SIMT Strategic International Investment Funds

SIMT Meeting Notes (October 10, 2013)
In Attendance: LJ Edmonds, David Koonce, Thom Luce, Howard Dewald, David
Descutner, Kelli Kotowski, and Ji-Yeung Jang
International Education Week
1. IEW poster: Bottom logo should say “Sponsored by Senior International
Management Team”. No colleges/departments should be listed.
2. Award Reception:
a. LJ will MC. David Koonce, as the chair of the selection committee, will
explain the process, difficulty in selection, and the accomplishments of
the winners. He will verify the information with the winners directly.
b. The SIMT members advised that David notify the winners ASAP,
circulate a program with summary of achievements at the reception,
display the picture of nominees, and invite the nominees to the
c. Faculty and staff recipients will receive plaque and professional
development funds ($1,000 each). Alumni recipient will receive a
plaque and scholarship of their choice in the same amount. For this
year’s winner, the scholarship will be provided for Guyana relations.
d. Kelli will talk to her budget person regarding serving wine at Walter
Rotunda using foundation fund. LJ will ask Diane Cahill as well. The
goal is to create an elegant atmosphere at the event.
e. “Save the date” email has been sent to all the deans and VPs. They
were asked to recommend 5 names. Formal invitations will follow.
Strategic process
1. According to LJ, the framework for the strategic plan has been well accepted
by the deans. The question was “Who makes the final decision and what’s the
process?” LJ shared the draft International Strategic Planning Process chart.
2. Dean’s Table is where the main decisions will be made. According to LJ, Hugh
Sherman suggested that she meet at the Dean’s Table 3-4 times a year and
give them an opportunity to see the values of the plan for themselves. The
Provost has advised that LJ select Dean’s advisory group with the
strategically important and highly committed individuals. However, SIMT felt
that it might create unnecessary layers and reluctance among the deans.
There was a brief discussion about bringing deans to SIMT as it was the case
in the past. LJ will check with the Provost about it.
3. Each of 4 outcomes subcommittees will be co-chaired by faculty/staff. Kelli
suggested that LJ ask the deans to recommend the committee members for
each subcommittee. The glossary for each of the four outcomes
subcommittees still needs to be defined but examples of current programs
(using LJs portfolio as an illustration along with others) that would fit within
each area include:
a. Group 1: Global Academic Programs may include Center for
International Studies MA and BA programs, Arts & Sciences global
b. Group 2: Global Mobility and Training may include Office Education
Abroad, Global Leadership Center, and Global Services Program. LJ is
envisioning involving emeriti professors for Global Consulting
Program (GCP) chaired by Theresa Franklin.
c. Group 3: Global Leadership and Competency may include
International Student and Faculty Services, Multicultural Center,
recruitment (faculty, staff, students), international awards, etc.
d. Group 4: External Relations and Global Dialogue may include
international alumni relations, advancement, and incoming and
outgoing delegations as well as major events that provide significant
global profile/participation.
The chairs of 4 subcommittees will form “Global Outcomes & Opportunities
Group” who will brainstorm and make recommendations. They will
communicate with bigger committees (such as SIMT) and go back to their
subcommittee to prioritize the suggested outcomes and opportunities.
The Vice Provost for Global Affairs will produce the draft of the strategic plan
document. The strategy should guide the SIMT to develop the process of
using strategic funds most effectively. The process should allow us to identify
the programs to invest, test the market, and invest, for example, in the form
of scholarship targeted for certain part of the world.
Although the President announced that the strategy will be finalized by next
summer, SIMT noted that having a deadline to work towards is valuable but
need to keep in mind that it is more important to obtain the necessary buy-in
and get the work done right even if it requires proposing that the deadline be
Next steps
a. LJ will talk to the deans at the next academic leaders meeting (29th)
and present the revised strategic international planning and process.
b. LJ will talk to Bob Frank before the next meeting. LJ will talk to Pam
about adding deans to SIMT because it’s her job to appoint the
c. Ji-Yeung will create a framework based on the existing strategy plans
MOU approval
1. Going forward, MOU approval will be done electronically.
SIMT Strategic International Investment Funds
1. There was a concern that there is not an appropriate process in place to
receive and assess applications for funding made to SIMT. LJ suggested that
the funding applications site be removed until there is a strategy.
2. The group suggested that Pam and John Day be advised about the plan for
directing SIMT funds towards the advancement and then implementation of
the strategy being developed
3. As a result, the two applications (one from Deborah Meyer and another from
Antoinette Frisoli) won’t be funded. LJ will discuss with Diane regarding the
Strategic Partnership
1. Dr. Vibert Cambridge wants the U of Guyana to be a strategic partner.
However, the group felt that the timing is not right given that we are still in
the process of creating a strategic plan. LJ will follow up with Dr. Cambridge.
2. LJ shared her views on global partnerships. She believes that it’s important to
develop a project that drives the partnerships, as they are deemed helpful to
sustain the University. In relation to OHIO’s current partners (in Germany,
Malaysia, and Japan), LJ would like to propose to Pam that she visit them first
within the next 6 months before visiting any other OHIO collaborators.
Next meeting: November 7