Duncanrig Secondary School Interest Meeting for Development of

Minute of Meeting of Duncanrig Secondary School Parent Council
held at the School on Monday, 30 November, 2015 at 7.00 p.m.
Mr D Callaghan, Mrs A Campbell, Mr C Collins, Mrs E Dyer, Mrs A Findlay,
Mr B Forbes (Chairperson) Mrs R George, Mr M Leckie, Mrs Y Madden,
Mrs J McCool, Mrs V Martin, Mrs D Perrie.
Mrs G Adam, Mrs M Jackson, Mrs S Kane, Mr A Macquire, Mr S Nally,
Mr C Wylie.
Also Attending:
Mr G Wynne (Head Teacher)
Mr G Randall (Depute Head Teacher)
Cllr J Anderson
Miss E Clark (School Captain)
Mr L Milligan (School Captain)
Mrs H White (Parent Observer)
Mrs S Wilson (Clerk)
The Minute of the meeting held on 26 October, 2015 was approved.
To be taken under other reports
The new Treasurer was preparing to register his details with the Bank. Bank details
were passed to him for assistance along with a copy of the approved Minute recording his
appointment as Duncanrig Parent Council Treasurer.
None received
Co-opted Parent Council Member: Mr D Callaghan was welcomed to the meeting. He
presented three potential fundraising items to the meeting for consideration. These were
Easyfundraising.org; Penny Wars and Christmas Cards. There was interest in pursuing these
initiatives and the meeting agreed that steps should be taken to promote these ideas with
parents and pupils in the coming weeks. Mr Callaghan was thanked for his report.
Changes to Pupil Transport: The HT up-dated members on SLC efficiency savings in regard
the provision of free transport for pupils living 3 miles or more from the School. The new
arrangements would commence on 18 April, 2016.
Staff News: A new member of staff, Mr Sean Murray, was now in post providing learning and
behavioural support to pupils at the School.
Operational Matters: HT has been having meeting with Ricoh and he will up-date members on
progress. Visit from the Salford Reds was much appreciated by pupils who benefited from
training and health and well being sessions. Mr G Randall reported on the productive
geography field trips to Millport and the Lake District. There was good feedback from the P7
Open Night and S1 Parents Evening. P7 pupils were engaging with Transition events such as
Sportshall Challenge and the School Captains were visiting all the associated Primary Schools
to meet with P6 classes and explaining ‘a day in the life of a Duncanrig pupil’. These visits
had been particularly well received. The Parent Council congratulated the Captains on
implementing this initiative and looking at ways of helping develop the experience for P6
pupils. The HT was delighted to report that there had been significant progress with upgrading of the School Website. Work was due to begin and would be completed in
January/February, 2016. Meanwhile Twitter feeds were advised as follows: @DuncanrigS
(for general school information); @Duncanrig_sport (for sport news): and @MusicDuncanrig
(for music department news).
Pupil Successes: At the recent Lanarkshire School Swimming Championships there were a
number of individual successes and a number of personal best times achieved. Pupils were
being encouraged to bring in food items for the Christmas Foodbank appeal. The S6 pupils
and teachers Pizza Quiz Night was a much enjoyed event. The Halloween disco for S1, S2
and S6 proved to be a popular and well attended social event.
School Improvement Plan: The HT has already engaged in Learner Conversations with pupils
undertaking English, Maths, Sciences and Modern Languages. Over the next two weeks SMT
will be undertaking Classroom Visits. HGIOS3 (How Good is our School 3) has been replaced
by HGIOS4. The HT and DHT are mapping QIs to work done on HGIOS3 to take forward the
self-evaluation processes from last session. The SMT continue to review and evaluate progress
of the SIP at their meetings.
Forthcoming Events: Scotland Week began on 30 November and concludes with Tartan Day
(non uniform day) on Friday.
S5/6 Parents Evening on Monday 7 December.
S4 Prelims commence on 9 December.
Christmas Concert on 21 December. Parent Council members
to attend, but please contact G Wynne for ticket bookings.
Stakeholders Survey: Mr G Randall reminded members that the bi-annual stakeholders
consultations were taking place. To date 106 returns had been received from parents attending
Parents Evenings and this would continue at the S5/6 Parents Evening. A summary of the
findings would be reported to the Parent Council in the New Year.
Parents Evening Dates: S3 on 22 February, 2016 and S2 on 16 May, 2016.
Dates of Future Meetings: Monday, 18 January, 2016
Monday, 15 February, 2016
Monday, 14 March, 2016
all at 7.00 p.m. in the School.
Signed as approved by: B Forbes, (Chairperson)
date 18.1.2016