Week 4B, Monday Time Lesson/Activity Materials 8:15 8:50 9:00 9:20 9:20 10:20 Elective: LEGO Robotics Math 7: Probability and Portions, 1.3.1: When do decimals repeat? 1. Homework Due: 109-112 2. Objective: Students will develop an understanding of why decimals repeat or terminate, and will be able to classify fractions as equivalent to repeating or terminating decimals 3. Homework: 120-125 1.3.1 Resource page 10:20 11:20 Science 7: Microscopic Life, Investigation 3, Discovering Cells, Part 1 Group: Microscope Microscope kit Colored pencils Lad notebook page 15 Morning Meeting: Objective: Content 01. The cell is the basic unit of life Investigate 01. Discover cells by examining Elodea leaves with a microscope Investigate 02. Observe single-celled micro-organisms with a microscope. 11:20 12:10 12:10 1:00 Class: Droppers Elodea Tap water Explain. I can explain the various parts of the Elodea cell with microscopic observations and internet research. Recess/Lunch Math 8: Variables and Proportions, 2.1.1: What is a Variable? 1. Homework Due: None 2. Objective: Students will be introduced to algebra tiles, which will lay the foundation for later work with manipulating algebraic expressions and solving equations. 3. Homework: 2-6 to 2-11 Algebra Tiles 1:00 2:00 Science 8: Volcanoes, Day 3 Objective: Content 02. Volcanoes exist in the following states: active, dormant, and extinct Content 03. Volcanoes are created differently based off of mineral composition to form cinder cone, shield, or strata volcano. Content 05. When erupting, volcanoes release the following material: viscous liquid in the form of lava, pyroclastic flows, plume, and volcanic ash. Investigate. Use Google Earth to investigate various types of volcanoes around the Earth. 2:00 2:50 2:50 3:00 Explain. Discover various types of volcanoes around the world to determine: type, active state, what erupts from each volcano, and where it is located. MOST MS Door Group: Laptop Google Earth Search handout Class: Science binder Tuesday Time Lesson/Activity Materials 8:15 9:00 9:00 9:20 9:20 10:20 Elective: LEGO Robotics Math 7: Probability and Portions, 1.3.2: How can I rewrite a decimal? 1. Homework Due: 120-125 2. Objective: Students will develop strategies for rewriting terminating and repeating decimals as fractions. 3. Homework: 133-137 Scientific calculators Resource pages A-B 10:20 11:20 Science 7: Diversity of Life, Investigation 3, Straight River Collection Group: Microscope Microscope kit Morning Meeting Objective: Content. Review research collected on the various unicellular organisms: Paramecium, Amoeba, and Euglena. Investigate. Walk down to the straight River and collect a water sample to view, under the microscope, in the classroom. Student: Petri dish Tape Pen Science Binder Explain. Observe, draw and record observations in science binder 11:20 12:10 12:10 1:00 Recess/Lunch 1:00 2:00 Science 8: Plate Tectonics, Day 1 of 4 Math 8: Variables and Proportions, 2.1.2: What’s the perimeter? 4. Homework Due: 2-6 to 2-11 5. Objective: As students find the perimeter of shapes found with tiles, they will differentiate between the dimensions of the tiles and the area. 6. Homework: 2-17 to 2-21 Objective: Content 01. Plate tectonics is the theory that Earth’s crust is divided into a number of plates, and the study Student: Tectonic Plate PP handout Science Binder Resource Book of how the plates move and interact with one another. Content 02. Tectonic plates move because of convection current moving within the asthenosphere. Class: Tectonic Plate PP Content 03. Tectonic movement creates the following zones: subduction, rift, and buckling. Content 04. Buckling Zone is an area where plates push against each other, making large folds in the rock Content 05. Rift Zone is a valley that is caused as two continental plates diverge. Content 06. Subduction Zone is an area where the edge of one plate moves under another plate at a convergent boundary. Investigate. Based off the PP lecture and resource book, students will differentiate between subduction, rift, and buckling zones. 2:00 2:50 2:50 3:00 Explain. I can illustrate the following zones: subduction, rift , and buckling in my science binder Special MS Door Wednesday Time Lesson/Activity 8:15 2:50 Mystery Cave Field Trip 2:50 3:00 MS Door Materials Thursday Time Lesson/Activity Materials 8:15 9:00 9:00 9:20 9:00 9:20 Elective: LEGO Robotics Math 7: Probability and Portions, Chapter 1 Closure 1. Homework Due: 133-137 2. Objective: Students will reflect about what they have learned. 