WRAP® Facilitator Training Application May 5th through 9th, 2014 Thank you for your interest in becoming a WRAP Facilitator. This training is appropriate for anyone who would like to facilitate WRAP® groups and work with others to develop their own WRAP. Attendees are expected to have a solid working knowledge of WRAP and share during the training their experiential knowledge of how WRAP can work. Before attending the seminar, it is expected that have and use your own WRAP. The costs is $1,300.00 per person (Groups may be eligible for group discount rates). Please fill out the following questions so that we can register you for this training. Name as you would like it to appear on your certificate: _______________________________________________________________ Street Address: _______________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________________________________________ State & Zip Code: _______________________________________________________________ Email Address: _______________________________________________________________ Cell Phone Number: _______________________________________________________________ 870 Market Street, Suite 928, San Francisco, CA 94102 Phone: (415) 421-2926 Fax: (415) 421-2928 www.mentalhealthsf.org Organization: _______________________________________________________________ Have you completed a WRAP Class, WRAP workshop, or the Copeland Center's Correspondence Course? (Circle one) Yes No If yes, when and where did you complete a WRAP class? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ If you have not, how were you able to do your WRAP? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ What is your reason for wanting to learn to facilitate WRAP® classes? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ We look forward to contacting you soon. For questions or training information, please contact: Terri Byrne (extension 306) SOLVE Program Coordinator Or Rachel Del Rossi (extension 303) Training Coordinator Mental Health Association of San Francisco 870 Market St. Suite 928 San Francisco, CA 94102 (415)421-2926 (415)421-2928 fax