NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING (NDT) JUNE 2014 CONFIRMED CONFIRMED MINUTES JUNE 23-26, 2014 DUBLIN, IRELAND These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency. MONDAY, 23-JUN-2014 to THURSDAY, 26-JUN-2014 1.0 OPENING COMMENTS 1.0 Call to Order / Quorum Check The Nondestructive Testing (NDT) Task Group was called to order at 9:00 a.m. 23-Jun-2014. It was verified that only SUBSCRIBER MEMBERS were in attendance during the closed portion of the meeting. A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance: Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member) NAME * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Jeremy Peter Steve Philippe Alain Marek Juergen Brian Antonio Mike Paul Richard Herve Chris Joonhee Robert Serge Niall Marc-André Donald Scott Jose Steve Michael Hideki Dale Scott Henryk Febrizio Robert David Victor Bobby COMPANY NAME Barnes Bartsch Bauer Beck Bouchet Bujak Burchards Burke Ciliberto Clark Colfer Costantino Courreges Dootson Han Hogan Labbé Leahy Lefebvre Maclean Maitland Martinez McCool Mitchell Nakama Norwood O'Connor Olszowy Quadrini Rainone Royce Schonberger Scott The Boeing Company Premium AEROTEC GmbH Northrop Grumman Corporation AIRBUS Helicopters SAFRAN Group MTU Aero Engines GmbH MTU Aero Engines GmbH Honeywell Alenia Aermacchi S.p.A. Sikorsky Aircraft Honeywell Goodrich (UTAS) Airbus BAE Systems - MAI The Boeing Company Honeywell Aerospace Heroux-Devtek, Inc. Honeywell Heroux-Devtek, Inc. Raytheon Missile Systems Goodrich (UTAS) Liebherr Aerospace Honeywell Aerospace Hamilton Sundstrand (UTAS) Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. Parker Aerospace Group Honeywell Aerospace MTU Aero Engines Polska Sp. z o.o AgustaWestland Goodrich (UTAS) Pratt & Whitney Israel Aerospace Industries Bombardier Inc. Vice Chairperson Chairperson NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING (NDT) JUNE 2014 CONFIRMED * * * * Ralph Sebastian Chris Tony Jim Sean Stuart Grzegorz Sekkel Stark Stevenson Warren Winter Wood Wroot Wryk Lockheed Martin Corp. Rolls-Royce Deutschland Rolls-Royce Corporation Airbus Spirit AeroSystems Triumph Group AgustaWestland Rolls-Royce Other Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member) NAME * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Mark Andy Martyn Marc Lee Massimo Claude Ray Douglas Andrew Paul David Johanna Paul Yasushi Jens Rick Josef John Paul Stephen Bill Julie Staci Mark Jonathan Cindy Gail Ronald Savas Rene JunTao Wilfried Gary COMPANY NAME Airey Bakewell Bills Breit Bruce Capriolo Chambon Cosgrove Davis Dunbabin Evans Gray Harrer Johnson Kakuda Kiehn Kuhns Maier Massie May Mayer McKessy Nguyen Patterson Pennington Pugh Roth Shepheard Stewart Ulucan Vrenn Wang Weber White PRI Staff Present Mark Mike Dave Andy Aubele Gutridge Marcyjanik Statham Robert Stuart Ltd. E. M. Inspection Co. Ltd. Exova UK Limited RIL-CHEMIE Robert Stuart Ltd. Bytest Aubert & Duval NDE Labs, Inc. Alcoa Fastening Systems Doncasters Chard James Fisher NDT Mitchell Laboratories Inc. Bohler Edelstahl GmbH & Co. KG Firth Rixson Forgings Ltd. Fuji Heavy Industries Otto Fuchs KG Bristol Industries Bohler Edelstahl GmbH & Co. KG TurboCombustor Technology/ Paradigm Percision Orange Coast Testing South West Metal Finishing Ltd. Alcoa Howmet Element Materials James Fisher NDT Firth Rixson Forgings Ltd. Exova NDT Team Industrial Services Doncasters Aerospace Ellison Surface Technologies FTB LISI Aerospace Bohler Edelstahl GmbH & Co. KG China Poly-Technology Establishment PFW Aerospace AG Orbit Industries Inc. Secretary NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING (NDT) JUNE 2014 CONFIRMED 1.1 Reviewed Code of Ethics (Reference: Attendees’ Guide) and Meeting Conduct 1.2 Presented the PRI Antitrust Video 1.3 Reviewed agenda 1.4 Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes– OPEN The minutes from the February 2014 meeting in London were approved as written after spelling change for the name “Libby” to read “Bibby”. Motion made by Mike Mitchell and seconded by Sean Wood to approve the minutes for the meeting held in London February 2014. Motion Passed. 1.5 RAIL Review – OPEN The Rolling Action Item List (RAIL) was reviewed. For specific details, please see the current NDT Rolling Action Item List posted at, under Public Documents. 