PARAMETRICAL REGULATION OF ECONOMIC GROWTH BASED ON ONE COMPUTABLE GENERAL EQUILIBRIUM MODEL TAKING INTO ACCOUNT NOISE EFFECTS Abdykappar A. Ashimov*, Bahyt T. Sultanov*, Yuriy V. Borovskiy*, Simon Ya. Serovajsky**, Nikolay Yu. Borovskiy*, Askar A. Ashimov*, Bakytzhan A. Aisakova* *The Kazakh National Technical University **The al-Farabi Kazakh National University *050013, Almaty, 22 Satpaev str, Republic of Kazakhstan **050012, Almaty, 39/47 Masanchi str, Republic of Kazakhstan Email: ABSTRACT The work presents the application results of the parametrical regulation theory for a computable general equilibrium model with additive noise. The application efficiency of one method of parametrical identification of the examined computable general equilibrium model of economic sectors was shown. Optimal (in sense characterizing economic growth) values of regulated parameters for the deterministic and stochastic versions of the model were found. KEY WORDS Stochastic modelling, identification, parametrical regulation, dynamic system with additive noise. 1. Introduction The computable general equilibrium model of economic sectors, designed to study the effects of certain agentsproducers on economic growth, describes important features of behavior of economic agents and their interactions on macroeconomic markets and do not take into account the number of random occurring events, for example, such as shocks from the supply side (production and supply of labor), irregularities on the demand side (preferences, investment specificity, government spending), the effect of increasing costs or margins (markups supplements to wages and salaries, risk premiums), irregularities of monetary circulation (interest rates, etc.). In the present work we adopted the assumption that these and other possible irregularities in the mathematical model of national economy can be simulated by adding additive noise to the right sides of the dynamical equations of the corresponding mathematical model of economic system. Also in order to find an effective strategy of economic growth, we applied methods of the theory of parametrical regulation of national economy evolution, effectiveness of which is shown on a class of models in the form of continuous or discrete dynamic systems [1]- [4], in particular on models of general equilibrium (so called CGE-models [5]). 2. Representation of computable general equilibrium models taking into account the effect of random influences on economic growth The determinate computable general equilibrium model in the general form is presented by the following system of relations [5, Ch. 3]. 1) The subsystem of difference equations, relating the values of endogenous variables for two consecutive years: π₯(π‘ + 1) = π(π₯(π‘), π¦(π‘), π§(π‘), π’(π‘), π), π₯(0) = π₯0 , (1) Here π‘ = 0, 1, … , π − 1 – number of a year, discrete time; π₯Μ(π‘) = (π₯(π‘), π¦(π‘), π§(π‘)) ∈ π π – vector of endogenous variables of the system; π₯(π‘) = (π₯ 1 (π‘), π₯ 2 (π‘), … , π₯ π1 (π‘)) ∈ π1 (π‘), π¦(π‘) = (π¦1 (π‘), π¦ 2 (π‘), … , π¦ π2 (π‘)) ∈ π2 (π‘), (2) π§(π‘) = (π§1 (π‘), π§ 2 (π‘), … , π§ π3 (π‘)) ∈ π3 (π‘). Here π₯(π‘) variables include values of fixed assets of producing sectors, balances in agents’ bank accounts, etc.; π¦(π‘) include agents’ demand and supply values in different markets, etc.; π§(π‘) – different types of market prices and budget shares in markets with state prices for different economic agents; π1 + π2 + π3 = π; π’(π‘) and πΌ vectors of exogenous parameters, π’(π‘) = (π’1 (π‘), π’2 (π‘), … , π’π (π‘)) ∈ π(π‘) ⊂ π π – vector of controlled (regulated) parameters; π1 (π‘), π2 (π‘), π3 (π‘), π(π‘), – compact sets with nonempty interiors; π = (π1 , π2 , … , π π ) ∈ π΄ ⊂ π π - vector of unregulated parameters, π΄ – open connected set; π: π1 (π‘) × π2 (π‘) × π3 (π‘) × π(π‘) × π΄ → π π1 – continuous mapping for π‘ = 0, 1, … , π − 1. 