Halton Family Voice Meeting 24th February 2015 Halton Lodge Children’s Centre (Actions are in Bold) 1. Present Susan Lever Steven Lever Julie Sumner Laura Berry Chloe Buglass Norman Beatty Julie Karmy Tracy Ryan 2. Apologies Gemma McLoughlin Nicola Bellfield 3. Minutes from last meeting The minutes from the previous meeting were read through and confirmed as an accurate record. News on Michelle’s Baby – Michelle had her baby girl at the weekend and both are doing well. The group sends all best wishes to Michelle and her family. 4. SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) Local Offer – Tracy Ryan Tracy Ryan, Lead Officer for the Halton SEND Local Offer, talked to the group about her role and shared copies of the SEND Local Offer Action Plan (a copy is attached to the minutes). HFV members discussed their experiences of the SEND Reforms to date and Tracy was able to clarify some of the issues raised. Tracy explained that the Local Offer website had to be completed by September 2014 as this was required by the Government – however, the website will change in the future as families have more input and provide feedback. Tracy is setting up a group made up of parents, carers, children, young people and professionals to look at the website and make it better and more user-friendly, and is asking for volunteers to join the group. Tracy also talked about having Ambassadors for the SEND Local Offer in local groups and organisations and explained about the Ambassador role. Tracy was invited to the next ImPART group meeting on 3rd March to discuss the Local Offer website group and the Ambassador role. The following areas of the Local Offer Action Plan were discussed: Membership of the SEND Local Offer Group Young Carers – Tracy will be meeting Sarah Warren Tracy has contacted Riverside College (Kath Mannion and Jane Baker) Des Chow will represent Health Sharon Spruce will represent Halton SEND Partnership Tracy is attending Halton’s Voluntary Sector Forum tomorrow to ask for a representative EHC Plan Supporting Documentation and Guidance Tracy is working on the Parental Voice documents with Special Educational Needs colleagues Facebook and Twitter Halton SEND Local Offer Facebook and Twitter Accounts have been set up Review, Streamline, Update and Ongoing Maintenance The first 4 bullet points are actions to be done in partnership with the group to make improvements The next set of bullet points are actions for Tracy to make things clearer Publicity Material/Raising Awareness/ Participation/Feedback Tracy provided promotional keyrings and backpacks for the group to take away with them to publicise the Local Offer A new leaflet will be developed by the group Des Chow and the SPARC group have developed comic books to explain the Local Offer from Health’s point of view The ‘Taking Stock’ session will be a workshop asking ‘what do we think of it so far?’ Preparing for Adulthood Sessions will be held with businesses Improve links with Adult Services Working more closely with Adult services Professionals Flowchart This will be added Final 4 sections on Page 5 Tracy has pulled these together from feedback and working with others Feedback from the group: Chloe asked if she could join the Local Offer Group even though her children do not have SEN? Tracy answered – yes, we value ideas from everyone who has or cares for children and young people When would be a good time to hold the new group? Group members said that some parents/carers struggle with evening meetings. The suggestion was to hold meetings during the day with catch-up meetings in the evenings for parents who could not attend the daytime meetings The number of meetings was discussed – it was suggested that ImPART would have one representative for HFV and another for Tracy’s group, as the responsibility would not fall to just one person Tracy will bring a laptop to groups and meetings to show people the Local Offer website – it is also mobile-friendly Tracy talked about the link for parents/carers to give feedback, near the bottom of the page on the website, and also about feeding back on Twitter and Facebook The group thanked Tracy for attending the meeting and for all the information she provided. 5. Update on Youth Provision contracts Chloe was part of the interview panel for the youth provision contracts and fed back to the group. She said that she found the experience to be interesting and insightful. Chloe was not able to tell the group which organisation had been awarded the contract as the process had not been finalised at that point. ** The successful organisation has now been announced as Young Addaction. 6. Changes to Emotional Health / Counselling Services for Children and Young People Julie talked to the group about changes to emotional health and wellbeing services for children and young people in Halton. From 31st March 2015 the Hear4u counselling service delivered by Barnardo’s will close. A new Emotional Health and Wellbeing service commissioned by the Clinical Commissioning Group will start on 1st June 2015, which means there will be a gap in service. During this gap from April to June, referrals for children and young people where there are concerns about their emotional health will go to CART (Contact and Referral Team – 0151 907 8305) in the Council and support provided. Schools have been informed about this. The group was concerned about the loss of the Hear4u service which is well regarded in the community. Steven talked about his involvement in Nightstop, a Widnes-based organization funded by the National Lottery that offers counselling for young people from 14–25 years. Steven informed the group that individuals can self-refer or be referred by key workers/practitioners and that referrals can be via the website or through calling in. The group discussed a range of emotional health issues that affect children and young people, including self-harm. The inconsistency in the response to self-harm from different schools and other organisations was highlighted and the group agreed that more training should be provided. Homophobic bullying was also discussed and it was agreed to ask Phil McClure to attend the next meeting to talk about a campaign the Youth Cabinet is involved in. 7. Future Guests / Speakers Laura updated the group on local health issues in her role as the Parent Representative for the Clinical Commissioning Group, attending Halton People’s Health Forum. Laura provided the group with information on Care at the Chemist, which is a national scheme although it may not include all chemists/pharmacies. The aim is that people can make an appointment at their local chemist/pharmacy for consultations about minor ailments without the need to see their GP. The chemist/pharmacist can provide advice and prescribe medicine as long as it is on the approved list. Children and young people up to 16 years and people over 16 who are eligible for free prescriptions will not pay for medicines prescribed by the chemist/pharmacist. Laura also talked about the Urgent Care Centre in Runcorn, which is near the minor injuries department in Halton Hospital. The Centre is up and running but is waiting for an X-ray machine. Laura asked for feedback on the Widnes Walk-in Centre – the group agreed that the physiotherapy there is good. The group suggested that Laura should provide feedback on Health events and developments as a standing item on the agenda each month. Laura suggested that she and Des Chow could present an update at the next meeting, which was agreed by the group. The speakers/guests for the next meetings were suggested as: March: Des Chow and Laura Berry – Health Updates Phil McClure – School Uniform Costs/Grants Available and Update on Homophobic Bullying Campaign Future Meetings: Nightstop CAB (Citizens Advice Bureau) – Workshop ImPART 8. AOB None raised. Next meeting: 24th March – Kingsway Learning Centre – 10.00am-12.00pm