2.0 TASK GROUP REGULAR BUSINESS ITEMS – CLOSED Mike Gutridge gave the Performance Review Institute (PRI) Regular Business presentation. It addressed closed Auditor Advisories, Supplier Advisories, extension requests, failed and lapsed audits. 3.0 TASK GROUP RESOLUTIONS – CLOSED Dave Marcyjanik gave a presentation of the Task Group resolutions. No resolutions were put forward. 4.0 NEW BUSINESS – CLOSED Mike Gutridge discussed items arising from audits regarding request for additional information. If additional information is required during the audit review process, PRI Staff should be notified as to the specific issue to clarify. If other technical information is required, the Subscriber may contact the Supplier directly to eliminate the possibility of re-auditing the Supplier and possible export violations. Motion made by Bob Hogan and seconded by Bob Rainone. Motion passed. The following personnel completed the Task Group audit review training, have satisfied the requirements, and have been voted as accepted as audit report reviewers: Jim Graves - Rolls Royce Mike Clark – Sikorsky Justin Payne - Cessna Aircraft Marc-Andre Lefebvre – Heroux Devtek Inc. Jim Winter – Spirit AeroSystems Tony Warren – Airbus Frederic Girard - Pratt & Whitney Canada Steve McCool - Honeywell Jinqiu Zhou - COMAC Manuel Cabrara Jr - The Boeing Company FangMei Chu – Honeywell NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING (NDT) JUNE 2014 CONFIRMED Motion made by Sean Wood and seconded by Chris Stevenson. Motion Passed. Motion made by Dave Royce and seconded by Dale Norwood to remove the last sentence of NTGOP-001, NDT Appendix NDT, Page 3, paragraph 7.2.that reads “To maintain review status, the member must participate in at least one teleconference call or have reviewed 5 audits packages in the review period.” Motion Failed (non persuasive). Motion made by Mike Mitchell and seconded by Mike Clark to waive and extend audit report reviewer status for the below named individuals until further review at the October 2014 Nadcap Meeting in Pittsburgh. Motion Passed. Jim Graves - Rolls Royce Mike Clark – Sikorsky Justin Payne - Cessna Aircraft Marc-Andre Lefebvre – Heroux Devtek Inc. Jim Winter – Spirit AeroSystems Tony Warren – Airbus Frederic Girard - Pratt & Whitney Canada Steve McCool - Honeywell Jinqiu Zhou - COMAC Manuel Cabrara Jr - The Boeing Company Andy Statham discussed language issues highlighted during audits and the possibility of misunderstanding the supplier’s responses. Andy will follow-up and ask other Task Groups how they handle language barriers to the audit process. ACTION ITEM: To discuss language issues with other Task Groups Actioned to Andy Statham. (Due date: 1-Oct-2014) The following auditor observations were performed Audit 151481 performed by Grzegorz Wryk – Rolls Royce Audit 152986 performed by FangMei Chu – Honeywell Aerospace Audit 152087 performed by FangMei Chu – Honeywell Aerospace Audit 153909 performed by Patricia Weseman – The Boeing Company Audit 159068 performed by Tony Wu – Airbus Group Audit 159068 performed by Pete Torelli – The Boeing Company The Task Group discussed an extension to the accreditation for two overseas audits (156033 and 150723) where there were no auditors available. Motion made by Bob Rainone and seconded by Sean Wood that due to unrest in the vicinity the accreditation for audits 156033 and 150723 should be allowed to lapse (previous extensions have been granted). Motion Passed. Audit Report Reviewers Losing status– Group agreed that email should be generated as such “You have not met the minimum requirements to maintain audit reviewer status, there is not an expectation for you to go through re-training at this time, but you will be extended one (1) more audit review period before removal. If the 3rd report period passes without vote call participation or audit reviews, you will be required to re-start the entire training process to become an audit report reviewer.” Compliance job issue for audit 157716, in regard to not having enough work for three compliance jobs. The auditor emailed and asked what to do if the finding was non-sustaining from the NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING (NDT) JUNE 2014 CONFIRMED previous audit. Initially the auditor was advised to issue a Major Nonconformance (NCR) for not enough work and a Major Non-sustaining NCR against the Quality System was required. However the issue was presented to the NDT Task Group while in session and the following