To Do Lists for College Bound Students

To Do Lists for College Bound Students
Adapted from Kochhar, C., Bassett, D. S., & Webb, K. W. (2008). Transition to postsecondary
education. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Middle School List
 Explore interests/careers
Student-directed IEP Decisions
 Identify strengths and needs
 Participate in extracurricular activities
 Identify preferences
 Read books from a summer reading list
 Identify accommodations
 Enroll in a variety of exploratory classes
 Decide diploma option (if applicable)
and clubs
Freshman List
 Meet with counselor to develop plan of
Student-directed IEP Decisions
 Update report of strengths and needs
 Remediate areas of need
 Enroll in college preparatory classes
 Update report of preferences
 Participate in extracurricular activities
 Review and evaluate current
 Attend college fairs
 Determine college costs
 Determine effective assistive technology
 Volunteer or job-shadow during summer
 Develop an annual goal for postsecondary
 Read books from a summer reading list
 Determine agencies to attend future IEP
 Collect data with IEP/SOP team
Sophomore List
 Meet with counselor to review program of
 Prepare a long-range calendar with
important dates
 Visit colleges, narrow search
Student-directed IEP Decisions
 Update report of strengths and needs
 Remediate areas of need
 Update report of preferences
 Review and evaluate current
 Review college costs
 Review assistive technology usage
 Take PSAT exam
 Review annual goal for postsecondary
 Volunteer or job-shadow during summer
 Read books from a summer reading list
 Discuss disability documentation for
postsecondary education
 Collect data and evidence to share with IEP
team and SOP
 Discuss future internships with committee
 Check on foreign language requirements
for colleges (if applicable)
Junior List
 Participate in internship during summer
Student-directed IEP Decisions
 Update report of strengths and needs
 Take PSAT and/or ACT and SAT exams
 Remediate areas of need
 Narrow college choices to 5-10
 Review annual goal for postsecondary
 Visit chosen colleges
 Investigate scholarships and financial aid
 Identify career goal
 Obtain sample applications from chosen
 Contact Disability Support Services for
 Update calendar of deadlines
 Participate in internship during summer
 Read books from a summer reading list
information about eligibility
 Determine and use appropriate college
 Determine and use appropriate assistive
technology for college
 Ensure disability documentation is current
for college
 Collect data and evidence to share with IEP
team and SOP
 Continue discussions with support agencies
Senior List
 Update calendar for deadlines
Student-directed IEP Decisions
 Update report of strengths and needs
 Obtain financial aid forms from colleges
 Remediate areas of need
 Ask for letters of recommendation
 Review and refine annual goal for
 Prepare and review admission essay
 Complete admission applications to final
 Arrange for high school transcripts to be
postsecondary education
 Review career goal
 Maintain contact with Disability Support
Services at chosen colleges
 Ask high school to send final transcript to
 Review use of appropriate college
 Review use of appropriate assistive
technology for college
 Double-check that disability documentation
is current for college
 Direct development of SOP
 Finalize plans with support agencies
 Attend a summer program for collegebound students with disabilities