Sagicor completion project - Sagicor Visionaries Challenge

Canaan SDA high
Pedro Garcia
Table of contents…..1
abstract…….page 2
Introduction of group……page 2
Project….. page 3
Links to stem…. page..4
Models… page 5
Methods….. page 6
School Diagram… page 7
Details on the school’s diagram… page 8
Data.. .. page 9
External info…. page 10
Conclusion… 11
Ventilating system using electromagnetic generator
Ventilating system using electromagnetic generator
Our school has classroom that are made up of metal (industrial container) which are extremely
hot during the day as they conduct a high amount of heat, which is not inductive to learning. A
group of concerned students had asked for an air conditioning system to be installed in those
classrooms, but the administration had turned it down due to the financial burden of the
electricity would cause on the school . To solve this problem we have decide to create our
ventilating system that will be made up of an electromagnetic generator (using a alternator to
produce electricity), a bike frame to spin the motor ( hence producing electricity ) and some
ventilation fans powered by the generator. This design will be set in a store house and will be
used on a daily basis by student, this will be self-sustainable by producing its own electricity and
will not affect the school monthly bill .Student will go to different school teaching them on how
a motor can produce clean electricity, student will do talk shows using a local radio station to
inform the community about their project.
A group
A group of students from Canaan High School decided to create an air ventilation system this
students are Eduardo Garcia, Evan Myer, Luis Cruz fourth formers. who embarked on creating a
more resource able project which will be beneficial to both the administration and students.
Our school has classroom that are made up of metal (industrial container) which are extremely
hot during the day as they conduct a high amount of heat, which is not inductive to learning. A
group of concerned students had asked for an air conditioning system to be installed in those
classrooms, but the administration had turned it down due to the financial burden of the
electricity would cause on the school . To solve this problem we have decided to create our
ventilating system that will be made up of an electromagnetic generator. The way it works is as
fallows. During physical education the students will ride the bicycles which will be connected to
a motor (alternator) making the electricity that will power the batteries. The batteries will store
the electricity which will be used to power the fans installed in the walls. The fans will extract
the hot air making the classrooms cooler. This system will accommodate the school’s budget
because it will make its own electricity. the usage of power will be control by a simple on and
off switch which will be installed in each classrooms to allow the students to turn on the
ventilation whenever it gets to hot.
This project will answer all the demands that the students have had about the raging heat each
day during class sessions. During physical education the students will be able to exercise on the
bicycle, and after the long workout they all can fit back in their classrooms which will be cooler
than usual.
Some questions have been asked from the student body concerning this project. How long will
the bicycle need to be in use in order to charge the batteries? The answer is simple mathematics.
The motor (alternator) is able to generate about 15 volts or 1000 watts of electricity and the
receiving battery will be able of storing 12 volts of electricity. Therefore each bicycle will have
install one alternator along with a battery. The battery by itself can last 120 minutes and the fan
use 250 watts. Making all the mathematic steps, it gives it enough power to power the fan for
about two class periods. The on and off switch will help on conversing power. When the fan is
not needed they could simply turn them off and turn them on when it get to hot.
Our group has a thought of ways to promote this project. They plan to visit schools to talk about
this ventilation system also they plan to visit the media to talk about this project. By doing this
we could get our idea across to the public. The
Links to STEM.
Now the question is, how it links to the STEM?
Well the STEM challenge is all about science, technology, engineering and mathematics. So in
other words, this challenge requires that the project most combine all. Therefore we thought of
making something that says STEM as you see it.
This project involves science because it involves heat in the classrooms, conduction because of
the metal structures, energy because we will be making our own source of electricity. It also has
a lot to do with the environmental because it doesn’t need any type of fuel and it won’t
contaminate the waters or the air. Its electrically power which won’t let go any type of smoke
(carbon dioxide). Also it will serve as an exercise to the student using the bicycles. Bicycle
serves an exercise to the students because they need to peddle to generate the power needed to
charge the batteries.
The technology behind it is the extensive research that was done to gather the data and numbers
needed to calculate the figures which made the system operate as planned. Internet was a huge
part involve in the research to this project. Videos were watch and articles on electricity were
read. Electrical instruments were also used to test the voltage travelling from the generator to the
batteries and from the batteries to the fan.
This project had a lot of engineering. Planning and designing this ventilation system had some
complications. We needed to sketch a diagram of the system. To know how many wires were
going to be needed. We drew the classrooms that were going to be used to know where the fan
was going to be installed.