was decided: Motion – “A second NCR against not having enough compliance jobs would not be considered as non- sustaining. This is in the case of an NCR in a previous audit for the same issue as in a current audit. For the same issue, of not having enough jobs, the NCR will be minor because the issue of parts is not directly related to the Quality Management System and may not be under direct control of the supplier. An NCR issued will be a minor with no second NCR issued against the QMS.” Motion made by Victor Schonberger and seconded by Alain Bouchet to approve the above item. Motion Passed. ACTION ITEM: Auditor Advisory to be issue. (Due Date: 17-Jul-2014) 5.0 NOP-012 AUDITOR CONSISTENCY – CLOSED Mike Gutridge gave a presentation on auditor consistency. Reviewed the milestone chart that tracks progress for actions required by NOP-012. Mike Gutridge will not update the auditor observation spread sheet located in eAuditNet. It was not used and it took too much time to populate the data. The Task Group was trained by Louise Stefanakis on how to search for auditors / audits for observation. Mike Gutridge discussed annual feedback to auditors to be provided by the Task Group. Suggestions included the typical content of the topics for discussion. Task Group discussed methods of evaluating auditor consistency. Task Group Requested Audit Observations Support – Subscribers agreed to more support for observations, however, many subscribers requested Nadcap Management Council (NMC) support for obtaining funding to conduct more audit observations. Auditor Consistency Rating Process - The NDT Group also agreed that we should use the results from item 15 of the Supplier Feedback and that there should be a combination of face-to-face interviews, WebEx, and possibly emails to inform auditors of their rating status. The group agreed that the Auditor Consistency Team will have the ability to make decisions on behalf of the Task Group in regards to the auditor rating notification process. Redline Auditor Observation Priorities - The NDT Group agreed that priority is redline auditors for observations, and then new auditors, then the rest of the auditors, and then Staff Engineers. The Task Group did not reach a consensus as to how the priorities or timeline should be for observation audits. The Task Group agreed that the Auditor Consistency Team will be granted the authority to make decisions on behalf of the Task Group to decide the process for prioritizing the audit observation process and the timeline determination. Motion made by Steve McCool and seconded by Alain Bouchet to grant authority to the Audit Observation Sub-Team allowing them to make decisions on metrics to be included in the dashboard on behalf of the Task Group. Motion Passed. Auditor Consistency Team will consist of the following members: Alain Bouchet Richard Constantino Bob Rainone Bobby Scott Scott Sullivan Pete Torelli NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING (NDT) JUNE 2014 CONFIRMED Tony Warren Secondary Observations from Subscribers - Honeywell Aerospace representative would like to incorporate their own Subscriber over audit information into the auditor observation process and for use as a possible secondary observation process for all Subscribers. Use of this data is acceptable as an additional tool, but cannot be used in place of audit observations. NDT Dashboard - NDT Group agreed that the NDT Dashboard for auditor consistency should mirror the presentation that Mike Gutridge presented as an option, however, the specific for the timelines should be decided by the Auditor Consistency Team. Clarification - What constitutes an observation audit, just the first day, or two days or the entire audit? Task Group agreed that an observation audit consists of the entire audit, thus all days being observed. 