School website address: ST MATTHEW’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER NO 34 2 July 2015 Statement to live by: I notice that we are the same and we are different A reading from St. Paul’s Letter to the Colossians You are created by God to be like God. You are God’s people, his saints. He loves you. You are all different. You come from different places, Speak in different ways, have different customs. But the important thing is that you are God’s children. So love one another, help one another, Be at peace with one another. And let the love of Jesus fill your hearts and minds. FR McGINN Please keep Fr McGinn in your prayers as he is still in hospital. First Holy Communions will still go ahead this Sunday at 2pm with a visiting Priest. CLASS TEACHERS FOR SEPTEMBER F1 F2 Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6 Throughout School Maternity Leave Mrs Lee Mrs Wilkinson (Miss Graham is getting married in the holidays!) Miss Hunt Miss Kendall and Mrs Taylor Mr Crowther Miss Esposito and Mr Corker Miss Law Mrs Atkinson and Mrs Barraclough Mrs Hickey Mrs Bowles SR MARIA’S GOLDEN JUBILEE Please see the letter regarding the Family Picnic next Thursday, 9th July from 2.45 – 4pm. WEBSITE Our new website is now live. You can find it at Thank you to Mrs Bowles for all her hard work and time in making sure our website looks amazing. CLASS 1 Class 1 led worship last Friday with a fabulous sharing of their learning on Under The Sea. Well done! CHOIR CONCERT Come and listen to our choir and Class 3 children singing on Thursday 9th July at 11am. WEDDING PARTY In preparation for Miss Graham’s forthcoming wedding, our Foundation Stage children had a wonderful wedding party last Friday. Mr Peacock played the part of the Groom with Miss Hoddy as his bride. The celebration included throwing confetti, dancing and of course cake cutting! FARM FUN The farm is visiting us on Friday. Children from all our classes will have the opportunity to see the farm animals on our grounds. Foundation Stage are visiting Esholt Farm next week – we hope they have a great day. ATTENDANCE Class Attendance F2 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 94 % 96 % 91 % 92 % 96 % 98 % 92 % Number ‘lates’ 1 3 7 3 8 3 4 of Well done to Classes 1, 4 and 5 for achieving the target. Please help us to achieve our target by being here every day and on time. SWEATSHIRT ORDER The last day to place an order for sweatshirts will be Thursday 9 July. Thank you. PROJECT FUND Each term we request that you make a contribution to our school through the Diocesan Contributions Scheme. This is a very important source of funds as all Voluntary Aided Schools like ours must fund 10% of any capital expenditure they wish to make. If you are a tax payer you could also complete a Gift Aid Declaration form which would enable us to claim tax back on any contributions you make. If you would like to complete a GAD form, please see Mrs Naylor or Mrs Wray in the school office. Yours sincerely Mrs K Cox Head teacher __________________________________________________________________________________________ PROJECT FUND Childs Name_______________________________________________________ Class_____________________ I enclose £______________________for the Diocesan Project Fund. Signed________________________________________________ Date_______________________ Please Print Name______________________________________________ I would be interested in completing a Gift Aid Declaration GAD Form (Only for parents who have not already completed a GAD form)