JUBAIL INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE Introductory to Phased-Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT) in partnership with ECLIPSE SCIENTIFIC, Canada SCHEDULE OF COURSES FOR 2015 1. January 25-29, 2015 (5 Days). 2. March 15-19, 2015 (5 Days). 3. May 17-21, 2015 (5 Days). At the JIC NDT Training Center TRAINER’S PROFILE: Eclipse Scientific, Inc. is a leading NDT company in Ontario, Canada that specializes in developing products and techniques for the Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) industry. Its areas of experience include NDT technical training, automated NDT systems, NDT procedure development, and UT transducer development. The knowledge base at Eclipse Scientific spans all NDT disciplines and includes state of the art approaches to product development and technique design. (www.eclipsescientific.com) WHY PAUT TRAINING AT JIC? 1. First class training experience from professional and qualified Eclipse instructors with worldwide training and field application experience 2. Courses that emphasize hands-on practical exercises designed to build familiarity and confidence 3. State of the art Lab facility and wide range of equipment 4. Competitive and affordable Training Package FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: SPECIAL PROGRAMS UNIT, SPINDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Dept. : Tel: 013 - 340 2011 Tel: 013 - 340 2410 Fax: 013-3402060 Email Address: specialprograms@jic.edu.sa VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT www.jic.edu.sa REGISTER NOW! Deadline to apply is, 2015.