Parish Bulletin - Our Lady of The Atonement Catholic Church

SUNDAY, September
 THE FIFTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. [St. John Chrysostom, Bishop & Doctor of the Church at Constantinople, 407]
7:30 a.m. - Wilson LaGraize, departed.
Isaiah 50: 5-9a
9:00 a.m. - Josefina Goyena, departed.
James 2: 14-18
11:00 a.m. - People of the Parish.
St. Mark 8: 27-35
6:00 p.m. - Intentions of Francis Brian O”Connell.
7:00 a.m. - Intentions of Richard & Michelle Scanlan.
Numbers 21: 4b-9 / Phil 2: 6-11
9:20 a.m. - Holy Souls in Purgatory.
St. John 3: 13-17
Tues., September 15th  Our Lady of Sorrows. ……………………………………..7:00 a.m. - Clark R. Morgan, departed.
1 Timothy 3: 1-13 / St. John 19: 25-27
9:20 a.m. - Mark, Bobby, Ian, Jacob, Wesley, Jesse & Thomas, departed.
Wed., September 16th St. Cornelius, Pope, 253 and St. Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage, 258, Martyrs.
7:00 a.m. - Holy Souls in Purgatory.
1 Timothy 3: 14-16
9:20 a.m. - Departed members of the Larned Family.
St. Luke 7: 31-35
Thurs., September 17th  St. Robert Bellarmine, Italian Archbishop & Doctor of the Church, 1621.
7:00 a.m. - Richard Koch, departed.
1 Timothy 4: 12-16
9:20 a.m. - Paul E. Casseb, departed.
St. Luke 7: 36-50
Fri., September 18th Weekday. …………………………………………………………….7:00 a.m. - Intentions of Neal Davis.
1 Timothy 6: 2c-12
9:20 a.m. - Intentions of Alexander Hanson.
St. Luke 8: 1-3
Sat., September 19th  St. Theodore, Archbishop of Canterbury, 690 and St. Adrian, Abbot in England, 709.
10:00 a.m. - Intentions of John W. Mount.
1 Timothy 6: 13-16 / St. Luke 8: 4-15
SUNDAY, September 20th  THE SIXTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. [St. Andrew Kim Taegon, Priest & St. Paul Chong Hasang & Companions, Martyrs]
7:30 a.m. - Intentions of Richard & Michelle Scanlan.
Wisdom 2: 12, 17-20
9:00 a.m. - Intentions of Alec Delaney.
James 3: 16—4: 3
11:00 a.m. - Joe Aguilar, departed.
St. Mark 9: 30-37
6:00 p.m. - People of the Parish.
WE WELCOME EVERYONE who is visiting the parish
today, and invite you to register online and make the parish
your spiritual home. Register at
CHILD CARE is available today (Sunday) for the 9:00 a.m. and 11:00
a.m. Masses in the Pre-K room of the school building.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: We must have people
committed to and present at each hour while the Blessed Sacrament
is exposed. Our goal is to have a minimum of two people/families
committed to each hour. Please prayerfully consider committing to
spend one hour each week to be with Our Lord in Adoration. Contact
Tricia Delaney at or 695-6105 to sign-up or
for more information.
It’s that time of year again, when our parish will participate in the
40 Days for Life vigil. This is our 9th time standing for those
who cannot stand for themselves, the unborn. The 40 Days for
Life vigils have helped to save over 10,000 babies and their
families from abortion. Over 75,000 people in 20 countries are
joining us to stand together to defend life. Come put your
faith into action. This year, we will be holding our annual vigil on
Saturday, October 3rd from 7am-7pm at the New Planned
Parenthood located at 2140 Babcock Road. This is a new location.
We ask that if you could give just one hour of your time, please
sign up at our table in the narthex over the next couple of weeks.
If you are unable to participate on our appointed day, please go
to to
sign up for a day and time that would be more convenient.
INQUIRY CLASS –If you would like to complete the class
previously begun, or would like to receive the Sacrament of
Confirmation in 2016, or just want a refresher course in
Catholicism, please register with Alan Becker at 210-273-9426.
Classes are Sundays at 10:30am in the Common Room.
King’s Fair is Saturday, Sept. 19th, and it begins with
Mass at 10am, followed by the Parade of the Royals,
when all the classes which have made banners join
together for the route through the neighborhood. This
year, our own drumline will provide some festive
music. ● There is a Costume Contest for contestants
from Pre-K age to adults, with gift cards – for example,
1st, 2nd and 3rd among the adults is $50, $25 and $15 for
both male and female winners. Plan to attend. ●
Students are selling tickets outside for our raffle!
The next meeting of the Ladies’ Group will be Thursday,
September 17th, at 10:00am in the conference room at the
Academy. Please check in at the office when you arrive. In
addition to prayer and fellowship we will be reading and
responding to meditations from The Imitation of Christ. All
ladies of the Parish are welcome to attend.
information contact Cathy Kerr at (210) 492-6114.
For more
the Anglican Use liturgy, the Vatican also approved the veneration of a
number of saints particular to the British Isles for our liturgical
calendar. Among these are two, St. Theodore and St. Adrian, whom we
commemorate on Sept. 19th.
Adrian, (in some texts “Hadrian”), was an African by birth. He became
a monk there, but was elected to lead a monastery near Naples, Italy,
as Abbot. He was a great friend of Pope Vitalian, but declined the
pope’s offer of the See of Canterbury for himself. Instead, he was
instrumental in securing the Canterbury appointment for Theodore of
Tarsus, and set out with him for England in 668, along with Benedict
Biscop, another English saint. Theodore was an Asiatic Greek,
educated at Tarsus and Athens. At the time of Adrian’s
recommendation, Theodore was only studying for the priesthood, but
was not yet a Sub-deacon. Pope Vitalian consecrated him Bishop in
668 before their departure. The missionaries to the English were
delayed in France for a time, but reached England some two years
later. St. Theodore, now 68, made a visitation to the whole of England
in his first year, and then set about reforming the government of the
Church by dividing dioceses and extending the episcopate. In 673 he
summoned, and presided over, the first important synod of the whole
English church at Hertford, and in 680 he held another great synod at
Hatfield, where a declaration of orthodoxy was drawn up and
forwarded to Rome at the request of Pope Agatho. By such methods he
unified the English church and established the metropolitan authority
of the See of Canterbury. He also, with St. Adrian, set about to
establish the entire parochial system, establishing schools throughout
England and Wales. Though he remained throughout his life a devoted
scholar, none of his writings survive. He died in 690.
St. Adrian, as Abbot of the monastery and master of the school of St.
Peter and St. Paul, for 40 years furthered the movement of conforming
religious customs and practices of England to those of Rome. A man of
great learning, he keenly furthered Catholic education, and together
with St. Theodore, founded many parochial schools throughout the
British Isles. He died in 709.
Two men, both foreigners: Adrian, a North African, and Theodore, a
Greek, accepted the call from the Church and set off as missionaries to
the English people. There, they devoted their whole lives to furthering
the spread of the Catholic faith by establishing pious practices,
establishing the diocesan and parochial system, as well as founding
many schools. Two men with a love for God and His Church changed
the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. Let us ask saints
Theodore and Adrian to pray for us, that we might have willing hearts
to say “yes” to God, and do His will in our lives.
Following the 11am Mass, please join us at the Font for the
Baptism of Mateo Francesco Craig, son of Paul and
Daniela, and welcome him into the Church.
THIS WEEK AT A GLANCE –Thurs.-Ladies Group, 10am ● Fri.Adoration begins at 7:15am ● Sat.-King’s Fair begins with 10am Mass.