Survey on Enhancing Secure Access Control for Cloud Storage Gauri Bandewar Prof. R. H. Borhade Dept. of Information Technology Sinhgad Technical Education Society’s SKNCOE, Pune, India Dept. of Information Technology Sinhgad Technical Education Society’s SKNCOE, Pune, India ABSTRACT Cloud computing is a general term that provides many services to users. Cloud helps in providing tremendous amount of storage capability for the purpose of storing information. So this can also offer security issue of controlling unauthorized access to cloud data. For this, one very useful model is RBAC (Role based access control) that helps in controlling access to information stored on cloud. This paper gives survey about schemes which are used to control access from cloud. The term hybrid cloud is presented which is the combination of public and private cloud in which more sensitive information is stored on private cloud and all other information is stored on public cloud but in the encrypted form. Thus, it will be easy to prevent unauthorized access to the cloud data so that it helps in improving security. Keywords Access control, Cloud computing, Data storage. 1. INTRODUCTION In today’s world for maintaining data, more attention is given to the cloud that has capability to store large amount of data which can be accessed from anywhere. In this more sensitive data will also be stored for example, customer’s personal data, identity data and many more. Cloud storage service is inexpensive and it provides services at very low cost and long term access. Cloud provides on demand services for storing data regardless of any maintenance of extra resources. After this cloud storage is able to provide easy and simple way to access their valuable data from cloud. There are three types of cloud that are very useful. Public cloud, private cloud and last is hybrid cloud [1]. A public cloud is cloud that has global access. In public cloud data made available publically. That means, it get accessed by any person who wants. Private cloud is based upon internal structure of the organization. Unlike public cloud, private cloud is not globally accessible. There is restriction in private cloud to access data. Users of the private cloud may get access to public cloud but private cloud is not publically available. So that private cloud is more secure than public cloud and it is trusted because it is not accessed by any external party. One of the main issues is to secure data storage on public cloud. Users do not know where their data is stored because cloud is build from many data centers that distributed in different location. Thus, to provide efficient access in cloud storage many access control policies are developed. These all access policies are emphasized in the cloud. In many existing system it is assumed that cloud provider is trusted. Paper is organized as: In section 2 related work is described in detail. And in section 3 the paper is concluded. 2. RELATED WORK Remaining paper related to access control in cloud. L. Zhou et al. [1] provides RBE (Role based encryption) scheme using RBAC (Role Based Access Control) policies for secure accessing data from cloud using hybrid cloud. Hybrid cloud is composite of public and private cloud. In which encrypted data is stored on public cloud and more sensitive data is stored on private cloud so it can help to prevent unauthorized access to the cloud. This can also helps in providing efficient user revocation with constant size key. Cecile delerablee et al. [2] presents IBBE (Identity Based Broadcast Encryption) in this broadcaster encrypt message and transmits it to the group of users who use their private key for decrypting that message. In this key encapsulation mechanism is used to encrypt long messages using short key. This provides constant size private key and constant size cipher-text. H. Rgab Hassen et al. [3] proposed key management for CACH (Content Access Control in Hierarchy) system. In which two approaches are used. Dependent and independent key approaches. In dependent key approach to access data there is no need of key with which it is encrypted. Using his own key with some public parameter he can decrypt that data. But in independent key approach, user must have the copy of key with which data is encrypted. These are complex cryptographic techniques useful in management of keys in CACH. Dan Boneh et al. [4] tell about HIBE (Hierarchical Identity Based Encryption) scheme. In which three group elements are included in cipher-text and decryption requires two bilinear group computations without considering hierarchy depth. This gives secure encryption system with short cipher-text consisting of three group elements. Security of this system is based on Diffie Hellman Inversion assumption. Craig gentry et al. [5] explains HIDE (Hierarchical ID-Based Encryption) scheme. It allows public key infrastructure to distribute workload with delegation of private key generation and identity authentication. Authentication is done locally. It is undesirable for large network. Vipul Goyal et al [6] describes KP-ABE (Key Policy Attribute Based Encryption). In this each cipher-text is labeled as encryptor with set of attributes. And private key is associated with type of cipher-text that the key can decrypt. This method uses tree access structure in which leaves are associated with attributes. A user can decrypt the cipher-text only when attribute associated with cipher-text satisfies key access structure. This can provide delegation mechanism. Paulo S. et al. [7] presents IBSC (Identity Based Signcryption) method based on bilinear maps. This method is more efficient than Identity Based Encryption schemes. In this signature and encryption is done at one side and decryption and verification is on another side. This IBSC satisfies message confidentiality. This scheme is optimized from the combination of identity based encryption and identity based signature. S. D. C. Di. Vimercati et al. [8] gives solution to the enforcement of access control and its management. This is based on selective encryption. In this formal base model is introduced this describes encryption policy. Two-layer approach is used one for encryption by owner and second is for encryption by service itself. So that it can easily enforce dynamic policy changes. Amit Sahai et al. [9] have investigated Fuzzy Identity Based Encryption. This scheme is error tolerant and secure against collision attacks. For this user’s private key is constructed one for each attribute identity. Different users consists private keys with different polynomials. Size of public key increases with increasing attributes. S. Yu et al. [10] have studied about secure access control in cloud. According to his opinion three techniques are combined together. These are KP-ABE, PRE and lazy vocation. If this construction gets deployed alone then high computation overhead will be done. So to avoid this limitation combination of above three methods is suitable to achieve secure and scalable access from cloud. This scheme supports user revocation. Eu-Jin Goh et al. [11] have proposed SiRiUS (securing Remote Untrusted Storage) scheme. This scheme assumes that network is un-trusted. Revocation and management of key is easy. New security mechanism is introduced that increases security of file system without making changes in that file system. It is designed for multiuser file system so that user can share files. SiRiUS is useful for storing all access control information. It supports two access modes. Read only and read write. Philipe Golle et al. [12] defines security model for conjunctive keyword search for encrypted data. Security of this is based on decisional diffie-hellman assumption. Communication cost is linear. R. Canetti et al. [13] have proposed the construction of CCAsecure public key encryption scheme over IBS. In this construction message is encrypted using with generated key pair by sender. And message is encrypted with respect to identity. To obtain signature the resulting cipher-text get signed which consists of verification key and IBE cipher-text. To decrypt receiver first verifies the signature on cipher-text with verification key. Receiver derives secret key with identity and decrypt cipher-text with generated key pair. This scheme is simple and efficient. 3. CONCLUSION Cloud computing has several benefits regarding to storage capability. And it can handle tremendous amount of data. To secure data which is present on the cloud several access mechanism are developed. These are used for securing data access from cloud. To prevent attacks access control mechanism is necessary that can help to minimize unauthorized access to the cloud. In trusted cloud many security policies can be applied for securing data. So that, it is necessary to focus on to secure data when the cloud is untrusted. ACKNOWLEDGMENT I am extremely thankful to my guide Prof. R. H. Borhade for suggesting topic for survey and providing all the assistance needed to complete the work. He inspired me to work in this area. REFERENCES [1] L. Zhou, V. Varadharajan, and M. Hitchens, “Achieving Secure Role-Based Access Control on Encrypted Data in Cloud Storage”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATIONFORENSICS AND SECURITY, VOL. 8, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2013. [2] Cecile Delerablee, “Identity-Based Broadcast Encryption with Constant Size Ciphertextsand Private Keys”, ASIACRYPT 2007, LNCS 4833, pp. 200–215, 2007. [3] H. R. Hassen, A. Bouabdallah, H. Bettahar, and Y. Challal, “Key management for content access control in a hierarchy,” Comput. Netw., vol. 51, no. 11, pp. 3197–3219, 2007. [4] D. Boneh, X. Boyen, and E.-J. 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