Advanced Professional Résumé - University of South Florida

Bull Resume 1
4200 East Fowler Ave., Tampa, FL 33602
(813) 974-2171 
Innovative Market Research Director with 10+ years of experience in collecting and analyzing complex data to evaluate
opportunities in order to improve the customer experience, increase product/brand visibility and maximize client
profitability. Trusted research manager assigned to Fortune 500 company projects at national and international client
locations. Team-oriented leader with the seamless ability to manage, coordinate, and execute complex projects.
Areas of Expertise
Strategic Planning
Contract Outsourcing
Technical Writing
Director of Marketing Intelligence
7/12- Present
That’s Nice- Nice Insight, New York, NY
 Manage and collaborate with staff of 4 to ensure project efficiency, monitor project status, and proof
all project materials for quality assurance
 Oversee and execute research projects to meet the unique pharmaceutical client needs
 Recommend marketing strategy to meet client objective best, offering customized delivery platforms, services,
and methodologies
 Proactively engage in the submission of relevant publications, continuously research pharmaceutical product
trends, and attend professional development activities
 Recognized by 4 online periodicals as leading writer for pharmaceutical product trends
 Recruited Fortune 500 company clients within 6 months of employment
Research Manager
3/10- 7/12
That’s Nice- Nice Insight, New York, NY
 Recommended and executed appropriate research methodologies to clients
 Developed industry-wide research projects focusing on brand awareness and perception as influenced by
marketing communications
 Programmed questionnaires for online platform, including extensive logic and branching, and source sample
 Contributed monthly articles to industry publications
 Designed the first industry-wide study on selecting outsourcing partners during the drug development lifecycle
for the Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology sector
 Monthly contributor to Life Science Leader magazine with “Outsourcing Insights”
 Research published in BioPharm International, PharmaIQ, Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmaceutical
Outsourcing, Pharmaceutical Processing, Drug Development & Delivery, Chemical Information Society
Project Manager
Envirosell, New York, NY
11/05- 2/09
Coordinated and executed customized research projects to identify consumer patterns and preferences in order
to enhance clients’ understanding of their customer audience
Bull Resume 2
Designed questionnaires, “shop-along” guides, and in-store observation and consulting tools to measure
whether current marketing tactics reach the consumer and where they may be made more effective
Analyzed and charted data, prepared research reports, and created and delivered client presentations offering
short and long-term recommendations based on current customer attitudes and trends
 Selected employee to present research findings to Fortune 500 CEOs at senior management meetings
 Assigned full-store studies for True Value, Toys R Us, Petco, Verizon, Wells Fargo
 Led studies on consumer packaged goods for Pepsi, Sara Lee, Kraft, Microsoft
Manager of Development
3/04- 11/05
Envirosell, New York, NY
 Researched and assisted in the development of CEO’s speeches, articles and books. Gained valuable insight into
what retail means in the global market for both small and large players
 Created presentations, edited and proofread all company materials, including proposals, company newsletters, and
project reports
 Managed busy relationship with the international media, maintained press contacts and article archives, authored
interviews, and responded to phone and web inquiries
 Mentored by Paco Underhill, author of “Why We Buy” and “Call of the Mall”
 Traveled with CEO to national and international speaking engagements and book tours
Marketing Assistant
10/01- 9/03
Dresdner Kleinwort, New York, NY
 Planned and coordinated site visits and organized timelines to expedite the closing and execution of over $4 billion
in transactions from marketing stages to closing events
 Acted as liaison between bankers and clients to ensure a timely and seamless interface
 Designed multimedia client presentations during the marketing stages of domestic and cross-border leases including
the 2002 Deal of the Year
Bull, Rockee. “Optimizing the Partner Selection Process for Drug Developers.” Life Science Leader Jan. 2012: 10-11. Print
and Digital.
Bull, Rockee. “Using Industry Spending Data to Develop Strategic Marketing.” Pharma iQ. Jan. 2012: Digital.
Bull, Rockee. “Outsourcing Trends for 2012 – Top Services by Customer Segment and the Prevalence of Contracting to
Emerging Markets.” GxP Lifeline Feb. 2012: Digital.
Bull, Rockee. “Contract Services Spending: Who’s Spending What, Where?” BioPharm International Oct. 2011: 38-43.
Proficient in: PC/OS Operating Systems, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access; SPSS, QuickBooks, FileMaker Pro Qualtrics
Master of Arts in English, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
Bachelor of Arts in English, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL