Department/Program Requirements

Department/Program Requirements
Foreign Language/Global Issues
Name of Department or Program: ___________________________________________
Name of Major: _________________________________________________________
Departments or Programs must designate how their baccalaureate majors will meet the foreign
language/global issues requirements. Please complete the information below and select the
appropriate option or options for the baccalaureate major. A separate form needs to be submitted
for each major.
Place an X by each option allowed for this major:
____ 1. Successful completion of an intermediate foreign language requirement (3 semesters) or
demonstration of equivalent proficiency.
____ 2. General Education course that is designated as “GEGI.”
____ 3. A (300-level or higher) course in the major, or in another discipline/program, that is
designated and approved as “DSGI.” Restricted? Yes  No 
If yes, list specified course(s): ___________________________________________
(attach sheet with additional courses, if needed)
____ 4. Participation in a study abroad program of sufficient length and breadth as approved by
Faculty Senate. Restricted? Yes  No :
If yes, list specified program(s): _________________________________________
(attach sheet with additional programs, if needed)
Initial Implementation: Semester ___________
Year ____________
Chair/Program Director
Council for International Education Review:
Send 16 copies of form to: Faculty Senate Office, 323 Stipes Hall, for distribution to
Council on International Education