3. Homework: Any concepts that students still have difficulty obtaining None 9:20 10:20 Science 7: Diversity of Life, Investigation 3, Paramecia. Part 2 Group: Microscope Microscope kit Colored pencils Lad notebook page 16-17 Resource Book, pg. 24 Morning Meeting Objective: Content01. Paramecia have shape, a membrane, cilia, an oral groove, and organelles, including vacuoles. Investigate. Observe structure and behavior of singlecelled microorganisms with a microscope. Compare paramecium cells to Elodea cells. Explain. Generate evidence to support the idea that single-celled paramecia are organisms Class: Petri dishes Droppers Paramecium Tap water 11:20 12:10 11:20 12:10 Recess/Lunch Math 8: Variables and Proportions, 2.1.3: What does “minus” mean? 1. Homework Due: 2-17 to 21 2. Objective: Students will learn about the different interpretations of “minus” and how to represent negatives with algebra tiles. 3. Homework: 2-29 to 33 Algebra Tiles 2.1.3 Resource Page 12:10 1:00 Science 8: Plate Tectonics, Day 2 of 4 Student: Tectonic Plate PP handout Science Binder Laptop, Google Earth Oceanic-Ridges activity sheet Objective: Content 01. Plates are created in divergent boundaries. Content 02. Divergent Boundary is a boundary where two plates are moving away from each other. Class: Content 03. Diverging plates are moving away from one another due to convention currents found in the asthenosphere. Content 04. Convection Currents are the cyclical movements that occur when warm, less-dense fluid rises rise and cool, and more-dense fluids sink due to differences in temperature. Content 05. Ocean-floor Spreading is the process by which new ocean floor is created in the area where two plates are moving apart. Content 06. Mid-ocean Ridges are continuous mountain ranges through the oceans. Mid-ocean ridges are divergent plate boundaries and are the site of seafloor spreading and the formation of new oceanic crust. Investigate. Use Google Earth to locate mid-ocean ridges on Earth. Explain. I can locate mid-ocean ridges, on Earth, and collect the following information about them: Which oceans, How long are they, and which continents do they move (grow) toward. 2:00 2:50 2:50 3:00 Special MS Door Tectonic Plate PP Friday Time Lesson/Activity Materials 8:15 9:00 9:00 9:20 9:20 10:10 Elective: LEGO Robotics Math 7: Probability and Portions, Chapter 1 Test 4. Homework Due: None 5. Objective: Successfully finish chapter 1 test 6. Homework: None chapter 1 test 10:10 11:15 Science 7: Diversity of Life, Investigation 3, Microworlds, Part 3 Group: Microscope Microscope kit Colored pencils Lad notebook page 20, 21, 23 Resource Book, pg. 4-7 Morning Meeting Objective: Content01. Cells have the same needs and perform the same functions as more complex organisms Investigate. Observe structures and behavior of singlecelled microorganisms with a microscope Explain. Describe the difference between living cells that are organisms and living cells that are not organisms Class: Petri dishes Droppers Paramecium Tap water 11:20 12:10 12:10 1:00 Recess/Lunch Math 8: Variables and Proportions, 2.1.4: What makes zero? 1. Homework Due: 2-29 to 33 2. Objective: Students will deepen their understanding of the concept of zero and will learn how to represent zero in multiple ways with algebra tiles. 3. Homework: 2-41 to 46 Algebra Tiles 2.1.3. Resource Page 1:00 2:00 Science 8: Plate Tectonics, Day 3 of 4 Student: Laptop, Google Earth Tectonic Plate PP handout Science Binder Resource Book Subduction Zones Activity Sheet Objective: Content 01. Tectonic plates, at a convergent boundary, are where they are moving toward each other. Content 02. Subduction Zone is an area where the edge of one plate moves under another plate at a convergent boundary. Class: Tectonic Plate PP Content 03. The following Earth structures are formed in a subduction zone: trenches, oceanic crust is recycled, and volcanoes can form. Content 04. Trench is an Earth structure, with long, steep sides and a deep depression formed at a convergent boundary when an oceanic plate moves under another plate. Content 05. Oceanic Crust is the parts of the Earth’s crust that are under the ocean; these are the thinnest parts. Content 06. Continental Crust is the part of Earth’s crust that forms the continents; these are the thickest parts. Content 07. The recycling of oceanic crust is due to the convection currents found in the asthenosphere. Investigate. Use Google Earth to locate Subduction Zones on Earth. Explain. I can locate subduction zones, on Earth, and collect the following information about them: Which oceans, which continents are they located on, and name a minimum of 10 volcanoes found along subduction zones. 2:00 2:50 2:50 3:00 Special MS Door