General Procedures on Curriculum 1.0 Academic Senate 1.1. In accordance with the provisions of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, the Cypress College Academic Senate has the primary authority and responsibility for representing the faculty regarding academic and professional matters affecting the college and the district, chief among which is policy development and implementation in matters of curriculum. 1.2. While retaining its broader authority in matters of curriculum, the Academic Senate delegates certain powers and duties to the Campus Curriculum Committee, as set forth herein. 2.0 Campus Curriculum Committee 2.1. Authority and Scope 2.1.1. The Campus Curriculum Committee shall have general responsibility and authority for coordinating and facilitating the curriculum matters of the college, including the establishment of consistent curriculum guidelines and practices with respect to the programs and services of the college and the resolution of curriculum policy and procedural issues. 2.1.2. The Curriculum Committee shall have jurisdiction with respect to all credit and noncredit courses and programs offered under the auspices of the college or its auxiliary organizations, including distance learning and contract education. 2.1.3. Under the auspices of the Academic Senate, the Curriculum Committee shall determine procedures and make recommendations with respect to the following: proposals for new courses, changes to existing courses, and deletion of courses, including assessment of content, units of credit, prerequisites, class size (subject to the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement), assignment of courses to disciplines, and other relevant considerations; general education curriculum; academic and occupational majors; degree and certificate requirements; campus and intra-district curriculum policies; other functions as may be prescribed by mutual agreement of the Academic Senate and the Executive Vice President of Instruction. 2.1.4 In the exercise of its responsibilities, the Curriculum Committee shall generally ensure adherence to external mandates for a legal and accreditable curriculum, with specific reference to relevance and appropriateness in terms of the following evaluative criteria: 2.2. the comprehensive mission of the California Community Colleges; the missions of the district and the college; the intended student population and community; balance and integration of curriculum relative to college programs. Composition of Committee The membership of the Curriculum Committee shall be comprised of the following: 2.2.1 A faculty Chair, appointed by the Academic Senate. The term of appointment shall be three (3) years, and may be renewed for an additional term, with service limited to two (2) consecutive terms. Any person appointed as chair shall have served a minimum of two years as a member of the Curriculum Committee as a condition to such appointment. The chair shall be a nonvoting member, except in the event of a tie, in which case the chair shall cast the deciding vote. The chair shall serve as an ex officio, nonvoting member of the Academic Senate and shall receive a minimum of one-fifth (1/5) reassigned time. 2.2.2 One voting faculty Divisional Representative from each of the following divisions: 1. Business and Computer Information Systems; 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Counseling; Fine Arts; Health Science; Language Arts; Physical Education and Athletics; Science, Engineering and Mathematics; Social Science; Vocational Technical. Divisional Representatives shall be tenured or tenure-track faculty members, elected by the full-time faculty of the division; elections shall be supervised by the Academic Senate. The term of service shall be three (3) years, with the right of re-election; service shall be limited to two (2) consecutive terms. For preservation of continuity, the terms of Divisional Representatives shall be staggered, in such manner as may be established by the Curriculum Committee. A Division without representation on the Curriculum Committee has no vote in curriculum decisions, has no voice in concerns of overlap or any other conflict with other divisions’ development of curriculum and cannot submit curriculum items to the Curriculum Committee. 2.2.3 The Executive Vice President, ex officio, who shall serve as voting member. 2.2.4 The Dean of Vocational Education, ex officio, who shall serve as voting member. 2.2.5 The campus Matriculation Coordinator, ex officio, who shall serve as voting member. 2.2.6 The campus Articulation Officer, ex officio, who shall serve as voting member. 2.2.7 One Division Dean, appointed by the Executive Vice President, who shall serve as a voting member. The term of such appointment shall be one (1) year, and may be renewed for an additional term, with service limited to two (2) consecutive terms. 2.2.8 One Admissions and Records representative, chosen by the area, who shall serve as a voting member. The term of such appointment shall be one (1) year, with the right of reappointment for an indefinite number of terms. 2.2.9 One Student appointed by the President of the Associated Student Body on an annual basis, who shall serve as a voting member. 2.2.10 Curriculum Specialist, ex officio, who shall serve as a voting member. 2.2.11 Other membership, with such rights and duties as may be recommended by the Curriculum Committee and approved by mutual agreement of the Academic Senate and the Executive Vice President. 2.3. Duties of Committee Members 2.3.1 General Duties All members of the Committee are expected to exercise the following responsibilities: 1. attend all meetings; 2. keep abreast of curriculum issues, including Title 5, matriculation, articulation, general education, and cultural diversity; 3. act as resource persons in their areas of expertise; 4. serve on subcommittees and perform other duties as assigned; 5. actively participate in discussion and vote on issues before the committee; 6. communicate with division deans and division members. 