EK Bio1 Ch 2 (cont..) Regulation of transcription In prokaryotes


EK Bio1 Ch 2 (cont..)

 Regulation of transcription o In prokaryotes

 mRNA typically includes several genes in a single transcript

 Jacob-Monod model

 Operon = operator + promoter + genes contributing to single prokaryotic mRNA o Genes outside of operon may code for activators/repressors

 Lac operon in e. coli o Codes for enzymes that allow e. coli to import & metabolize lactose when glucose is nor present in sufficient quantities o Activated when glucose is scarce and lactose is present o Mechanism: (38-39)

 Low glucose levels -> high cAMP levels

 cAMP activates CAP

 CAP binds to CAP site adjacent to promoter on lac operon

 Positive control: CAP activates promotor

 Gene repression: when lactose not present, lack repressor protein binds to operator, prevents expression of lac genes o In eukaryotes

 mRNA includes only 1 gene per transcript

 modification of RNA o post-transcriptional modifications offur in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells

 eukaryotes: only in nucleus

 bacterial genome does not contain introns o purpose of modifications:

 help molecules that initiate translation to recognize the mRNA

 protect mRNA from degradation

 eliminate extraneous sequences of nucleotides from the transcript before translation

 provide mechanism for variability in protein products produced by a single transcript o primary transcript = first nucleotide sequence arrived at through transcription

 much longer than mRNA that will be translated into protein

 portions of transcript (introns) are spliced out before exiting nucleus

 exons are joined end-to-end

 **introns stay IN nucleus, exons Exit nucleus to be translated

 snRNPs = small nuclear ribonucleoproeins, act as ribozymes o spliceosome = complex of snRNP + associate proteins o 5’ end of eukaryotic transcription is capped via GTP before transcription is finished

 5’ cap serves as attachment site in protein synthesis & as protection against enzyme degradation (via exonucleases)

 3’ end has long series of adenine nucleotides (poly A trail) o alternative splicing in eukaryotic cells

 allows cell to incorporate different coding sequences into mature mRNA

 can create variety of mRNA molecules for translation from single DNA coding seq

 human genome is 20,000 – 25,000 coding regions, but codes for >100,000 protein products

 introns help determine possible splicing patterns & promote protein production

 introns tend to be highly conserved between species

 translation: nucleotide sequence of mRNA to amino acid seq of corresponding protein o triplet code: 3 nucleotides (codon) to code for 1 amino acid

 degenerative… >1 series of 3 nucleotides can code for same AA

 **Stop codons: UAA, UGA, UAG

 **Start codon: AUG

 Number of possible combinations of any three nucleotides: 4 3

= 64 o Types of RNA

 mRNA = template that carries genetic code from nucleus to cytosol in form of codons

 tRNA

 two ends: o one contains anticodon, series of 3 nucleotides that binds to complementary codon sequence on

RNA o other carries AA that corresponds to codon, to be added to growing polypeptide chain

 some flexibility in bonding at the third-bp position

 wobble pairing o all translation uses ribosomes

 small subunit + large subunit

 prokaryotic: 30s + 50s = 70s

 eukaryotic: 40s + 60s = 80s

 the nucleoleus manufactures ribosomes (euk only) o mechanism: (p 43)

 initiation

 after post-transcriptional processing (euk), mRNA leaves nucleus though nuclear pores, enters cytosol

 initiation factors help attach 5’ end to small ribosomal subunit

 tRNA containing 5’-CAU-3’ gathers methionine and settles into p-site

 this signals large subunit to join & form initiation complex o elongation

 ribsosome slides down mRNA one strand at a time 5’->3’ while matching each codon to complimentary tRNA anticodon

 corresponging AAs attached to tRNA are bound together into growing polypeptide

 elongation requires energy

 when tRNA attaches to P-site, new tRNA attaches to neighboring A site, peptide bond forms between the two via peptidyl transferase activity

 tRNA with methionine moves to E-site, and then exits ribosome, tRNA carrying new dipeptide moces to p side, a site is open for next until stop codon reaches p o termination

 when stop codon reaches A site, release factor proteins add to end of polypeptide chain, which frees it from tRNA and ribosome

 ribosome breaks into subunits to be used later o polypeptide begins folding during translation, assisted by chaperons

 post-translational modification o regulate gene expression by affecting which translational products become proteins o may add sugars, lipids, or phosphate groups, or cleave the polypeptide o final destination = related to location of translation o 20 AA seq called signal peptide near front of polypeptide is recognized by protein called RNA signal-recognition particle (SRP) that carries entire ribosome complex to receptor protein on ER

 protein grows across membrane, then either released into lumen or remains partially attached to ER

 signal peptide removed by enzyme

 signal peptides may also be attached to polypeptides to target them to mitochondria, nucleus, or other organelles

 DNA Replication: Mitosis o Semiconservative: each DNA copy contains one strand of original DNA o Mechanism governed by group of proteins called replisome

o Replication begins in middle of chromosome, at the origin of replication

 Single origin on prok, multiple on euk.

 Bidirectional process, two replisomes proceed in opposite directions
