Plate Tectonics: Convergent, Divergent, Transform Boundaries

Complete a foldable :]
You need three tabsone for each boundary
type (convergent,
divergent, transform)
The front:
Boundary type
Picture of what the
plates are doing
Key word to help
The inside:
Definition of plate
boundary (what are the
plates doing?)
The different types of
What each type of crust
forms at each boundary
Real life examples
How do the plates move?
Convection currents, in the plastic like layer of
the mantle of the earth, constantly churn in a
circular motion, the hot magma rises, cools, then
falls back down to the core. This movement
causes tectonic plates to meet at plate
boundaries .
Plate Boundaries
Convergent- tectonic plates collide or combine
• Divergent- tectonic plates move apart from each other
• Transform/Transverse- tectonic plates slide/grind past
each other
Convergent Boundaries
1. Continental-Continental crust
Fold mountains, mountain
ranges. EX: The Himalayas
3. Continental – Oceanic crust
2. Oceanic- Oceanic crust
Creates deep trenches
Sometimes volcanoes can
be formed
Ex: Marianas Trench
•Dense oceanic plate subducts under
less dense continental plate, which
creates a subduction zone.
•This can create ocean trenches (rarely),
and very violent subduction volcanoes
such as Mt. St. Helens. Ring of firePacific Plate
Oceanic-continental convergence
Divergent boundaries
Continental- Continental crust
Oceanic- Oceanic crust
Forms Rift Valleys, water
can fill in the rift (new
Remember the seafloor
spreading theory??
Ex: The Great African Rift
Older crust is found further
away from the ridge, while
younger crust is found just
near the ridge.
Forms mid ocean ridges
Ex: Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Transform boundaries
Forms Transform Faults and fault lines (zones)
Ex: The San Andreas Fault line- North American
Plate and the Pacific Plate
Remember! :]
Convergent- collide
Divergent- divide
Transform plates- slide