December 2014 Library Board minutes

(Approved Minutes)
Franklin Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting
Franklin Public Library
December 11, 2014
1. Call to Order: at 7:00 pm.
2. Roll Call: Teresa Natzke, Judy Moenck, Sarah Krasnick, Kim Greidanus, Julie
Douse-Angileri, Pam Hackert, and guest, Gary Roberts were present.
Mira Stakhiv was absent.
3. New Business: Renovation – Judy introduced Gary Roberts, proposed
program manager. Gary gave us a quick autobiography then presented an
outline of the renovation project. (See attached.) He thinks a budget of
$320,000 will be adequate to accomplish our renovation goal. He reviewed
the past proposal from Design Team+ and obtained a similarly constructed
proposal from local architect, Bill Finnecum of Finnecum Brownlie, to make
a comparison. Based on pricing and experience with historic buildings, he
recommended hiring Finnecum Brownlie. Since the project requires a
survey and site plan, Gary also presented a comparison of proposals from
Nowak and Fraus (Design Team+’s original choice) and Hubbell Roth &
Clark, who have done work for us in the past. He decided that Hubbell Roth
& Clark would be the best financial choice. Then Gary explained his list of
recommendations. These included; paying Leah Trosch for her conceptual
design work, immediately obtaining a site survey, establishing a renovation
committee, examining other design elements to improve the finished
product, considering increasing the size of the addition, and using the
publicity of the project to the benefit of the final result.
After some brief discussion, and since this is necessary to begin the project,
Judy motioned to engage Hubbell Roth & Clark for site survey work, not to
exceed the sum of $3240 (their proposed fee). Pam seconded the motion and
all approved.
The Board was very happy with Gary’s proposal. Pam motioned to accept the
consulting agreement of G. D. Roberts Company and begin the renovation. Kim
seconded the motion and it was approved.
Gary will call Bill Finnicum and have him join us at the next board meeting
on January 8, 2015.
After Gary left there was some discussion about the formation of building
and design committees. It was decided that any committee should have no
more than three board members to avoid a quorum, and any small number
of Franklin residents. Sarah requested that each board member email her
with the member’s desire to be/(not be) on a committee, and to come to the
first construction meeting (tentatively scheduled for the next board
meeting), prepared with ideas about how to enhance the project.
The Board decided that it will not be using the services of Design Team+ and
is very grateful to Leah Trosch for her conceptual designs and getting the
project off the ground. In recognition of this, it was agreed to compensate
her for her time and effort. Pam motioned to pay Leah Trosch $2500 for her
conceptual drawings and prior work on the library renovation project. Judy
seconded the motion, and it was approved. Sarah will call Leah, inform her of
our decision and thank her.
Staff Holiday Gifts – There was a brief discussion about what to give the
library staff this season. It was agreed to give a cash gift to each employee
and maintain the same amount as last year. Therefore, the director will
receive; $150, employees with one or more of years of service; $50, less than
one year; $25.
Sarah motioned to keep the holiday cash gift amounts the same as last year.
Judy seconded the motion, and it was approved.
4. Meeting Adjourned: In light of the late hour, it was agreed to table the rest
of the agenda until the next board meeting and the meeting was adjourned
at 8:50 pm. The next board meeting is January 8, 2015 at 7:00 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Julie Douse-Angileri, Secretary