6.0 NOP-011 RISK MITIGATION PROCESS – CLOSED Louise Stefanakis gave a presentation on Risk Mitigation for failed audits which included a demonstration of the process in eAuditNet. Mike Gutridge gave a presentation on the expectations of the Risk Mitigation process. Following the presentation the Task Group discussed the expectations and issues with review of audits that are failed. The intent is that a Subscriber of the failed Supplier will participate on the audit review team for dispositioning the nonconformances. If there are no Subscribers listed and there are no volunteers, the Task Group Chair has the authority to appoint Subscribers to the audit review team. Discuss audit failure ballot issue in regards to not failing the audit, but withdrawing the accreditation. Some Subscribers have changed their vote from failure to require PRI to work the audit, but withdraw the certificate of accreditation. Subscribers were told that the ballot would reopen and that the “not to fail” vote needs to “not withdraw accreditation”. A Subscriber vote “not to fail” must not result in withdrawal of accreditation. Also, if a Subscriber votes “not to fail” the Subscriber must fill in justification for that vote. Steve Garner, Eaton Aerospace, has volunteered to be team lead for the risk mitigation review to lend consistency to the process. 7.0 SUPPLEMENTS – CLOSED No supplement changes were presented at this meeting. 8.0 PRI REPORT / RAIL /NMC METRICS – OPEN Dave Marcyjanik gave the New Task Group Members presentation. Dave Marcyjanik gave the PRI Staff Report containing information highlighted since the last meeting. The information included staffing levels, audit cycle times, staff delegation, top 5 NCR’s and RAIL items. The Task Group reviewed and discussed the open items on the RAIL. The Task Group reviewed the performance results for the delegated staff engineers. Motion made by Dave Royce and seconded by Mike Mitchell to confirm and continue delegation for PRI Staff Engineers, Mark Aubele, Jim Bennett, Phil Ford, Andy Statham, Mike Gutridge and Dave Marcyjanik. Motion Passed. NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING (NDT) JUNE 2014 CONFIRMED 9.0 CLARIFICATION DATA BASE – OPEN Andy Bakewell gave an overview of the clarification database. 10.0 SUPPLIER REPORT & DISCUSSION – OPEN Gary White gave an overview of the Supplier Support Committee activities and initiatives. 11.0 NADCAP AND NDT PROCEDURE REVIEW – OPEN Dave Marcyjanik gave an overview of the revisions made to the Nadcap procedures since the February 2014 meeting in London. The following procedures have been revised: NIP 4-01, NIP 4-02, NIP 8-01, NOP-001, NOP-003, NOP-007, NOP-008, NOP-011, NOP-012, and NTGOP-001. 12.0 SUPPLIER SUPPORT COMMITTEE (SSC) REPORT OUT ON THE SSC MEETING – OPEN Gary White gave a report on the Supplier Support Committee meeting. The following items were noted: Joe Pinto discussed the reasons for the audit price increases. Kevin Ward gave a presentation on Risk Mitigation. Richard Blyth gave presentation on NOP-012 for auditor consistency. A question was asked if the Staff Engineers would be included in the Auditor Observation process. The answer was “Yes”, in accordance with the procedure. Tom Newton gave a presentation on the harmonization of PRI documents. During the meeting feedback was given on the supplier survey. 13.0 METHOD SUB-TEAM – BREAKOUT SESSIONS – OPEN This session was used to resolve audit checklist comments for ballots that closed 8-Jun-2014. Motion made by Andy Bakewell and seconded by Gary White to approve the changes to AC7114, paragraph 4.3.3 for the approval of auditors by the Responsible Level 3. Motion Passed. Motion made by Alain Bouchet and seconded by Dave Royce to approve the changes made to AC7114, paragraph 4.3.3 include all quality requirements shall be implemented. Motion Passed. Motion made by Mike Mitchell and seconded by Cindy Roth to approve the amendments to AC7114 paragraph 4.3.3, add N/A to the question where audits are performed by the Responsible Level 3. Motion Passed. Motion made by Cindy Roth and seconded by Dave Royce to approve the changes made to AC7114, paragraph 5.1.1. Motion Failed-Non-persuasive. Motion made by Dave Royce and seconded by Andy Bakewell to approve the amendments to AC7114, paragraph 5.1.1. Motion Failed-Non-persuasive. Motion made by Mike Clark and seconded by Gary White to approve the amendments AC7114 paragraph 5.4.5. (Bakewell comment.) Motion Passed. NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING (NDT) JUNE 2014 CONFIRMED Motion made by Mike Mitchell and seconded by Andy Bakewell to approve the amendments to AC7114, paragraph 5.4.5 for eye test expiry dates. (Vasquez comment). Motion Failed -Nonpersuasive. Motion made by Dave Royce and seconded by Sean Wood to approve the changes to AC7114/1, paragraph 6.15.1, for focusing of the white light on the parts when used for visual inspection. Motion Passed. Motion made by Dave Royce and seconded by Andy