Study guide for Writing Quiz on 10/22 We studied 5 different types of

Study guide for Writing Quiz on 10/22
We studied 5 different types of poems:
Acrostic Example
F is for fall
A is for all of the beautiful colors
L is for the leaves that cascade to the ground
L is for the laughter and smiles that a new season brings!
A diamante poem is in the shape of a diamond. It’s rules are:
Adjective Adjective
-ing verb -ing verb -ing verb
Noun Noun Noun Noun
-ing verb -ing verb -ing verb
Adjective Adjective
Another word for subject
A limerick has a rhyming scheme of AABBA and they are typically silly, non-sense poems. For example:
There once was a man named Choo
His house looked like a giant shoe
Whenever he went to sleep
He always heard the sound of sheep
‘Cause outside of his window was a barn of blue.
A haiku and a cinquain are both concerned with syllables. For instance, the syllable scheme of a
cinquain is 2-4-6-8-2. For example:
Cinquain (2 syllables)
Such an odd form (4 syllables)
In its name, In its look (6 syllables)
Yet only made of even counts (8 syllables)
Bizarre (2 syllables)
A haiku has a syllable scheme of 5-7-5. For example:
The golden leaves fall (5 syllables)
They whisper as they tumble (7 syllables)
To the frozen ground (5 syllables)
Extra credit:
-Study the rules of the following poems. Also, look at the examples given in class:
Free verse
You might be asked to write one!