Impact Executive Director Job Description

Summary Statement:
The IMPACT Director structures the organization to accomplish a common mission and vision.
She or he will facilitate collaborations within the IMPACT group and guide each group to move
towards their individual mission. The Director will also be a visible advocate for student
Minimum Requirements:
1) Commit to a full academic year of service in only one leadership role.
2) Be a full-time NCU student (minimum of 12 credits a semester)
3) Have and maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above
4) Have been a student at NCU for 2 semester, 4 is preferable
5) Have completed or be enrolled in Leadership Development I (GS 280)
6) Have no unresolved disciplinary or chapel attendance concerns
7) Be current on your student account with NCU
Primary/Regular Responsibilities:
1) Intentionally cultivate and model a mature and growing relationship with Christ.
2) Actively demonstrate servant leadership as demonstrated by Christ.
3) Strive to follow and support NCU community standards, policies, and leadership,
including confronting and/or reporting student behavior as necessary.
4) Provide general direction and initial momentum for group
5) Assume Spiritual responsibility of IMPACT Leaders (prayer for, concern for, etc…)
6) Cultivate healthy team dynamic among IMPACT Leaders
7) Resource IMPACT Leaders as needed
8) Promote involvement with IMPACT
1) Regular individual meetings with Advisor (weekly or as needed basis).
2) Facilitate IMPACT Leader Meetings (Bi-weekly basis)
3) Planning Debrief meetings with each IMPACT Leadership team (early in semester).
4) Meet with IMPACT Leader teams (as needed basis).
5) End of Semester Review meetings with each IMPACT Leadership team (late in semester).
6) All IMPACT Meetings (as needed basis)
7) Monthly student leader In-services meetings or BOD (Board of Directors) meetings on
Monday evenings for about one hour.
8) Student leadership training:
 Spring Leadership Kick-off: Saturday, April 13, 2014 from 4:00-8:00pm
 Fall Leadership Training: August 20 – 22, 2014
 Winter Leadership Training: January 11 – 13, 2015
Student Leadership Inservice – One Monday a month from 9:30-11:00pm
1) On-going leadership training and development.
2) Food and lodging costs during pre-semester leadership training.
3) Personal access to professional staff for mentoring relationships.
4) A 2-credit tuition scholarship for each semester of service (approx. $1,354/semester)