Bakewell to withdraw the above motion for focusing of the white light on the parts when used for visual inspection. Motion Passed. Motion made by Andy Bakewell and seconded by Sean Wood to approve the amendment to AC7114/2, paragraph 4.3.11 (and throughout) for the use of flux indicators or notched shims, and not use trade names. Motion Passed. Motion made by Bob Hogan and seconded by Cindy Roth to approve the amendments to AC7114/2, paragraph 6.1.4. Motion Passed. Motion made by Gary White and seconded by Cindy Roth to approve the amendments to AC7114/2, paragraph 6.1.6. Motion Passed. Motion made by Andy Bakewell and seconded by Philippe Beck to approve the amendments to AC7114/2, paragraph 7.5.5. Motion Passed. Motion made by Andy Bakewell and seconded by Chris Stevenson to approve the amendments to AC7114/3. In essence, AC7114/3 and AC7114/7 are separate documents that stand alone for accreditation. No further action required. Motion Passed. Motion made by Dave Royce and seconded by Mike Mitchell to approve the amendments to AC7114/4, paragraph 5.4.1. Motion Passed. Motion made by Steve McCool and seconded by Chris Stevenson to approve to approve the amendments to AC7114/4, paragraph 5.6.1 and Motion Passed. Motion made by Dave Royce and seconded by Doug Davies to approve the amendments to AC7114/5, paragraph 3.1.3 and Motion Passed. Motion made by Steve McCool and seconded by Cindy Roth to approve the amendments to AC7114/5, paragraph 3.2.2 and Motion Passed. 14.0 METHOD TEAM – REPORT OUT – OPEN Combined with Section 13 to resolve audit checklist ballot comments. 15.0 TECHNICAL ISSUES AND OPEN DISCUSSION ITEMS – OPEN Chris Stevenson gave a presentation on Pre Cleaning prior to Penetrant Testing. The presentation describes the possibilities of surface contamination during the cleaning process. The Task Group discussed the issues involved with the NDT testing of fasteners. A discussion regarding potential issue when etching clad material prior to penetrant testing. The only potential issue is that there may be excessive fluorescent background present due to surface roughness after etch. Mike Gutridge gave a presentation for the changes in processes for NOP-011, Risk Mitigation and NOP-012, Auditor Consistency. NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING (NDT) JUNE 2014 CONFIRMED Chris Stevenson and Andy Bakewell gave a presentation on LED UV/A lights. ACTION ITEM: Post the UV and LED light presentation to eAuditNet folders. (Due Date: 28-Jul2014) Digital Detector Array (DDA) and Computed Radiography (CR) Method Team Chair - The Chair for the AC7114/6 and AC7114/8 Method Team is Chris Stevenson. DDA and CR Method Team - The AC7114/6 and AC7114/8 Method Team are one and the same as the technologies are similar, as confirmed by the Task Group. New Chair for Magnetic Particle (MT) Method Team - Bob Hogan is unable to attend more than one meeting per year and requested to be relieved of the Chair position. Mike Clark stepped up as new Chair for MT Method Team. Put forward for Eddy Current Inspection (ET) group – check on validity of “one point in range of use” in question 3.1.3 of /5 checklist – should this be 3 points in range of use? What is engineering requirement? ACTION ITEM: ET Method Team to evaluate calibration requirement for field indicators / gauss meters. (Due Date: 20-Oct-2014) 16.0 AD-HOC TEAM – BREAKOUT SESSIONS - OPEN Penetrant Inspection (PT) / Magnetic Particle (MT) AD-Hoc Team break-out - UV LED Light discussion: Dave Marcyjanik, Andy Bakewell, Chris Stevenson, Steve McCool, Dave Royce, Alain Bouchet, Marc Breit, Richard Constantino, Bobby Scott , Donald MacLean, Michael Mitchell, Mike Clark • • • • • • • 17.0 UV LED lamps read higher value by 15-20% when switched on prior to warm-up – after warm-up value drops considerably by not consistent with time Beams have huge fade off drop in intensity LED has very broad band emissions compared to Arc lamps Certificates are okay but are not the same as “Validity reports” which actually verify the beam and emissions Some UV LED sources are intended for other purposes and are not acceptable for NDT uses in wavelength Some Suppliers of UV LED lights for NDT use a mix of bulbs to save money Some UV lamps have a switchable white light built into the UV lamp REPORT OUT ON THE PLANNING & OPERATIONS MEETING – OPEN Bobby Scott gave an overview of the Planning and Operations meeting. During