Dear CREST Members, Below you will find an update regarding the ELA TEKS revision process. Our eight literacy organizations expected to give presentations at the Wednesday, November 18th SBOE meeting to share our feedback about an unofficial rough draft of the revised TEKS; however, we did not receive a rough draft since the second writing session concluded the Saturday before the SBOE Wednesday meeting. TEA staff indicates that a rough draft will be ready for review around December 15th. Upon receipt, the officers of our eight literacy organizations will meet to review and provide feedback to the TEKS Writing Review Committees. We will send you an email when that rough draft is released, post it on our CREST website at, and provide you with directions for sending your feedback to us before we meet with the other ELA organizations. We expect the timeline to be short; we do hope many of you will be able to respond. The timeline for the ELA TEKS process has changed. When the SBOE meets on January 27-29, there is a possibility that the Board selected experts will speak to share their review of the unofficial draft. The TEKS Writing Review Committees are scheduled for their third work session in February. It sounds as if we will receive the official First Reading of the ELA TEKS at the April 6-8 SBOE meeting with Second Reading and adoption at the July 20-22 SBOE meeting. CREST will again ask for your input when the First Reading document is posted. Please let your voice be heard as we begin the process of reviewing the revised TEKS and consider the two opportunities below: 1. Webcast of the SBOE Meeting on Wednesday, November 18th: The link and list of speakers is provided below. It would take a little over an hour of your time to listen to all components of Item 10. Please do. It will provide you with valuable background information. I’m so sorry that I don’t know how to send you the exact URL linked to each speaker. Please follow the directions in red after the URL link in blue. Item 10 - Update on Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) Review: This item provides the opportunity for staff to present an update on the review of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Statutory authority is the Texas Education Code (TEC), §§7.102(c)(4), 28.002, and 28.025. COMMITTEE – DISCUSSION, SBOE - NO ACTION Select Part 3. Fast forward the bar to 1:48:02 and select play. It begins with Donna Barorich’s introduction to Item 10 and call for the first speaker. Time: Presenter: Topic(s) Forward to: 1:48:02/3:07:56 - Vivian Lee Davis with Divine ISD: handwriting, spelling, phonics 2:00:58/3:07:56 - Ellen Riojas-Clark retired from UTSA Bilingual Ed.: handwriting, spelling, writing, ELL students 2:09:08/3:07:55 - Richard Gentry: spelling, handwriting, phonics 2:17:45/3:07:55 - Diane Miller with UH Downtown: Results of TCTELA Phone Interviews and TEKS Forum Process 2:25:33/3:07:55 - Victoria Young: Moderator of TCTELA TEKS Forum 3:04:47/3:07:55 - End 2. TCTELA has created a forum monitored by Victoria Young and Diane Peterson (President-elect of TCTELA): The English Language Arts Reading (ELAR)/Spanish Language Arts Reading (SLAR) Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) are currently undergoing revisions by educator workgroups under the direction of the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) and the Texas Education Agency (TEA). The Texas Council for Teachers of English Language Arts (TCTELA) has created an online community (TCTELA TEKS Forum) in order for stakeholders to discuss and exchange ideas on the ELAR/SLAR drafts created by the workgroups. TCTELA commissioned the research team of Victoria Young, formerly of the Texas Education Agency, and Diane Miller at the University of Houston-Downtown. The Texas Association for Bilingual Education (TABE) has also partnered with TCTELA in the forum. Laurie Weaver and Judith Marquez from the University of Houston-Clear Lake will serve as SLAR discussion moderators. Moderators will guide the conversation, share your opinions with the SBOE and TEA, and inform the organizations of trends. After the forum is closed, the University of HoustonDowntown will use the data for research and publication to share our statewide collaborative effort. We are fortunate to have the support of SBOE Chair Donna Bahorich and the SBOE as we seek input from Texas educators who best understand the influence and impact of TEKS standards in our classrooms. “We are so excited to have a virtual opportunity to work with ELAR and SLAR educators across the state in an effort to collect feedback on the initial draft of our TEKS revisions. Collecting this input is vital to helping our appointed workgroup participants and, ultimately, the State Board of Education ensure our ELAR/SLAR classroom standards are the best in the country.” - Donna Bahorich, SBOE Chair The forum is open now. You can join us by logging onto Discussion will begin mid-December and will continue through January. TCTELA's goal is to gather voluntary comments of Texas' ELAR/SLAR teachers, parents, and community members and to provide these comments to the SBOE and the TEA. Trends from the forum discussion will also be shared at the TCTELA Annual Conference on January 22, 2016. We look forward to a transparent, engaging discussion on the first draft. Please join the discussion and share the link with your colleagues. Sincerely, CREST BOARD