Minutes of SAAF Mtg - The Scottish Adventure Activities Forum

Draft Minutes of SAAF Meeting
Held on Friday 26th September 2014
Glenmore Lodge
Tina Cuthbertson
Mike Masino
Nick Cole
Debbie Williams
Gavin Howat
Bob Telfer
Jane Campbell
Shaun Roberts
Bill Steven
Mike Strang
Anna Rogerson
Snowgoose Mountain Centre
Scout Association
Outdoor Angus
Glencoe Outdoor Centre
Scottish Sports Association/ Snowsport Scotland (Chair)
Glenmore Lodge/ sportscotland
Scottish Government Sports Policy Unit
Jane Campbell Morrison gave a warm welcome to all present and thanked Glenmore Lodge
for providing the venue and secretary for the meeting.
Agenda agreed as circulated.
The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed.
Constitution review – Nick reported that the wording of the constitution needed just a few
words changed but was in essence OK.
Written response to AAIAC has been completed.
Letter to Skills Active has also been sent. Peter Thomson has been made redundant from
Skills Active.
Bill Steven reported that he has the agreement of SAPOE that their minutes will now be
shared with SAAF. He will discuss with Jane the best way of getting these circulated.
First Aid Qualifications – there was further discussion around first aid requirements for NGB
qualifications. Jane will be pursuing this further with NGBs on 7th Oct at the Outdoor Pursuits
Group meeting. At this meeting there will also be discussion around having courses which
are more generic which will give young people entry into working in the outdoors. There was
then discussion around other challenges to young people trying to make a career in the
outdoors such as Child protection and driving minibuses which Jane will also take to the 7th
Oct meeting.
Scottish Adventure Activities Working Group Update
A letter has been received from the Scottish Government Policy unit stating that a grant of
£12100 is available to SAAF to hold a consultation. There is quite a short turnaround
required with the final report being submitted by 31st March 2015.
Information will be prepared shortly explaining what the project will need to include and the
recruitment of a project officer to head up this work. It would be helpful for this information to
be circulated as widely as possible to stir up interest.
The Conference in Nov will be used to launch the consultation process, there will then be 4
meetings around Scotland.
Discussion took place regarding whether this consultation review should be UK wide,
funding is for Scotland, however views of UK wide NGBs and some other bodies are to be
included in the consultations.
IOL Update
Mike reported that not much had been done on a regional level in Scotland. Nationally, IOL
would be assisting AAIAC to carry out a survey to all adventure mark holders and to other
outdoor providers later. There was now a series of CPD modules for those moving from
working as instructors to taking up positions as heads of centres. Jane suggested a matrix of
CPD modules available would be useful to help inform people about what modules might
already be available rather than NGBs developing their own which might be very similar.
Membership of SAAF and partnerships
Discussion took place around the young people in employment report. Although the final
report held a number of valid points it was felt that those outside the industry don’t fully
understand the industry and therefore many of the comments are already included in what
we do e.g. soft skills.
Discussion was had around a professional ‘Wilderness guide qualification’ and where this fits
with current NGB courses. Needs to be considered further.
Laurence from SDS has offered to come to a SAAF meeting.
A decision needs to be made as to whether it is worth forming a working group to look at
technical qualifications that are valued by the industry and seek inclusion on to SCQF, very
costly to get courses on the framework.
Voice of the outdoor sector
Who else do we need to talk to? Wild Scotland, Scottish Enterprise (funding possibilities),
Scottish tourism association, Visit Scotland, DofE (Jane to make contact with them again) if
you come across any national organisations please let Jane know so that we can make sure
that the right voices are around the table.
AAIAC Update
A written update from Barry had been circulated by email.