2) The subsystem of algebraic equations, describing behavior and interaction of agents in different markets during the selected year. These equations allow the expression of variables π¦(π‘) in terms of exogenous parameters and the remaining endogenous variables: π¦(π‘) = π(π₯(π‘), π§(π‘), π’(π‘), π). (3) Here π: π1 (π‘) × π3 (π‘) × π(π‘) × π΄ → π π2 – continuous mapping; π‘ = 0, 1, … , π. 3) The subsystem of recurrent relations for iterative calculations of equilibrium values of market prices in different markets and of budget shares in markets with state prices for different economic agents: π§π+1 (π‘) = β(π¦π (π‘), π§π (π‘), πΏ, π’(π‘), π). (4) Here π = 0, 1, … – iteration number; πΏ – set of positive numbers (adjustable iteration constants, when their values decrease the economic system reaches the equilibrium state faster, but the risk that the price go to the negative domain increases); β: π2 (π‘) × π3 (π‘) × (0, +∞)π3 × π(π‘) × π΄ → π π3 – continuous mapping (which is contracting when π₯(π‘) ∈ π1 (π‘), π’(π‘) ∈ π(π‘), π ∈ π΄ are fixed and some fixed πΏ. In this case β mapping has a single fixed point, to which the iterative process (3), (4) converges); t = 0, 1, … , n. Computable model (1), (3), (4) for given fixed values of exogenous variables for each moment of t time defines values of endogenous variables π₯Μ(π‘) that correspond to the demand and supply equilibrium in the markets of agents’ goods and services in the framework of the following algorithm. 1) On the first step we assume that π‘ = 0 and initial values of π₯(0) variables are set. 2) On the second step for a current we set initial values of variables π§0 (π‘) for the current π‘ in different markets and for different agents; with the help of (2) we calculate values of π¦0 (π‘) = π(π₯(π‘), π§0 (π‘), π’(π‘), π) (agents’ initial demand and supply values in markets of goods and services). 3) On the third step for the current t we run the iterative process (4). Meanwhile for each value of π current demand and supply values are defined from (3): π¦π (π‘) = π(π₯(π‘), π§π (π‘), π’(π‘), π) through the refinement of market prices and budget shares of economic agents. A condition for stopping the iterative process is the equality of the demand and supply in various markets. As a result, we determine the equilibrium values of market prices in every market and of budget shares in markets with state prices for different economic agents. π index for such equilibrium values of endogenous variables is omitted. 4) On the next step using obtained equilibrium solution for t time with the help of the difference equations (1) we find the values of π₯(π‘) variables for the next moment of time. A value of π‘ is incremented by one. Transition to the step 2. The number of iterations of steps 2, 3, 4 is determined in accordance with the problems of parametrical identification, forecasting and control for the pre-selected time intervals. A stochastic computable general equilibrium model (stochastic computable model) obtained from the deterministic model (1), (3), (4), is the model to the dynamical equation’s (1) right side of which we added an additive noise π(π‘) for π‘ = 0, … , π − 1: π₯(π‘ + 1) = π(π₯(π‘), π¦(π‘), π§(π‘), π’(π‘), πΌ) + π(π‘), π₯(0) = π₯0 , (5) that is a model of type (5), (3), (4). Let us formulate the problem of variational calculus of the parametrical regulation optimal law synthesis for the stochastic computable model. Problem 1. Given the vector of unregulated parameters π ∈ π΄ find such law of parametrical regulation π’(π‘) ∈ π(π‘), π‘ = 1, … , π , so that corresponding to it solution of the dynamical system (5), (3), (4) satisfies the condition for specified t values π[π₯Μ(π‘)] ∈ π1 (π‘) × π2 (π‘) × π3 (π‘), π‘ = 1, … , π (6) and provides maximum to the functional πΎπ = π{∑ππ‘=1 πΉπ‘ [π₯Μ(π‘)]}. (7) Here πΉπ‘ – some continuous functions, π – mathematical expectation. 3. Computing experiments of finding optimal values of regulated parameters based on the parametrical regulation theory 3.1 The results of the parametrical identification of a deterministic computable model of economic sectors The considered model according to the statistical data of the Republic of Kazakhstan is presented by the following nineteen economic agents (sectors): Sector β 1. Agriculture, hunting and forestry; Sector β 2. Fishing and fish breeding; Sector β 3. Mining industry; Sector β 4. Manufacturing industry; Sector β 5. Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water; Sector β 6. Construction; Sector β 7. Trade, car repairs and repair of products of house using; Sector β 8. Hotels and restaurants; Sector β 9. Transport and communication; Sector β 10. Financial activity; Sector β 11. Operations with real estate, rent and services to enterprises; Sector β 12. Public administration; Sector β 13. Education; Sector β 14. Public health services and social services; Sector β 15. Other municipal, social and personal services; Sector β 16. Services in housekeeping; Sector β 17. Aggregate consumer including housekeeping activities; Sector β 18. Government, represented by central, regional and local governments and also by non-budget funds. This sector also involves noncommercial organizations serving households (political parties, trade unions, public associations etc.); Sector β 19. Banking sector, involving Central bank and commercial banks. Here the economic sectors β 1 – 16 are producing agents. The considered model is presented in the framework of general expressions of relations (1), (3), (4) respectively by π1 = 67, π2 = 597, π3 = 34 expressions, with the help of which values of 698 endogenous variables are calculated. This model also contains 2045 estimable exogenous parameters. The problem of parametrical identification of the studied macroeconomic mathematical model consists of finding estimations of unknown values of its parameters that enable to reach the minimum value of the objective function which defines deviations of output variables’ values of the model from the corresponding observed values (known statistical data). This problem reduces to finding minimum value of the objective function of several variables (parameters) in some closed domain Ω of Euclidian space under the constraints of type (2), imposed on values of endogenous variables. In the case of a large dimension of the domain of unknown parameters’ possible values, standard methods of finding extremums of functions are often ineffective due to the presence of several local minimums of the objective function. Below, we propose the algorithm that takes into account the peculiarities of the problem of parametrical identification of macroeconomic models and allows circumventing the problem of “local extremums”. For the estimation of possible values of exogenous parameters, as the domain Ω ⊂ π × π΄ × π1 we considered the domain of π+π +π1 Ω = ∏π=1 [ππ , ππ ] type, where [ππ , ππ ] – the interval of ππ parameter’s possible values, π = 1 ÷ (π + π + π1 ). Meanwhile, estimates of parameters, for which observed values existed, were searched in [ππ , ππ ] intervals with centers in corresponding observed values (in case if there is one such value). Other [ππ , ππ ] intervals for parameters searching were chosen with the help of indirect assessments of their possible values. In computing experiments the Nelder-Mead [6] algorithm of the directed search was applied for finding the minimum values of a continuous function πΉ: Ω → π of several variables with additional constraints on endogenous variables of type (2). Application of this algorithm for the starting point π1 ∈ Ω can be interpreted as a sequence {π1 , π2 , … } which converges to the point of local minimum π0 = argmin πΉ of function F where Ω,(2) πΉ(ππ+1 ) ≤ πΉ(ππ ); ππ ∈ Ω; π = 1,2, …. While describing the following algorithm let us assume that π0 point can be found sufficiently exactly. To solve the problem of parametrical identification of the considered computable model based on the apparent assumption of the mismatch (in general case) of minimum points of two different functions, two criteria of the following types were proposed: πΎπ΄ (π) = √ 1 ππΌ (π‘2 −π‘1 +1) 2 π΄ ∑π‘π‘=π‘ ∑ππ=1 πΌπ ( 1 2 π¦ π (π‘)−π¦ π∗ (π‘) π¦ π∗ (π‘) ) , (8) πΎπ΅ (π) = √ 1 ππ½(π‘2 −π‘1 +1) 2 π΅ ∑π‘π‘=π‘ ∑ππ=1 π½π ( 1 π¦ π (π‘)−π¦ π∗ (π‘) π¦ π∗ (π‘) 2 ) . Here {π‘1 , … , π‘2 } – the time span of identification; π¦ π (π‘), π¦ π∗ (π‘) – calculated and observed values of the model’s output variables respectively; πΎπ΄ (π) – auxiliary criterion, πΎπ΅ (π) – basic criterion; ππ΅ > ππ΄ ; πΌπ > 0 and π½π > 0 – some weight coefficients, which values are determined by solving the problem of parametrical ππ΄ identification of the dynamic system; ∑π=1 πΌπ = π πΌ ; ππ΅ ∑π=1 π½π = ππ½ . The algorithm of solution to the problem of parametrical identification of the model was selected in the form of the following steps. 