The ventilations system had a lot of mathematics involve. The voltage that each device produces
was calculated also the resistance of the wires and the amount of power one fan needs was
calculated. One example of these formulas is as fallows
1. Alternator produces 12 volts of energy and the batteries stores 12 volts of
energy. and the fan needs approximatelyThe power produce in general was found by simply adding the devices, by doing so we estimated
how much power one generator system produces. Our plan is to have one bicycle per classroom.
So therefore we are going to use 3 bicycles to power 3 independent fans installed in each
classroom. they are three classroom which are being target. all are metal containers. we decided
to focus more on them because they are the ones to conduct heat during high temperature.
The ventilation system (fan) is installed into the classroom’s wall in a position which will
decrease the room temperature. The bicycles will be placed together in a room where the
students can use them during physical education.
2. The diagram of the bicycle attached with an alternator producing the power.
The battery
3. The diagram of the battery that will store the power generated by the
alternator. This battery will come right after the alternator.
This is a diagram of the fan. The fan will be powered by the batteries.
The methods the students use to gather the materials.
Students will meet as a group to discuss about the project.
Students picked up a bicycle frame from the junk yard.
Students found a car alternator from the junk yard.
Students found a car battery.
The students donated a fan toward the project.
Students bought the connecting wires and switches
After the students gather the materials needed they start to construct the
The students attached the alternator to the frame.
The students tested the alternator/
They connected the alternator to the battery.
The students tested the battery.
The students connected the battery to the inverter
From the invertor the students connected the fan.
The method is simple because the devices used in this project are easy to fellow. The
items have connecting wires, so therefore they just need to connect it one after the other.
School drawn diagram
------------------FRONT GATE----------------------
The school has no double floor structures. It has a basketball court allocated on the center
of the lot.
NB: turn to the other page for detail information on the diagram.
Details of the school’s diagram
Canaan S.D.A High School is a very small school; it has 28 buildings in total. They are few
buildings with air conditioner system. Those few buildings are:
The I.T (Information Technology) laboratory
The teacher’s staff rooms (2 Rooms).
The principal’s office.
The account’s office
The research center
The other building such as the classrooms and science laboratory does not have AC install in
Therefore the students have complained of the high temperature conducted by the classrooms
made of metal containers. Please note they are five (5) classrooms made of wood. The other
classroom as stated are metal structures, and those classrooms are normally occupied by the
senior student body (3rd and 4th form).
The blue cross on the diagram targets the classrooms that where selected by the group members
due to the fact that this building doesn’t receive any breeze because of the way it is built.
The Blue star on the diagram highlights the area picked to settle the bicycles (the generators).
This area was picked because its closer to the building that needs the ventilation and because it’s
a wide area to construct a room where the bicycles will be placed.
The amount of voltage used/produce by each component
Vehicle alternator
Vehicle battery
12 volts
12 volts
12 volts
36 volts
12 volts
12 volts
12 volts
36 volts
The DATA accumulated was basically the amount of voltage that each component
needed/needed. it was
External Information
The electromagnetic generator is design to be simple and easy to put together. Its basic
engineering, with all the secondary knowledge put together. Many questions have been asked
concerning this project. Some of them we already mention in this project plan.
Does it actually benefit the students? Yes, it does.
We have discussed with the physical education teacher and she manages to review the project
from her professional point of view. The bicycle will indeed make a great exercise to the
students. If they maintain the exercise for over 15 minutes, the exercise will strengthen their
lower body also their torso (abdomen) also it will strengthen their respiratory system.
We asked a boxing trainer how precise is this project concerning physical health. He said it will
be very beneficial to the student body.
The information provided by the research was very surprising to the entire group. we didn’t
know exactly how it will all turn out to be but it was after consulting with the physics teacher.
She said that it’s a great idea, that everything is being use and it has so many benefits. It
generates its own electricity; it doesn’t need any external power source and it’s a simple circle,
by this she meant, that as the students work, the bicycle will generate electricity.
The information provided by the teachers and the trainer are very useful, it allows to gain
feedback from people that have degrees and also it encourage us to keep on pushing on this
We the students see a bright outcome out of this project, through the hard work and
dedication of the group and the support of those that gave their honest opinion we have
manage to pull together this project plan your read.
The ventilation system will be an excited project to start to work on. Many said it will
work and benefit allot of people not only the school but other people willing to use this
project in their work site or home.
The research was extensive, yet simple and straight to the point. Even a standard 6
student will understand this project plan, and that’s what we wanted, to let even the
youngest of minds to comprehend this document.
Canaan High is excited to let people know more about this project and start to use it in
their classrooms. Science have allow us to engineer this ventilation system along with
mathematics and the thoughts of concern individuals.
Thanks for reading.
Eduardo Garcia
Fourth former (science/academic)
Canaan S.D.A High School.