Ch. 13 Cornell Notes

--Cornell Notes
Ch. 13 Air Masses and Fronts
Essential Question:
Air Masses
Air masses are classified by temperature and humidity.
- Temperature (polar=cold & tropical= warm)
- Humidity (dry= continental & wet= maritime)
- Maritime Tropical (mT)
wet, moist, warm, forms over water
Continental Tropical (cT)
Dry, warm, forms over land
Maritime Polar (mP)
wet, moist, cold, forms over water
Continental Polar (cP)
dry, cold, forms over land
Cold Front
- fast moving cold air mass overtakes warm air mass
- cold air mass moves under warm air mass
--may bring short-lasting severe weather (heavy rain or snow)
Warm Front
- warm air mass overtakes slow-moving cold air mass
- Warm air mass moves up over the cold air mass
-clouds and precipitation, light rain or snow possible, may cloudy or rainy for
several days, likely to be warm and humid after front passes through
-may bring light rain, fog, or snow that last several days
Stationary Front
- cold and warm air masses meet, but neither can move the other.
-Water vapor in warm air condenses into rain, snow, fog, or clouds
-may bring many days of clouds and small amount of precipitation
Occluded Front
-A warm air mass is caught between two cooler air masses.
-most complex weather or may bring a wide variety of weather
-Can bring strong winds and heavy precipitation