1. The problems π΄ and π΅ (problems of a finding of the specified minima of functions πΎπ΄ (π) and πΎπ΅ (π) accordingly) are solved simultaneously for some vector of initial values of parameters π1 ∈ Ω. As a result points ππ΄0 and ππ΅0 are found. 2. If πΎπ΅ (ππ΅0 ) < π, then the problem of parametrical identification of the model (1), (3), (4) is considered to be solved. 3. Otherwise, the problem π΄ is solved taking the point ππ΅0 as a starting point π1 and the problem π΅ is solved taking the point ππ΄0 as a starting point π1 . Proceed to step 2. Sufficiently large number of iterations of steps 1, 2, 3 gives an opportunity for searched values of parameters to come out from neighborhood of points of non-global minimums of one criterion with the help of another criterion and thus to solve the problem of parametrical identification. As a result of simultaneous solving of the problems A and B applying the stated algorithm with the help of the Nelder-Mead algorithm [6] the values πΎπ΄ = 0.015 and πΎπ΅ = 0.0063 were obtained. Meanwhile the relative magnitude of the deviations of calculated values of the variables used in the basic criteria from the corresponding observed values was less than 0.63%. The results of calculation and retrospective forecasting of the model for 2008 that are partially presented in Table 1 demonstrate calculated (π, ππ, π), observed values and deviations of calculated values of basic output variables of the model from corresponding observed values. Here the time interval 2000-2007 corresponds to the period of the parametrical identification of the model; year of 2008 is the period of retrospective forecasting, π – total output ( × 1012 tenge, in prices of 2000); ππ – GDP ( × 1012 tenge, in prices of 2000); π – consumer price index in percentage of the previous year, the sign “*” corresponds to the observed values, the sign “Δ” corresponds to the deviations (in percentage) of calculated values from the corresponding observed values. 3.2 Finding optimal values of regulated parameters based on the stochastic computable model of economic sectors The stochastic computable model of economic sectors was obtained from the corresponding deterministic model (with found by solving the problem of parametrical identification estimate values of exogenous parameters) by adding discrete Gaussian noise with independent components to the right sides of all dynamic equations (5) of the model. Values to the order of magnitude smaller compared to the values of deterministic parts of the corresponding dynamic equations were taken as the standard deviations of Gaussian random variables defining the noise. Year Y* Y In solving the stated above problem 1 of parametrical regulation based on the stochastic computable model of economic sectors as the optimization criterion we used the criterion of the following form (7) 1 πΎ1 = π { ∑2015 π‘=2010 π(π‘)} → max. 6 Here πΎ1 is mathematical expectation of the average gross output of the country in prices of 2000 for 20102015. In computing experiments the calculation of the criterion πΎ1 was carried out in the following way. By applying the Monte-Carlo method N realizations of the random process π(π‘) were simulated, after N calculations of the model for all these simulations that are alternately used in the equations (5), average values of expressions 1 2015 ∑ π(π‘) on these π simulations were taken as the 6 π‘=2010 value of πΎ1 criterion. Similarly, the conditions of the type (6) of endogenous variables belonging to the given domains of the phase space of the model were checked. The value of πΎ1 criterion for the basic computational variant (applying the values of exogenous parameters, obtained as a result of the model’s parametrical identification) equals to πΎ1 = 0.9891 β 1013 . During the experiments with