Ionic Bond Formation

Applied Chemistry
Mr. Gensits
Class Notes
Introduction to Chemical Bonding
How Elements Form Compounds
Atoms must collide in order for a chemical reaction to occur.
The electron clouds between the two elements interact.
The nuclei of atoms are not changed in chemical reactions.
Atoms that have complete electron energy levels are stable.
Noble gases
Noble gases are unreactive (stable) because they have full
valence shells.
Noble gases have eight valence electrons.
Octet rule – atoms can become stable by having eight
electrons in their outer energy level.
Noble gas configuration – having an electron structure similar
to that of a noble gas.
How can atoms achieve a stable outer electron energy level?
(1) Electrons can be transferred between atoms.
(2) Electrons can be shared between atoms.
Transfer of Electrons
Ion – an atom or group of atoms that has a charge.
Ions form because atoms lose or gain electrons.
Ionic Compound
Composed of ions.
Ionic Bond
Forms from the strong attractive force between ions of
opposite charges.
Crystal – forms because of the regular repeating arrangement
of atoms, ions, or molecules.
Properties of Ionic Compounds
High melting points
Composed of well-organized, tightly bound ions.
Strong, three dimensional crystal structure.
Crystalline solids at room temperature.
Tend to be soluble in water
Conduct electricity when dissolved in water and when molten.
Electrolyte – any substance that conducts an electrical
current when dissolved in water or melted.