Gavin, who had been at the last meeting, reported that there had been a disappointing
turnout at the last meeting with only 8 members attending, this seemed to be a reflection that
no money was available. People where there by the good grace of employers or individuals
prepared to give up a day of their time. Adventure mark is not thriving so AAIAC are looking
to decide what direction this should take. The organisation needs new members but as yet
there has been no recruitment drive. The new edition of ropes courses guide is to be
Jane mentioned that SAAF also needs to also consider their future, currently no secretariat,
here by good grace of Glenmore Lodge providing venue.
Future of SAAF looking into working with Megan at sportscotland to see if funding can be
sought for a couple of days a month for an individual to provide the cover needed. Shaun to
speak to Mike Roberts to see if he can assist, will also take forward with sportscotland.
Shaun to provide update for next meeting.
Acknowledgement was made of the huge amount of in-kind donations from people giving up
time and expense to attend SAAF meetings.
Skills Active Update
Debbie reported that we were being asked to review existing L3 qualification. SVQs need
reviewed every 3 years, outdoor SVQ provides a very good grounding for individuals.
Will be a consultation process. Jane reported that she had attended a meeting and the
NOSS structure did not look fit for purpose. Update at next meeting.
Scotland Tourism 2020 Skills group – Jane to see if Dougie knows what it is.
Letter – Response to SAAF letter re Skills active outdoor sector initiatives – Jane’s feeling is
that Skills Active feel that they can continue to develop the outdoor sector workforce
however they would need to generate a surplus to continue doing this. The letter seems to
ask that SkillsActive become a full permanent member of SAAF rather than an observer.
After discussion it was felt that perhaps the request was coming from not understanding the
constitution, what do they expect to achieve by being a full member. It was decided that any
response should wait until Kirsten returned in October, Jane to meet with her and report on
points of the letter.
Project plan for consultation has been sent out, dates have now been set for November.
HSE Update / AALS
At of time of writing there were 1242 UK licenses, 187 of which were held in Scotland, 8
refused since Jan, 5 of these had now been issued.
Starting process to devolve powers to Scottish ministers to transfer functions of UK &
Scottish parliaments. Timescales end of 2015 until that comes into force. Current regulations
will be transferred, it will not be until 2016 until any changes can be made. Any licenses in
effect will remain valid until they naturally expire. They will be keeping as much continuity as
possible by using HSE as licensing authority.
New HSE CEO, Dr Richard Judge, has been appointed and will take up post from midNovember.
The matrixes in L77 will be available and updated on the website shortly.
Jane to send out web links for other interesting articles.
New edition of rope course guides which includes zip wires being published.
Gavin has inherited Health & Safety of ski areas.
sportscotland outdoor group update
Megan on leave however Shaun gave an update. It is still a work in progress however they
are looking to develop a group to support Megan with this work. There is a meeting next
week with sports development team to look at all their aspects of work. More information will
be available at the next meeting.
Jane asked about benchmarking and asked for assurances that this will include more than
just participant numbers from active schools – Shaun reported that Megan was already
working on this with the strategy team, active schools work already on-going. sportscotland
were looking at their plan for the next 5 years and this would include a change around the
word club which may become community, e.g. outdoor community not clubs. There will be
consultation, looking to have report by end of next year.
SAAF Working groups update
Conference group – plan was to have the conference in October but now looking at first
week of December to avoid Wild Scotland conference. After discussion it was suggested that
we should investigate having the conference the day after Wild Scotland event with the
possibility of a workshop at Wild Scotland event to share about SAAF. Jane to approach
Wild Scotland for options. Mike to look at options in Perth for conference on the 27th. Tina
Cuthbertson to join working group.
Programme – provisional programme will be circulated for comment.
Anna to look for contact details from road show attendees, Jane to look for list from last
SAAF Administration – covered
SAAF Membership – next meeting in December Dougie looking to leave. Jane to look for list
of designates, look for new members.
Lyon asking if any other bodies might be interested in sending out info on working at heights
course would SAAF members be interested.
Glenmore Lodge will be asking itself ‘what is it to be National Centre today’. Any thoughts
please let Shaun know, this won’t be a big stakeholder consultation.
5th December 2014 at Glenmore Lodge