Pupil Premium Spending 2014 – 2015 Total Budgeted Cost Small group maths £16, 876 support in Year 5 and 6 from Mrs P AreaofSpend Description of Intervention Intended Outcomes How impact is to be measured Impact We ensure all children who are at risk of underachieving benefit from a combination of small group/1:1TAsupportin class and TA led booster intervention classes to ensure progress is maintained. Rigorous tracking of the progress of children from the targeted groups occurs every term and the provision is modified as necessary. Students make good progress and close attainment gaps. PP students to feel success and go on to achieve good levels of progress. Levels of progress achieved, Closing gap between outcomes of PP and non PP Greater student confidence & self-esteem. 86% of PP children achieved level 4 in maths compared to 82% non PP. 87% PP children made 2 levels of progress from KS1. In Year 5 84% of PP children reached age related expectations in maths in comparison with 77.4% non PP. Educational Psychologist time for specific children £500 per day. Educational Psychology support purchased from Swindon LA to meet the needs of students (often FSM) who are without SEN funding. A few students benefit from this support to remove barriers to their learning and progress. Impact on individuals of this support. 3 disadvantaged pupils were seen by the EP which identified clear strengths and areas to be developed and supported. This has been built into quality learning experiences and the provision of targeted support. Targeted support in reading and comprehension in Year 2 and 3 – Mrs Johns £240 per week for 20 weeks. £4800 30 minutes intervention sessions 3 days a week for targeted pupils to improve reading comprehension skills. Children achieve in line with their non PP peers. Levels of progress achieved, Closing gap between outcomes of PP and non PP Greater student confidence & self-esteem At Year 2 92% of PP children achieved level 2 or more in reading which completely closed the gap. The majority of targeted pupils in Year 3 reached expected levels. Nurture TA will engage with targeted parents. Nurture, Gozone, Happy to be me. TAMHS £13,000 We provide specialist emotional behavioural and well-being intervention. A few students benefit from this support to remove barriers to their learning and progress. It improves self-confidence and independence Attendance improved and reduction in behavioural incidents at school and home. 12 pupils engaged in group and individual nurture sessions. 4 families engaged in Family SEAL/ Parenting, 5 pupils engaged directly in TAMHs support. 5 children engaged directly in Time to Talk activities. 7 children engaged in Happy to be Me. The impact – increased confidence, self esteem, greater willingness to engage in class, positive feedback from parents. Case study evidence available. Literacy and numeracy interventions. Exam revision classes and preparation. £6000 We ensure all children who are at risk of underachieving benefit from a combination of small group/1:1TA support in class. Rigorous tracking of the progress of children from the targeted groups occurs every term and the provision is modified as necessary. Students make good progress and close attainment gaps. PP students to feel success and go on to achieve good levels of progress. Levels of progress achieved. Closing gap between outcomes of PP and non PP. Greater student confidence & self-esteem. Many children benefitted from a range of 1 to 1 and small group work. 18 children received 1 to 1 reading at least 3 times a week which had a positive impact on fluency, expression and comprehension. Year 6 booster sessions increased confidence, pace and improved overall attainment (Pupil conferencing evidence). Extra curricular clubs and additional curriculum opportunities £8000 We believe it is really important for all children to have the experience of residential trips. Apart from a small deposit, we will ensure that all pupil premium children are funded to go if they wish. Children will feel included Analyse and monitor % and have access to the numbers of children same opportunities and receiving PP in KS1 to try a range of activities and develop their skills and independence. Children were supported to attend a range of clubs such as Magic stars, revelation performing arts and Aspire young writing course. 