple viewpoints or theories but deals primarily with a few of those viewpoints/theories.

Acknowledges the existence of multiple viewpoints or theories but deals primarily with a single viewpoint/theory.

Does not acknowledge the existence of multiple viewpoints or theories.

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_Handout_051019.pdf / combined with: ubrics/pdf/All_Rubrics.pdf

Explanation of


Use of Reliable


Contemporary issue is stated clearly and described comprehensively, delivering all relevant information necessary for full understanding.

Demonstrates skillful use of high quality, credible, relevant sources to develop ideas.

Contemporary issue is stated, described, and clarified so that understanding is not seriously impeded by omissions.

Demonstrates consistent use of credible, relevant sources to support ideas.

Contemporary issue is stated but description leaves some terms undefined, ambiguities unexplored, boundaries undetermined, and/or backgrounds unknown.

Demonstrates an attempt to use sources to support ideas, although most are not reliable or credible.

Contemporary issue is stated without clarification or description. ubrics/pdf/All_Rubrics.pdf

Does not attempt to use sources to support ideas. ubrics/pdf/All_Rubrics.pdf

Learning outcome #2: Make connections between one’s academic experiences/knowledge

and one’s own participation in civic life, politics, and government

3 2

Analysis of


Civic Identity


Connects knowledge and extends knowledge (facts, theories, etc.) from one's own academic study/ field/discipline to one's own participation in civic life, politics, and government.

Provides evidence of experience in civic-engagement activities and describes what she/he has learned about her or himself as it relates to a reinforced and clarified sense of civic identity.

Analyzes knowledge (facts, theories, etc.) from one's own academic study/ field/ discipline to one's own participation in civic life, politics, and government.

Provides evidence of experience in civic-engagement activities and describes what she/he has learned about her or himself as it relates to a growing sense of civic identity.

Begins to connect knowledge (facts, theories, etc.) from one's own academic study/ field/discipline one's own participation in civic life, politics, and government.

Evidence suggests involvement in civicengagement activities is generated from expectations or course requirements rather than from a sense of civic identity.


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Begins to identify knowledge (facts, theories, etc.) from one's own academic study/ field/discipline to one's own participation in civic life, politics, and government.

Provides little evidence of her/his experience in civic-engagement activities and does not connect experiences to civic identity. ubrics/pdf/All_Rubrics.pdf ubrics/pdf/All_Rubrics.pdf

Scholar-Citizen Student Learning Outcome Rubric

Scholar-Citizen Student Learning Outcome Rubric

Evaluation of



Perspectives /




Learning outcome #3: Apply ethical reasoning to contemporary local, national, or global issues

4 3 2

Student effectively states objections, assumptions and implication of different ethical perspectives / concepts.

The student demonstrates a clear understanding of the social, political, economic, or moral aspects of a contemporary local, national, or global issue.

Student states several objections, assumptions and implication of different ethical perspectives / concepts but the student’s response is inadequate.

The student demonstrates a clear understanding of the social, political, economic, or moral aspects but overlooked important aspects of a contemporary local, national, or global issue.

Student can state only a few of the objections, assumptions and implication of different ethical perspectives / concepts.

The student could express the social, political, economic, or moral aspects of a contemporary local, national, or global issue, but made questionable judgments.


Student cannot state the objections, assumptions and limitations of different perspectives /concepts.

The student could not express the social, political, economic, or moral aspects of a contemporary local, national, or global issue.

Adapted from …

Webster University: Global

Citizenship Program

SUNY Geneseo General

Education Rubrics






Learning outcome #4: Propose solutions to problems in the context of contemporary local, national, or global issues

4 3

Identifies multiple approaches for solving a contemporary local, national, or global problem.

Proposes one or more solutions/hypotheses that indicates a deep comprehension of the problem.

Solution/hypotheses are sensitive to contextual factors as well as all of the following: ethical, logical, and cultural dimensions of the problem.

Identifies multiple approaches for solving the problem, only some of which apply.

Proposes one or more solutions/hypotheses that indicates comprehension of the problem.

Solutions/hypotheses are sensitive to contextual factors as well as the one of the following: ethical, logical, or cultural dimensions of the problem


Identifies only a single approach for solving the problem.


Does not identify an approach for solving a problem.

Proposes one solution/hypothesis that is “off the shelf ” rather than individually designed to address the specific contextual factors of the problem.

Proposes a solution/hypothesis that is difficult to evaluate because it is vague or only indirectly addresses the problem statement.

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pdf e/rubrics/pdf/All_Rubrics.








Learning outcome #4: Evaluate solutions to problems in the context of contemporary local, national, or global issues


Identifies multiple approaches for solving a contemporary local, national, or global problem.

Evaluation of solutions includes all of the following: considers history of problem, reviews logic/ reasoning, examines feasibility of solution, and weighs impacts of solution.


Identifies multiple approaches for solving the problem, only some of which apply.

Evaluation of solutions is adequate (for example, contains thorough explanation) and includes the several of the following: considers history of problem, reviews logic/ reasoning, examines feasibility of solution, and


Identifies only a single approach for solving the problem.

Evaluation of solutions is brief (for example, explanation lacks depth) and misses several of the following: considers history of problem, reviews logic/ reasoning, examines feasibility of solution, and weighs impacts of


Does not identify an approach for solving a problem.

Evaluation of solutions is superficial

(for example, contains cursory, surface level explanation) misses most of the following: considers history of problem, reviews logic/ reasoning, examines feasibility of

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pdf e/rubrics/pdf/All_Rubrics.


Scholar-Citizen Student Learning Outcome Rubric weighs impacts of solution.


solution, and weighs impacts of solution.



Learning outcome #5: Effectively communicate how her/his academic studies have affected her/his

sense of ethics, values, and social responsibility in the context of local, national, or global issues


Argues convincingly using a complex, coherent discussion of own perspective, including its strengths and limitations


Discusses one’s own perspectives including strengths and limitations


Discusses one’s own perspectives but only includes either strengths or weaknesses


Insufficient discussion of one’s own perspectives including a failure to acknowledge strengths or weaknesses.

Reviews prior learning (past experiences inside and outside of the classroom) in depth to reveal perspectives about educational and life experiences, which provide foundation for expanded knowledge, growth, and maturity over time.

Reviews prior learning (past experiences inside and outside of the classroom indicating broader perspectives about educational or life events.

Reviews prior learning (past experiences inside and outside of the classroom) without connecting somewhat broader perspectives about educational or life events.

Reviews prior learning (past experiences inside and outside of the classroom) at a surface level.

Adapted from … http://www.wolcottlynch.



f e/rubrics/pdf/All_Rubrics.