that meeting he gave a report out of NDT status and activities over the past year. 18.0 AD-HOC TEAM – REPORT OUT – OPEN No decisions made – Dave Royce has generated some initial questions for the AC7114/1 and AC7114/2 checklists regarding the verification and use of UV/ LED lights. Discussions created a few clarifications to the preliminary checklist questions, more work to follow by the ad hoc UV LED Team. NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING (NDT) JUNE 2014 CONFIRMED Ad hoc UV LED Team: • • • • • • • • Philippe Beck Marc Breit Chris Stevenson Andy Bakewell Dave Royce Jim Fowler Savas Ulucan John Massie ACTION ITEM: Team to meet prior to October 2014 meeting. (Due Date: 20-Oct-2014) 19.0 DOCUMENT CHANGE SPREADSHEET (DCS) REVIEW – OPEN Mike Gutridge gave a presentation on the proposed document changes since the last meeting. Add to the Document Change Spreadsheet (DCS) - AC7114 4.4.3 Andy Statham – Add to CAG: Individuals shall be subject to a performance review for all NDT methods for which they hold Certification. Add to the Document Change Spreadsheet - AC7114 3.2.1 Andy Statham - should be a data entry point, not a Yes/No question 20.0 ETCH INSPECTION SUB-TEAM MEETING WITH CHEMICAL PROCESSING – OPEN Draft etch inspection checklist was reviewed and proposed changes made. Nigel Cook to revise the draft document and format. Document then to be sent to all team members for review and comment. There is still some discussion regarding the number of compliance jobs that can be completed in the time allotted (1 day audit) if the supplier has more than two of the etch inspection methods. Some team members believe a test audit is necessary prior to balloting the draft checklist to make sure it can be completed within the time allowed. Goal was to ballot the document by end of July. 21.0 NEW BUSINESS – OPEN A discussion took place on the need for a new Supplier NDT Task Group Representative on NMC to replace Bob Custer, who has retired. Motion made by Dave Royce and seconded by Paul Evans to approve Gary White as the NDT Supplier Task Group member on NMC. Motion Passed. The following were proposed as Supplier Voting Members: Savas Ulucan of Lisi Aerospace - Alternate Supplier Voting Member Mark Airey of Robert Stuart Ltd - Supplier Voting Member Lee Bruce of Robert Stuart Ltd - Alternate Supplier Voting Member Paul May of Orange Coast Testing - Supplier Voting Member Staci Patterson of James Fisher NDT - Alternate Supplier Voting Member Motion made by Gary White and seconded by Paul Evans to approve. Motion Passed. Auditor Advisory Recommended – Task Group clarification - Eye adaptation is not required for any process control checks. These checks include the TAM panel check, the developer contamination check and the Ketos/AS5282 ring checks. ACTION ITEM: PRI to generate advisory. (Due Date: 28-Jul-2014) NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING (NDT) JUNE 2014 CONFIRMED Annual Internal Audits – Discussion in NMC regarding annual versus periodic internal audits. No agreement except that this item should be put forward for discussion by the AC7114 Method Team. There are six (6) Subscribers that have an engineering requirement for an annual internal audit of the NDT process. ACTION ITEM: Send to method team for discussion. (Due Date: 20-Oct-2014) AC7114/1/2 – Questions AC7114/1 paragraph 5.13.11 and AC7114/2 paragraph 5.4.11 need changed. These questions apply to H44GS bulbs only and not LED. ACTION ITEM: Further work required by PT and MT Method Teams. (Due Date: 20-Oct-2014) Penetrant Pooling - What constitutes penetrant pooling AC7114/1 paragraph 6.7.6. Decision to add CAG to this question stating that every effort must be made to minimize pooling. ACTION ITEM: Verbiage to be provided by PT Method Team. (Due Date: 20-Oct-2014) NiCr panel usage – decision of the task group is to leave this delineation in the Clarification Database. The Supplier should define the processing steps in its entirety in their procedure to include what they define as hold out samples. DCS addition – To comply with the requirement for (2) ½ second shots, can (1) 2 second shot be utilized and compliant? Yes, but if 2 shots are required, then 2 shots will be utilized for the process regardless of shot length. Add CAG to AC7114/2 “For customers that require just one single shot, the time and duration of pulses are to be defined by specific