Dean Michael Hunter Schwartz Michael Hunter Schwartz is the


Dean Michael Hunter Schwartz

Michael Hunter Schwartz is the Dean of and a Professor of Law at the University of

Arkansas at Little Rock Bowen School of Law, and he is a Consultant to the Institute for Law Teaching and Learning. Dean Schwartz is the author of ten books, seven law review papers, three book chapters, and three shorter works addressing a wide variety of teaching, learning and curriculum design topics. Schwartz's books include

What the Best Law Teachers Do (Harvard University Press 2013) and a contracts textbook, Contracts: A Context and Practice Casebook, which was the first book in a textbook series he designed (and now edits) in collaboration with Carolina

Academic Press. Schwartz also is a co-author of Assessment: A Comprehensive

Guidebook for Law Schools (forthcoming 2015, Carolina Academic Press).

Dean Schwartz is the former Academic Curriculum Consultant to the Council on

Legal Education Opportunity, and he is the former chair of the American Association of Law Schools’ Sections on Teaching Methods and Balance in Legal Education. Dean

Schwartz has spoken about a wide variety of law teaching, learning, assessment, and curriculum design topics on more than 200 occasions as a conference presenter

(including an AALS Presidential Program and more than two dozen plenary presentations) and an invited speaker, including conducting training programs for law professors from the Republic of Georgia, Turkey, Germany, and Chile.

Dean Schwartz’s Contracts course was selected by the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System’s Educating Tomorrow’s Lawyers Project as reflecting

“exemplary innovative teaching." Dean Schwartz was named one of the 25 Most

Influential People in Legal Education in January 2015.