86 pupils were supported to attend first hand experiences outside the classroom, which enriched their learning. Specialist resource provision for individual pupils £3000 Targeted support for individual pupils who benefit from specialist resources to access the curriculum. Targeted pupils receive 1:1 provision and extra resources e.g. laptops to demonstrate their ability Learning Support TAs £45,000 We ensure all children who are at risk of underachieving benefit from a combination of small group/1:1 TA support in class. Rigorous tracking of the progress of children from the targeted groups occurs every term and the provision is modified as necessary. Students make good progress and close attainment gaps. PP students to feel success and go onto achieve good levels of progress. Case studies of individuals indicate improved access and work produced demonstrates their ability. Levels of progress achieved, Closing gap between outcomes of PP and non PP. Greater student confidence & selfesteem. Children were bought relevant resources as necessary to allow them to access the curriculum. Some children received financial support to enable them to learn a musical instrument. 13 disadvantaged pupils have been resourced to support visual stress. A wide range of interventions were run across the whole school. 23 children benefitted form project code which improved reading. Rapid maths, plus1 and the power of 2 helped to engage pupils in maths, improved number confidence and speed of recall of number facts. Phonic interventions in Y2 succeeded in improving pupil premium pupil attainment so that they were proficient enough to pass the phonic test by the end of the year. Sparks activities have improved poor gross motor skills in a group of targeted pupil premium children. Phonics - Year 1 Year One All pupils Disadvantaged Non disadvantaged Number of children 60 7 53 Number of children pass 50 5 45 Percentage of pupils pass 83.3% 71% 84.9% Phonics - Year 2 Year Two All pupils Disadvantaged Non disadvantaged Number of children retaking 14 4 10 Number of children pass 10 4 6 Percentage of pupils pass 71% 100% 60% KS1 - 2015 % of children attaining Level 2b + Attainment - % of children achieving Level 2b+ All Pupils Disadvantaged Non Disadvantaged Reading Writing Mathematics 82.8% 75% 89% 70.7% 58% 73% 83% 75% 89% % of children attaining Level3 Attainment - % of children achieving Level 3 All Pupils Disadvantaged Non Disadvantaged Reading Writing Mathematics 31% 75% 89% 13.8% 58% 73% 19% 75% 89% 4 year trend: School, Local Authority and national achieving Level 2+% - disadvantaged pupils Attainment: Reading: 92% of the pupil premium children achieved Level 2+ which compares favourably with the LA and there is no PP gap which this is very favourable compared to the LA. Writing: 83% of the pupil premium children achieved Level 2+ which is in line with the LA. We do have a 6% PP gap but this is still favourable compared to the LA. Maths: 100% of the pupil premium children achieved Level 2+ which is in line with the LA. We do not have a PP gap in Maths which compares favourably to the LA. KS2 % of children attaining Level 4+ Attainment - % of children achieving Level 4+ All Pupils Disadvantaged Non disadvantaged Reading Writing TA Mathematics 86.4% 100% 82% 86.4% 100% 82% 83.1% 86% 82% % of children attaining Level 5+ Attainment - % of children achieving Level 5+ All Pupils Disadvantaged Non Disadvantaged Reading Writing TA Mathematics 42.2% 40% 43% 35.6% 26% 38.6% 40.7% 33.3% 43% 4 year trend: School, Local Authority and national achieving Level 4+% - disadvantaged pupils Attainment: Reading - 93% of the pupil premium children achieved L4+ which compares favourably with the LA. This can also be interpreted as there being no gap at all between our PP children in Year 6 and the remainder of the co-hort. Writing - 93% of the pupil premium children achieved L4+ which again compares favourably with the LA. This can also be interpreted as there being no gap at all between our PP children in year 6 and the remainder of the co-hort. Maths – 86% of the pupil premium children achieved Level 4+ which is in line with the LA. We do have a 4% PP gap but this is still favourable compared to the LA. Grammar Punctuation and Spelling - 73% of the pupil premium children achieved L4+ which is in line with the LA. We do have a 4% PP gap but this is still very favourable compared to the LA. Progress: Reading: 93% of the pupil premium children achieved 2+ levels between KS1 and KS2 which compares favourably with the LA and shows that there was no PP Gap. Writing: 100% of the pupil Premium children achieved 2+ levels of progress between KS1 and KS2, which also compares favourably with the LA and shows that there was no PP Gap. Maths: 87% of the pupil Premium children achieved 2+ levels of progress between KS1 and KS2, which also compares favourably with the LA and shows that there was no PP Gap.