customer requirements.” ACTION ITEM: Andy Bakewell to incorporate item in Clarification Database. (Due Date: 28-Jul2014) Honeywell Issue – For Suppliers that utilize alternating current only for Magnetic Particle Inspection, the gauss meters are only calibrated in direct current. Is this compliant? No answers or resolutions were obtained, left to each Subscriber to handle. Prior to Penetrant Inspection solvent cleaning issue discussion – Alkalinity and corrosiveness is an issue with silicate based solvents, in regard to silicate based solvents clogging TAM panels. Tabled for further discussion in October 2014. Alain Bouchet and Andy Bakewell to lead discussion. Bonding of calibrated gages – See the general requirements tab in the Clarification Database, item 6. Calibration period starts on the date of the actual calibration, no bonding of electrical or mechanical NDT items is allowed. ACTION ITEM: PRI to generate an open Auditor Advisory. (Due Date: 28-Jul-2014) Information Only: Supplier’s received letter advertising Aerospace Conference requesting cash for political exposure to Subscribers during conferences – Subscribers not aware of the scam overseas (Taiwan). Information Only: Supplier’s brought forward issue of advertisement of color vision corrective lenses for color vision problems. Not recognized as valid by Subscribers. Dryer oven calibrations – Captured in DCS – AC7114/1 5.12.2 one point calibration requirement should be 3 point calibration requirement. NTGOP-001 Appendix NDT - To be changed for VCA audits with 0 NCRs to require no Task Group review. No one had issues or any comments. Accepted the proposed change as presented. NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING (NDT) JUNE 2014 CONFIRMED Discussion ensued regarding use of magnification for film evaluation. Many do not use vision correction lenses when using magnifiers. Is this a violation of the certification requirements? Motion made by Dave Royce and seconded by Steve McCool to approve the following. Magnification that requires self- focus may be used as an aid in interpretation without other vision correction. Motion Passed. ACTION ITEM: Open Auditor Advisory to be issued for the use of magnification during inspection. PRI to generate. (Due Date: 28-Jul-2014) Motion made by Gary White and seconded by Dave Royce to remove Cory McGraw of PM Testing as a Supplier Voting Member. Failure to attend the required number of meetings. Motion Passed. ACTION ITEM: Chris Stevenson agreed to write article about Defect Rate Monitoring expectations. (Due Date: 20-Oct-2014) ACTION ITEM: PRI to add Jim Winter to AC7114/4, AC7114/6 and AC7114/7 Method Teams. (Due Date: 28-Jul-2014) ACTION ITEM: PRI to add Marc Breit to AC7114/1 Method Team. (Due Date: 28-Jul-2014) ACTION ITEM: PRI to add Savas Ulucan to AC7114/1 Method Team. (Due Date: 28-Jul-2014) ACTION ITEM: PRI to add John Massie to PT UV LED Ad hoc Team. (Due Date: 28-Jul-2014) 22.0 DEVELOP AGENDA FOR OCTOBER 2014 – OPEN Agenda Item for October 2014 Nadcap Meeting – Look at and assess NOP-011 NDT Failure Criteria Agenda Item for October 2014 Nadcap Meeting – SMART Checklist Review Agenda Item for October Nadcap Meeting - Etch auditor training for auditors and Staff Engineers Monday morning of October 2014 meeting. Motion made by Dave Royce and seconded by Steve McCool to approve a four-day meeting for Pittsburgh October 2014. Motion Passed. 23.0 RAIL & CLARIFICATION DATABASE REVIEW – OPEN Motion made by Mike Mitchell and seconded by Gary White to approve the amendments made to the clarification database. Motion Passed. 24.0 MEETING FACILITATION FEEDBACK – OPEN Request from Dave Royce to remove Scope extensions and Supplier advisories from regular presentations to save time – “We know about these between meetings and do not need the briefing”. ACTION ITEM: To add to the agenda for discussion at the October 2014 meeting. (24-Jul-2014) ADJOURNMENT – 26-Jun-14 – Meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Minutes Prepared by: Tony Warren – NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING (NDT) JUNE 2014 CONFIRMED ***** For PRI Staff use only: ****** Are procedural/form changes required based on changes/actions approved during this meeting? (select one) YES* ☒ NO ☐ *If yes, the following information is required: Documents requiring revision: Who is responsible: NTGOP-001 Appendix NDT Phil Ford Due date: 15-Aug-2014