2.3.2 Duties of the Chair The Chair shall: 1. prepare the agenda for each meeting of the Curriculum Committee and proof the minutes of each meeting; 2. keep accurate records of all policy changes and updates, including review and update of the curriculum handbook; 3. attend, as appropriate, campus, district and other meetings which deal with curriculum issues relevant to the college; 4. make all appointments to subcommittees of the Curriculum Committee and serve, ex officio, as a nonvoting member of such subcommittees; 5. serve as the lead member of the District Curriculum Coordination Committee team and spokesperson in presenting campus curriculum issues before the District Curriculum Coordination Committee and to the Board of Trustees. 6. act as liaison between the Curriculum Committee and the Academic Senate and prepare curriculum reports presentation to the Senate; for 7. act as liaison between the Curriculum Committee and the Fullerton College Curriculum Committee and ensure the distribution of Curriculum Committee agendas and minutes to the Fullerton College Curriculum Committee; 8. advise faculty and staff, as appropriate, on curriculum issues, procedures and regulations; 9. coordinate with the Executive Vice President on curriculum matters; 10. communicate with the division deans. 2.3.3 Duties of Divisional Representative In addition to the general duties prescribed in section 2.3.1, Divisional Representatives shall be responsible for the following: 1. represent the interests and concerns of their respective divisions in matters of curriculum, with the understanding that such interests must be tempered by global perspective in matters of policy and procedure; 2. advise and consult with faculty members from their division and department and work with Department Coordinators and Division Deans in procedural and informational matters relating to proposals for new course, course changes, or course deletion; 3. assist the Division Dean and Office Manager in expediting curriculum submissions and catalog revisions; 4. communicate with Department Coordinators and Division Deans and division members. 2.3.4 2.3.5 Duties of the Division Dean 1. work closely with faculty, the Department Coordinator and the Divisional Representative in matters of curriculum development within the division, taking into consideration overall curriculum issues, budgetary, facility and scheduling concerns; 2. assist faculty, the Department Coordinator and the Divisional Representative in procedural and clerical matters related to the development of proposals for new courses or course revisions; 3. consult with faculty, the Department Coordinators and the Divisional Representative on proposals from Fullerton College, other divisions and general changes in curriculum affecting the entire college; 4. communicate with division faculty on global curriculum issues, interpreting the background of such issues and their place in the overall college mission, as well as the budgetary, staffing and facility concerns related to such proposals. Duties of the Executive Vice President In addition to the general duties prescribed in section 2.3.1, the Executive Vice President shall be responsible for the following: 1. preparation of curriculum packets for meetings of the Curriculum Committee; 2. submission of materials to be forwarded to the District Curriculum Coordination Committee for inclusion on the agenda; 3. submission of materials to be forwarded to the Chancellor’s Office for inclusion on the agenda of the Board of Trustees; 4. serve, ex officio, as a nonvoting member on all subcommittees; 5. serve as a liaison between the state Chancellor’s Office and the Curriculum Committee; 6. present identified curriculum procedural and policy issues to the Curriculum Committee; 7. work with Division Deans; 8. provide background information on curriculum matters for purposes of discussion and decision making; 9. responsible for all curriculum policy procedures, documentation and publications, ie. Catalogs and schedules; 10. responsible for all budgets affecting curriculum matters. 11. perform other curriculum administrative duties as necessary; 3.0 Procedure 3.1. To the extent not otherwise specified in this policy, the Curriculum Committee may determine its own internal operating procedures and practices. 3.2. Actions or recommendations of the Curriculum Committee pursuant to its authority under section 2.1 of this policy shall be brought before the Academic Senate for approval prior to being forwarded to District Curriculum Coordination Committee or Board of Trustees for consideration. 3.3. In routine matters of Curriculum encompassed by the provisions of section, the Academic Senate shall rely primarily upon the advice and judgment of the Curriculum Committee, with the expectation that recommendations of the Curriculum Committee will normally be accepted. If a recommendation is not accepted, the Academic Senate shall communicate its reasons in writing to the chair of the Curriculum Committee. 3.4. A decision of the Curriculum Committee may be appealed to the Academic Senate. Where an appeal is raised by a member of the faculty, such appeal may be presented to the Academic Senate by a Curriculum Committee member, senator, or faculty member. Where an appeal is raised by a member of the administration, such appeal may be presented to the Academic Senate by the Executive Vice President. 3.4.1 With respect to any appeal, the decision of the Academic Senate, if affirmed by the Executive Vice President, shall be final. 3.4.2 Where the Executive Vice President does not concur with the decision of the Academic Senate, the issue shall be finally decided by an appeals committee comprised of the Executive Vice President, the Chair of the Curriculum Committee, and the 3.4.3 President of the Academic Senate. Members of the appeals committee, shall make every effort to resolve issues by consensus; however, failing that, decision shall be by majority vote. Reviewed by the Instructional Administrators: December 15, 1992 Reviewed by the Curriculum Committee: March 8, 1993 Approved by the Academic Senate: March 11, 1993 Approved by the President’s Cabinet: April 29, 1993 Revised 8/03