the optimization criterion (9) the constraints on growth of consumer prices of the following type was used: π(π(π‘)) ≤ 1.09π(πΜ (π‘)), π‘ = 2010 ÷ 2015. Here πΜ (π‘) – calculated consumer price level of the model without parametrical regulation, π(π‘) – consumer price level with parametrical regulation. In the computational experiments the regulation of 1536 π exogenous parameters was carried out ππ (π‘) (π‘ = 2010 ÷ 2015; π, π = 1 ÷ 16) – of π-th agent- Table 1 Observed, calculated values of output variables of the model and corresponding deviations 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 5.44 6.32 6.47 6.86 7.72 8.52 9.25 9.69 9.84 5.38 6.32 6.47 6.86 7.72 8.52 9.27 9.64 9.82 -1.22 -0.02 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.08 0.21 -0.51 -0.26 2.45 2.78 3.05 3.36 3.72 4.09 4.55 5.01 5.18 ππ 2.47 2.78 3.05 3.35 3.72 4.09 4.55 5.01 5.20 Δππ 0.88 0.07 -0.04 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.04 -0.15 0.38 P* P 106.4 106.6 106.8 106.7 107.5 108.4 118.8 109.5 107.6 106.8 106.9 106.7 107.3 108.2 118.6 109.4 Δπ 1.13 0.18 0.08 -0.05 -0.23 -0.22 -0.24 -0.05 π₯π ππ ∗ (9) producer’s budget shares, assigned to purchase of goods and services, that are produced by π-th agent-producer for the years of 2010-2015. Here 16 π ∑ ππ (π‘) ≤ 1 π=1 for the specified values of i, j and t. Basic values of the specified shares, obtained as a result of solution of the parametrical identification problem according to the data π for 2000-2008 are expressed in terms of πΜ π , π, π = 1 ÷ 16. The following problem of finding the values of regulated vectors parameters was considered. Based on the stochastic computable model of economic sectors find π values of agent-producers budget shares (ππ (π‘); π, π = 1 ÷ 16 ; π‘ = 2010 ÷ 2015) that would provide the upper bound of πΎ1 criterion under the following additional constraints on these shares: π π π 0.5πΜ π ≤ ππ (π‘) ≤ 2πΜ π ; π, π = 1 ÷ 16; π‘ = 2010 ÷ 2015. The solution of this optimization problem was obtained with the help of Nelder-Mead algorithm [6]. After application of the parametrical regulation of the stochastic model’s budget shares, the value of the criterion turned out to be πΎ1 = 1.2453 β 1013 its value increased by 25.89% as compared to the basic variant. The analogous problem of the parametrical regulation with corresponding constraints was solved on the basis of the deterministic CGE model of economic sectors by applying the criterion πΎ2 (a deterministic analogue of the criterion (9)): 1 K 2 = ∑2015 t=2010 Y(t). 6 After application of the parametrical identification of agent producer’s budget shares the criterion value of the deterministic model turned out to be equal to πΎ2 = 1.6283 ⋅ 1013 , the value of the criterion increased by 33.14% as compared to the basic variant. If to compare the results of the problem of the variational calculus on the basis of stochastic and deterministic computable models of general equilibrium, one can say that there is a reduction in the estimated value of the functional of the variational problem, taking into account the disturbing violations in the deterministic computable general equilibrium model in the form of additive noise. 4. Conclusion The paper shows the application efficiency of the parametrical regulation theory by the example of one stochastic computable model of economic sectors. The application effectiveness of the proposed method of parametrical identification was demonstrated. The method of optimal values estimation of regulated parameters of economic policy based on the considered mathematical model was proposed and estimations of regulated parameters’ optimal values were found. The obtained results can be used in the development and implementation of effective state economic policy. References [1] A.A. Ashimov, B.T. Sultanov, Zh.M. Adilov, Yu.V. Borovskiy, D.A. Novikov, R.M. Nizhegorodcev, & As.A. Ashimov, Macroeconomic analysis and economic policy based on parametrical regulation (Moscow: Physmatlit, 2010, in Russian). [2] Π.Π. Ashimov, N.A. Iskakov, Yu.V. Borovskiy, B.T. Sultanov, & As.Π. 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