Visuals : for DW Art 8-11 DW# 8: GDP vs. GNP

Visuals : for DW Art 8-11
DW# 8:
GDP vs. GNP 2.4 min 2008
How is GDP calculated? 8 min
How is nominal vs real GDP calculated? 11.25 min
Balance of Payments - The current account balance 5 min (using UK as example)
Balance of payments 4 min
DW# 11:
Mercantilism 8 min. 2010
(Watch the beginning 10 min to see the graphs)
CKC Speaker Series: "Chinese Engagement with Latin America" Ms. Margaret
Myers 52 min (to understand Chinese
strategies in Latin America)
Published on Aug 16, 2012
July 19, 2012. China's relations with Latin America have expanded
considerably over the past decade. As the world's second largest economy,
China is viewed by Latin American nations as an increasingly important
economic partner. China's growing demand for raw materials has meant
rapid expansion of commodities exports among South American nations. Chinese foreign direct investment
and lending also are increasingly apparent in certain Latin American nations, with a specific focus on the
region's raw materials, infrastructure and agricultural sectors. While some Latin American nations have
derived extensive economic benefit from Chinese engagement, the relationship remains fundamentally
imbalanced. China has stood to benefit considerably more from growing economic ties with Latin America
than have its various Latin American partners. Trade, in particular, is imbalanced - with China exporting
manufactured goods to Latin America and importing mostly commodities. Recent Chinese-language
academic literature suggests the superiority of China's approach to economic growth and development.
Chinese literature also suggests that China's model of economic engagement is much more supportive of
real economic growth than that of the West. How does China view Latin America, and what does it have in
mind for future engagement? Will Latin America be capable of achieving balanced economic relations with